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PIMLICO ENTRIES Probabilities Weather clear track fast Racing starts at 2tO p in Chicago time 130 XRuus well in mud Superior mud runner M maidens Apprentice allowance allowanceFirst First Race 1 Mile and 40 Yards 3yearolds HandicapTrack and upward Selling Handicap Track record 02025 142 07 Ind Horse Wt Roc AWtIIan AWtIIan202KI 202KI Towtou Field 107 141JS 7 100X725 i Cogs 5 1 If IfPetelus 00X720 00X720i Petelus i K KSipulvoda 105 X Sipulvoda IOC 145 S 11 11York 105 X York Lad 107 147 K KBattery lOfil Battery 5 t tOakhurst 92X710 Oakhurst 1 o7io i Mycenae 0 1C 1CDr 105X710 Dr Charcot 4 f fSecond 01X705 Second Race 2 Miles MilesSteeplechase Steeplechase4ycarolds Steeplechase 4ycarolds and upward Allowances Track record 8114 4aj 8 140 2020J5 Swish 7 149X725 Rock Fish M 5 144X720 Tom Horn fi 144X720 Abdon 5 144X715 Collector 4 135X715 Indian Arrow 4 135 710 Devoter M 4 135 710 Golden Vale 51 r 144 710 Election Bet M MThird 4 134X705 Third Race 1 Mile 3yearolds Handicap Track record 02502 1 3 20101 = Celto 101 141 107X725 20118 Lady Teresa 05X720 05X720100X720 20211 Runes 100X720 20211 Ninety Simplex 00X715 20 ISO Sli3 Volant 102 l45m 00 00X715 00X715110X710 20100 0 Ruzzano OS l3flf 110 110SSS 110X710 110X710120X710 1S3SSS SSS Trial by Jury 123 141 120 120Fourth 120X710 Fourth Race 34 Milo 3yearolds and upward Selling Handicap Track record 722 112 0 124 20204 Perthshire 117 112 7 100 725 20213 Marjorie A 100 112 7 105X720 20207 Yodeling 107 l15s 4 107X720 20098 Ella Brysou 102 1124 7 10SX715 20105 Emerald Gem 108 112V 4 111X710 20101 = Ainans 112 114 f 3 05X705 20104 Minstrel 102 102114 114 3 3103 103 705 18140 Zin Del 102 102113 113 3 103 103X7C5 1C078 Solon M 3 00 00Jifth 090 Jifth Race 4 12 Furlongs Furlongs2yearolds 2yearolds Maidens Selling SellingTrack Track record 2130 51 2 113 20037 = BESSLIEN 112 725 20121 = Tralec 07 55 107 107715 20202 Tribolo 110 37 115 710 20212 Tar Brush 107 57V 115 705 20202 Maccabee 107 5S 112 705 20212 Eddie T IOC 57 11 IK 705 20181 Life 112 112Plquette 090 Plquette ch f by The Picket Lit ¬ tle Em 112 112Sirth Sirth Race 1 Mile and 40 Yards Yards3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling Handicap HandicapTrack Track record 02525 1 42 3 07 20208 = El Oro 114 142 0 100X725 20188 = Balfron 4 111X720 202073 Daingerfield lOfi 145 i 103X720 20189 Little England 113 145 1 110X715 20201 Royal Meteor 107 143 7 104X715 20188 Hectograph 3 07X710 20100 Rolling Stone 7 100 710 20207 Dr Duenner IOC 140 7 103 703 703201SO 201SO Lady Innocence 4 95X703 95X703Seventh Seventh Race 1 Milo Milo3ycarolds 3ycarolds and upward Selling SellingTrack Track record 02002 130 3 112 2018 = Joe Dcibold 103 140 0 112X725 20214 = Lazuli 107 143 5 100 720 20103 = Progressive 110 130 5 110X715 20221 Cliff Haven 07 141 3 07 710 20205 Lochiel 123 138 7 110X710 20103 Glint 101 138 5 114X710 20233 Corn Broom 85 141 4 102X500 20105 Soldier 5 110 OSO CHURCHILL DOWNS ENTRIES ENTRIESProbabilities Probabilities Weather clear track fast Racing starts at 215 p in Chicago time 