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SIXTH RACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards 3yearolds and upward Selling Handicap 92432 142 5 AMALFI ch g 7 115 By The Scribe Tarantella H T Wilson 20193 Pimlico lmCOyl47hvy 2320 116 4 5 31 32 J McCahey 5 Lazuli Progressive Glint 20101 ILdeGce Im70yl44fast 1310 113 3 4 I2 I4 J McCahey 4 Boxer Abbotsford Carlolie 18493 HdeGce Im70yl41fast 135 109 7 G 3h 2l J McCahey 8 GMMiller B Thistle LNearer 18433 HdeGce Im70yl46 good 185 109 1 4 4IS3S2 415 U J McCahey 5 LNearcr Thornliill Har Shaw IS3S2 Pimlico 1 116 l47fast 3 115 3 3 3 532J McCahey 5 Thonihill Holiday Lit Nearer 18301 Pimlico 1 1S 154 fast 1310 110 1 G 21 n J McCahey 7 Polly H Workg Lad Lochiel 18137 Laurel 1 11G l45 fast 65 110 3 4 410 jnt j McCnhey G Spearhead Ilolldiiy Thornhill 18071 Laurel 1 18 152 fast 2720 103 1 G 5 3 1 J McCahey 0 Klwah Polly II G M Miller 17594 Laurel 1 116 145 fast 75 107 4 5 11 I1 J McCahey G Ambrose Blue Thistle Bac 17529 HdeGce Im70yl44 fast 1310 104 5 5 31 in J McCahoy 5 Ambrose Maanasseh Work Lad ORLIN KRIPP br h 5 104 1042010S By Sileo Afamada E L Kripp 2010S HdeGce lm70yl46V good 2 lOiJt G 7 21 I5 H Cavgh S Orotund DrDuenr Chtophine 20047 HdeGce Im70yl43tast 93 110 5 G 22 J Metcalf 9 TField VcnStrome Stoiiehge 16168 Butte 1 116 l46fast 4 ill 3i H Cayanh G Zoroaster Cstophine JGraham 15972 Butte 1 116 l46fast 32 114 35 J Washer 4 Zoroaster Christopulne Barsac 15S12 Butte Im70y 143 fast 2 113 22 F Stevens 4 Chrlstophine Kelsetta Barsac 15743 Butte 1 l40fast 4 115 22 F Stevens 4 Christopliine B Getty Kelsetta 15351 Butte 1 11G l4Gfast 1110 114 in F Stevens 4 Kelsetta Chrlstophlne B Getty 15341 Butte Im20y l42fast 2 108 1s F Stevens 4 MImorioso Chrlstophine BGetty BGettyBv PROGRESSIVE ch h 5 109 Bv Cesarion Star Cat Mrs T Francis 0193 Pimlico lmGOyl47hvy 235 109 1 1 11 2 R Shilling 5 Ixizidi Ainaltl Glint 20039 HdeGce Im70yl43 fast G 100 2 1 12 2J R Shilling S ClIITField Lochiel WoodShoes 20031 HdeGce 34 l13fast 7 108 6 35 I1 R Shilling 9 Water Lily Cov Glint 20023 HdeGce 34 l14fast 25 108 11 h i J McTagtl2 Srallywg RMeteor orRnssell 20003 Bowie 1143 fast G 102 5 G 6 6 = 2 W Ural G Scpieeler Yodeling LitKngland 19969 Bowie 34 l14Vifast 60 102 1 01 65i W Ural 7 Star Gift Briar Path Snueeler 19634 Havana 1 l40faat 6 98 4 41950S 4 6 2VV Urnl G Nash Lochiel Ln Mode 1950S Havana 34 l155sgood 5 103 C G 5 1 W Ural 7 Colle Encore Cliff Field FieldBy RICHARD LANGDON bit g 5 109 By Dick Welles Lass of Langdon R Jackson 20203 Pimlico 1 143 good G5 312 3 1 1201S3 1 = ink H Lafferty 5 Warlock Fly Home Locuicl 201S3 Pimlico 34116 mud 3710 11G 3 42 5 i C Fbther 7 Faker Joo Deibold Crasshnn 20105 HdeGce 3m70yl4Ggood 31 108 1 1 I2 i C Fbther 4 ClilTFioId Lochiel Emer 5em 20071 HdeGce Im70yl44 fast 165 113 2 1 23 34 C Fbther G Jawbone Orperth Towton Field 19992 Bowie 1 116 l51fast 32 117 G 1 12 1J J McTagt G Lazuli The Rump Orperth 19945 Bowie Im20yl45fast 41 112 7 1 13 I5 J McTagt 7 Pa ton Little England Trovato 19917 Bowie 1 11G l52good 41 110 G 1 I2 I3 T McTagt 8 Peacock Tomllancock FordMal FordMalBy CARLTON G ch h 8 94 By Carlton Grange