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WHITNEY STRING HEADED FOR KENTUCKY James Rowo Sends Instructions for Immediate Pre ¬ paration of the Ten Stalls at Churchill Downs Louisville Ky April 28 It Is now settled that II P Whitneys unbeaten illy Regret will surely be a starter in the coining Kentucky Derby which will open Hie spring meeting at Churchill Downs on Saturday May 8 Yesterday word came from trainer James Howe asking that ten stalls be pre ¬ pared for him at once at the Downs and it was decided to put him In the same barn In which trainer A J Goldsborough has quartered the string of Andrew Miller and of which stable the mighty Koanier and the Kentucky Derby and Oaks candi ¬ date Lady Hotha are members Kegret has an unbeaten record having won her three starts last season embracing the Saratoga Special Hopeful and Sanford Memorial stakes She was also the largest money winning twoyearold of the racing reason of 1014 her earnings being 17i0 llegrct 17i0llegrct will lie the first real turf queen to carry colors in the Kentucky Derby There has been In years past some good fillies that raced In the Kentucky Derby but never before has such a champion of this sex started In the great race in its fortyone seasons of running Kegret de ¬ feated all the crack colts and geldings last season with the exception of James Butlers unbeaten Last Coin and the fact that James Kowe has pre ¬ pared her to face the barrier In the coming Derby puts a iien phase on the rich stake for while no filly has ever won tills Kentucky classic the best judges feel that if Kegret is as good this season as she was as a twoyearold in 1014 she must be reckoned as a barrier In the path of all other prominent candidates for the big race From all accounts her spring training has fulfilled every ex ¬ pectation of her skillful trainer who for the first time in his life is coining to Kentucky with a string of horses and the fact that he Is bringing Kegret to start in the Derby indicates that he has confidence in the ability of that grand filly to hold her own on May S with the crack colts and geldings engaged In this stake stakeWith With Kegret trainer Kowe will probably bring two other Derby candidates iu Prince Henry and Spun Glass but it is not believed that either will go to tlie post in the Derby unless some mishap should befall the noted filly Of the older horses he will bring here the most distinguished Is that fiveyearold son of Disguise II Harmonlcon the sevenyearold Borrow and the fiveyearold geld ¬ ing Pandean a half brother to Luke McLukc liar monkoil Is a half brother to Hilarious and has the reputation of having been the smartest sprinter iu England for several seasons lie won the Sal ford Borough Handicap at Manchester the July Handicap at Newmarket the King Georgo Handi ¬ cap at Goodwood under 130 pounds from Flying Orb Great Surprise and Hornets Beauty and the SnallweIl Handicap at Newmarket under 1CS pounds from horses of about the same quality Borrow won the Saratoga Handicap after his return from England last year and Pandean shijwed In his races that he is a long distance runner If trainer Kowe brings any other horses here than those named above they will likely be twoyearolds though he is known to have a promising threeyear old maiden or two twoIf If Kegret wins the Derby it will be nearly a foregone conclusion that she will also capture the Oaks as she will not even be called upon to carry any penalty in the latter racq Mr Whitney however has Spun Glass also engaged in the Oaks From all accounts Mr Kowe lias trained Regret for the Derby as a colt might be trained She Is a fine doer with as level a head as any horse in training Regrets sire Broomstick has a pre ¬ vious Kentucky Derby winner to his credit in the noted Meridian and Broomsticks sire Ben Brush won the Derby in 1S0 Her great grandsire on the dams side Riley won the Derby in 1810 and Hanover the sire of Hamburg her graiidsirc on the danrs side got a Derby winner In Halmi which in turn sired the Derby winner of 1002 AIlanaDale AIlanaDaleSecretary Secretary II C Applegate is distributing among the horsemen the book program for the coming meeting at the Downs which contains the full program of seven races daily for the first sewn days of the meeting as well as all the stake nominations The program for the last five days of racing will appear on Friday May 14 jm book which is embellished with a handsomo frontispiece of Old Rosebud the sensational Kentucky Derby winner of last season and on the back with a cut of Aristides the first winner of the Kentucky Derby is full of interesting information embracing a table giving the winners place and show horse In the Kentucky Derby dating from the year of its establishment It also carries a tabled history of all thq other stakes to be run off this season it tho Downs The dates on which these will be de ¬ cided are given below Kentucky Derby with 10COO added Saturday May S Debutante Stakes with 2000 added Monday May 10 Bashford Manor Stakes with 2000 added Wednesday May 12 Clark Handicap with 2000 added Saturday May ir Juvenile Stakes with 1000 added Mon ¬ day Mav 17 Frank Febr Stakes with 1000 added Wednesday May 19 Kentucky Oaks with 2rOO added Friday May 21 21Entries Entries for the opening days races at the Downs will close at 100 a in In the Secretarys office at the track on Friday May 7 On succeeding davs they will close at the same hour hourThe The program for the first day of racing at the Downs this spring shows an aggregate added value to the seven races of i SOO which makes it the richest program ever offered on any race track In Kentucky for a single afternoons sport Th officers who will serve during the meeting and the racing officials are as follows followsPresident President Charles F Grainger GraingerVicePresident VicePresident and Manager tM J Winn WinnSecretary Secretary and Treasurer II C Applegate Stewards Charles F Price E C Hopper and John T Ireland IrelandSteward Steward Representing Kentucky State Kacing Commission T II Talbot TalbotPlacing Placing Judges W 12 Shcley Ed Jasper and E W McGinn McGinnStarter Starter Harrv Morrlssey MorrlsseyClerk Clerk of the Scales W II Shelley ShelleyKacing Kacing Secretary Kd Jasper JasperHandicappcr Handicappcr E W McGinn McGinnPaddock Paddock Judge Dr M M Leach LeachTimer Timer S K Hughes HughesPatrol Patrol Judge Charles E Wright WrightTelegraphic Telegraphic Censor Vcrnon Sanders SandersSupervisor Supervisor ParlMutuel Machines W II Laude 111111 111111Track Track Physician Dr J A O Brcnnan BrcnnanThe The racing this spring at the Downs will com ¬ mence dally at 2M p m sharp sharpTrainer Trainer K C Benson is much delighted with the performances In the east of the twoyearold George Smith which followed up a previous win hy taking the Aberdeen stakes at Havre de Grace Monday In track record time from the two recent winners King Neptune and Broomvalc respective members of the stables of J S Tyree and II I Whitney Trainer Benson bought the sire of George Smith imported Out of Reach for James Butler last fall in Kentucky and the mares the latter turfman has In stud will all be mated to this sou of Persimmon this season In this number is the good filly Climber which was a high elass stake winner last season but did not do well after mid ¬ summer when it was decided by her owner and trainer not to attempt to race her again as a twovearold