215 XRuns well in mud J Superior mud runner M maidens Apprentice allowance First Race 34 Mile 2yearolds Selling Track record 12128 111 2 105 Ind Horse Wt Rcc AWtIIan 14830 SuiKjrhnman 107 725 1S3 I5 Aunt Josie 102 112 112201SK5I 112X720 201SK5I Maznik 112112 112112201fcV 100X715 201fcV Manioc 07 1 13 102 71 5 1 1535 = Sinai 109 114 08X710 20110 = Gilt Edge 105 710 20100 Blackthorn 00 113 11310il 107X710 10il Mountain Pearl 100 115 100 705 20105 Betterton 104 110 105X705 20105 Pieasnreville M104 114 107X005 20100 Les Invalides 07 117 103 iOO 18150 Jack Carey 110114 113X090 113X090Second Second Race 34 Mile Mile3ycarolds 3ycarolds and upward Maidens Special Weights Track record 12128 111 2 105 20229 1 1 oos Hoo 107 700 10744 Virginia Field 105 595 20155 Bean Spiller 1051114 107 595 59513tti3 13tti3 = Splitit 105XC90 20073 Grumpy 1074115 107 MO 14010 Skiles Knob 107 G90 20201 Toner 102113 1115CW 1115CW1S57 1S57 Manners 104 114 4 115X000 18305 White Crown 107 114 107J0 18555 Bingo 108 117 107 083 18252 Ilattie Burton 102 118 105XOSO 20155 Oda May 103 114 r 113 ISO 15182 Badinage 105 575 15215 Blonde 113118 107 575 14918 Stonington J 107 075 075Third Third Race 34 Mile iyearolds and upward Allowances Track record 12128 111 2 2s 105 s Benanet TlOO 111 111ISoots 5 103X7 5 ISoots and Saddle 08 112 4 10S7 0 20124 Gipsey Love 4 103X75 18101 Runnymede 1001113 C 108 75 150 13s Mars Cassidy 3 100X70 1S3SS OJaiKiuut 3 108 720 Fourth Race 1 116 Miles 3ycarolds and upward Handicap Track record 08385 144 5 105 3 PRINCE HERMIS102 145 5 V VStar 1010740 Star Jasmine ICO 145 0 li liGrover 108X730 Grover Hughes 105 145 7 li liLeo 101X725 Leo Skolnv 101 144 4 1 1Dr 10tX725 Dr Samuel 115 144 4 1 1Fifth 100X725 Fifth Race 34 Mile Mile3yearolds SellingTrack 3yearolds Selling Track record 12128 111 2 105 105X725 20175 Biliy foe 1134113 1050720 2014S3 Izzetbey 1031113 101X715 20137 Grecian 100 113 107X715 20155 Stalwart Helen 1074113 111X710 18355 = Dundreary 103 705 20155 155 Mabel Montgon Montgomery110 114 107X705 18355 155 Martinos 105 114 100X705 20043 43 Pennyrock 110 114 110X705 17002 02 Alston 01 114 11 112 2 705 10554 54 Whims 103 500 500SO 17SS9 SO First Venture M103 l17m 10000 10000Sizth Sizth Race 1 116 Miles Miles3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling Handicap HandicapTrack Track record 0380 144 3 103 20177 The Grader 107 115 20115 Beiilah S 109 115 5 KWX720 20148 Star Actress 100 144 5 111X720 2022 Bonanza los 115 5 10S0715 20151 Expectation os J 145 4 100X715 20223 Robinetta 102 140 4 102X710 19105 = Rem 1071143 5 104X710 20127 U Stcppa 1051141 5 113X705 Seventh Race 1 116 Miles Miles4ycarolds SellingTrack 4ycarolds and unward Selling Track record OS3SC 144 5 105 20229 Prince Eugene 112 45 r 110X725 20220 = Buck Keenon 100 4 4 115X720 20220s Tlioughtreader 10 47 47151SS 4112X715 151SS Irish Gentlemen 108 45 7 113X715 20152 Rirka 4 105X710 20157 Coppertown 102 45 451724S s 110x710 1724S White Wool 104 45 4518020s 7110X710 18020s Helen M 91 45 45i0i9 4 inoxOi i0i9 Big Dipper 112147 112147QWOi 5 10SXC90 QWOi Fort Smuter uo 149