Resignation J 8 Owtfbeyl 20220 Pimlico 34 l14fast 1110 102 1 52 52 T Nolan 11 CAslimde VStrome Yorkvillo 20132 HdeGce 34 l4iysslow 4 110 10 10200S1 fi2 35 T Nolan 12 Monty Fox Pharaoh Yorkville 200S1 IIdeGce 51 f 107 fast 10 106 10 10 63J T Nolan 10 Ada Anne Colors Sleuth 20010 HdeGce 34 114 fast 20 114 5 519S32 5 43 W Obert 5 Elwali I igle Videt 19S32 Havana 51 f 110 good 10 104 3 319S31 7 G l W Hinphy 7 Ycl Eyes Tiger Jim Sherwoof 19S31 Havana 51 f 110 good S 115 G 6 5 1 W Hinphy 7 MPmity nHwd DrRLSge 51 f 121 hvy 12 111 6 G 5t5 R Waidron 7 A N AKln Tiger Jim WanU 1S7G9 Charlen Im20y 143 fast 5 109 2 4 4ISIDORA 32 31 J Connors 11 KofSavoy BAround FiftyEfl ISIDORA ch m 6 104 By Isidor Auriesville P M Walker JM JMfl 20211 Pimlico 7S l2Cfast 4 99 5 7 fl 713 J McCahey 8 Kleburne Kewessa RCiin 0190 Pimlico 34 l14hvy 9 102 fi 4s 452 E Ambrose R PomBlen Br Cnnarder i 20009 HdeGce 51 f l03fast 20 105 9 G3 Gl J McTagt 9 TPoint Miramlchl Sin 19970 Bowie 78 l27fast 3 lOrt 4J 321 E Ambrose G Joe Deibold Celto B G 19S96 Bowie 34 l17slow 3 106 1067S 41 42 E Ambrose 7 Cclto JimBaspy Br A 19S3S Bowie 7S l27fast 5 103 42 in E Ambrose 5 BCunarder HarShaw 18508 HdcGce 51 f l07fast 85 308 G2 32 R Shilling 7 ITseelt Prairie Coy A 1S4C3 HdeGce 34 113 fast 5 103 4 G G l J McCahey G Housemaid Coquette WARLOCK br g 4 107 By Bryn Mawr Ruth Parrish W F i 0205 Pimlico 1 143 good 134 107 1 3 3201SC 2U 2k P Goidstn 5 It Langdon Fly 1 201SC Pimlico 1 l43mud 4720 110 1 31 I1 P Goidstn 9 Volant Schnapps 17417 Wdbine 34 l13good 27 11 7 7 2 R Neander S Dicks IV t Olga 17329 Wdbine 1 116 l4Sfast 1 98 4 5 2l 2 R Neander 0 J Giaham SigJ 17018 BlueBon 1 l39fast 10 97 6 3 4s 4 R Shilling G Inkle RndolfoJ 16840 BlueBon 1 l39fast CO 97 11 10 10163SO 8s G l A Collins It Dorothy Dean 163SO Conght 1 l42fast 40 99 7 7 71G475 52 5 J McAtee 10 Stout Ileartj 1G475 SaratoRa t l44mud 31 113 5 8 331 h G Burns 12 Petelns SyoJ OROTUND ch f 4 101 By Hippodrome Olcvia R 0108 HdeGce Im70yl4rgood 93 95 G 2 1 2 = L McAtee 8 OKripp 0072 HdpGce Im70yl144ffast 7 303 5 11 111S4C4 5l 4s A SchuferI2 Ituzz Ar 1S4C4 IIdeGce 3m70yl464ffast 4 103 4 3 ink 2 J Smyth 11 Jim Raw 18129 ILdeGce Im70yl47 slow 7 100 fi G n 31 R Shilling 7 StarGilJ 18361 Pimlico 34 l12fast G 104 S S1S2U Ci 53 J McTagrt 9 Crossljl 1S2U Laurel 1 116 lICfast 4710 102 fl G 8 8 = iD Steward S Mud 1 18097 Laurel 1 116 l4Cfast 14 101 7 2 1 3l J McTagrt 7 Wor1 17974 Laurel 1 l40fast 5710 102 7 4 4t 4J J JIcTagrt 0 Ksf SPEARHEAD br c 4 110 1101SC60 By Aeronaut Dartee E B Cassatt 1SC60 Phnlico 1 1S l54fast 3110 110 3 2 2 21S259 3 2i 2 T Davies 4 UMMiller ISshylleail Bllmah 1S259 Laurel 1 11G l43fast J5 107 4 2 2 1 1s l T Davies o Holiday Brynlhnah Good Day 18153 Laurel 1 116 l45fast 3310 101 3 2 2 2 2 3 J P Ryan i WorkLad Thornhill Bryullniah 18137 Laurel 1 116 l45fast 23 100 1 1 1 11S012 1 1 1 2k J 1 Uyan i Amain Holiday Thornhill 1S012 Laurel 1 116 l52slop 185 102 2 2 3 3K322 3 3 3 i 1 MeTagrt 4 Manasseh Thnrnhill Uneln Mnn K322 PlpRk Abli 215 fast 35 143 1 1 1 1 1 T Davies 4 Coreopsis LofLgden S Laddie 17260 Bclmont 1 1S l52fast 5 107 3 1 1 1 I 2l T Davies a Virile Easter Star