Second Race [2nd Pimlico, Daily Racing Form, 1915-05-18

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SECOND RACE 2 Miles Steeplechase 4yearolds and upward Selling Handicap 8114 349 S 149 IDLE Manpin1S509 MICHAEL ch e 7 146 By Potentate Bonnie Lizzie H W L Manpin 1S509 Senegambn1S449 HdeGce Afo 2 406 fast 1353424 211 I2 ll P Johnson 8 Orowoe Mys Light Senegambn 1S449 HdeGce Al 2 412 fast S5 151 732 1 2 39 F Will13 7 Syosset Orowoe Wooltex 18J25 Devoter1S413 HdeGce Ab 2 415 slow 41 145 2 1 1 2 215 2 N Brooks G Chupadero Fi A Stone Devoter 1S413 Girl1S304 HdeGce Ab 2 419 mud 1 347 G 5 4 3 21S 25 F Johnson 7 MysLight Jesuit Browuie Girl 1S304 Pimlico 2 359V fast 4 154 G 2 1 1 210 2 FJohnson S Scnegamlilan M Light Foxcraft IS111 FoxcraftIS111 Laurel Ab 2 420 fast 95 149 9 G 3 1 I1 3i F Williams 9 Mo Senegamblan Mystic Light 179SO Light179SO Laurel Ab 2 419 fast 1110 152 2 1 1 FelL F Williams S JCEwait Snegambian Orowoe 17553 Laurel Ab 2 421 fast 7 147 121 1 CaroutR Biook3 0 M Light Gun Cotton J Walser LaomedonI4G37 17326 Wdbine Ab 2 406 fast 32 147 1 1 1 1 1s I2 J Dupee u The African Anrluc Laomedon I4G37 BlueBon Ab 2 409fast 95 145 3 3 3 2 2s0 2 N Brooks 0 Juvereuce TAfrican Tom Horn 14392 BIueBon Ab 2 418fast 910 14S 154 2 2J 21 N Brooks C Nottingham ComeOn BWhaley SENEGAMBIAN blk g 6 138 By Islington Lady Appleby J E Davis 20264 Pimlico 2 404siop 3120137 4432 210 2 FWilliams 4 Old Salt Stucco Kingcash 20203 Pimlico 2 35Sgood 27J 132 504 C 5 43 E TrnbkelO Iromoter Swish Astute 20156 Pimlico 2 355fast 75 140 G G 5 4 5l G15 W Murphy 7 Exton Astute Promoter Promoter1S509 1S509 Light1SJ91 HdeGce Ab 2 406 fast 30 352 5 S G 6 5 4D Gaddy 8 LMlchael Orowoe Mystic Light 1SJ91 HdeGce Ah 2 405 fast 15 140 655 5 3 3 ° N Brooks 0 Cbuupadoro Foxcraft FAStono 18449 HdeGce Ab 2 412 fast S 147 4 G 5 Lost riderN Brooks 7 Syosset Orowoe Idle Michael 13425 HdeGce Ab 2 415 slow G 144 5 Fell A Lee 0 Chupadero IMichael FAStono FAStono1S394 1S394 Brosseau183SO Pimlico 2 400 fast 115 143 1 2 2 1 1 1 N Brooks 4 R A Stone Jesuit Brosseau 183SO Pimlico 2 357ifast 22515410 753 3IS 3 N Brooks 11 Gress Devoter Aberfeldy IS352 AberfeldyIS352 Pimlico 2i 501 fast 215 137 1 4 4 4 5 31 N Brooks 4 Garter Swish J C Ewatt TOM HORN b g 5 140 By Filig ane Wallhalla L W Garth 20245 Pimlico 2351 fast 5 1447 873 3 3 1F Williams 9 Swish Abdon Hock Fish 17034 BlueBon Ab 3 G22fast 14 142 3111 Fell N Brooks 4 Garter Mystic Light Gun Cotton 16931 BlueBon Ab 2 4llhvy 21 142 2 3 3 3 3 3 J Dnpee 4 Chupadero WoldRhip Garter 16712 Conght All 2 348slow 1110 142 4 2 3 4 44 4 4e e N Brooks 0 George Eno Lnckola Exton 1G6S3 Exton1G6S3 Conght Ab 2 352Mhvy 11G 142 111 1 1s 1J T Brooks 9 GcoKno Portargton MabolHite J61 MabolHiteJ61 12 FortErie Ab2401 fast 65 338 1 2 1 1 I2 1s W Kohler T Joe Gaiety Malaga Nottingham 1G040 Nottingham1G040 FortErie Ab 2 357 fast 135 13S 2 1 1 1 2 ° 3 i W Kohler 5 Promoter Frijolee Ptarlington 15M3 Ptarlington15M3 Hamton Ab 2 407fast 3 139 2 1 1 2 2C 1 N Brooks 1 The African David Jr S Jonett FROG b K 1 133 By Monsieur do LOrme Volma A J Reinhardt 20231 Pimlico 2 357fast Gl 149 6 2 2 5 4 3 E Hayes 9 Worstdiie Garter Bncktborii Astute200SO 20203 Pimlico 2 3SSgood 32 132 298 S 8 SiaiE Hayes 10 Promoter Swish Astute 200SO HdeGce Ab 2 403 fast 4 145 5 1 2 2 2 1 H Boyle 7 SKing JudgeWalser Baltimore 20032 HdeGce Ab 2 406 fast 20 337 8 5 7 4 45 4 B Walker S Hhomb Foxeraft Judge Walser 19917 Bowie 1 116 352good 20 333 134 G 5 5 G Corey S RLangdon Peacock THancock 19859 Hancock1940S Bowie Im20yl464fast 15 109 7 7 7 7 78 793 G Corey 9 Shepherdes L Day T Hancock 1940S NOrlns Im20y l41good 15 104 3 3 7 7 13 IS2 C VanDunl1 InsurMan LGeorge WCWost 19350 NOrlns 1 12 234V5fast 20 107 3 2 1 1 C1 G JW OBrien 9 BllBaker THancock HGlass 1930S HGlass1930S NOrlns Im20y l4isifast 10 106 8 G 3 3 52 5T2 C Turner 13 June W Kilday Wryneck KINGS LYNNj b B 8 130 By Sandringham May J J M Black 20292 Pimlico 2 357fast 90 149 G C G 5 3 5 3 W Keating 0 El Bart Bryndor March Court ROCK FISH br g 5 132 By Ellisdale Anecdote W M Carter 20245 Pimlico 2 351 fast 125 144 111 2 4 420iE Wolke 9 Swish Abdon Tom Horn 20132 Pimlico 2 401mud 5320 147 3 1 1 Lost rlderE Wolke 10 Sun King Escocia Ches Krum 15934 Saratoga Ab 2 426 fast 5 142 1 1 1 1 2 ° 2i E Wolke 0 M Lark Brosseau Senegambiaii 15441 Aqueduct 1 18 l54slow 7 102 3 1 1 2 4 4JL Deronde 4 Any Port Tay Pav Frog 14220 Churchl 1 116 l47Vfast 22 105 7 7 8 8 8 71 L Deronde 8 Bermuda Star Actress G Post 141G2 Churchl 1 116 l45fast 12i 106 8 12 10 11 11 H iL Derondell Reno Weyanoke Spindle 140S5 Lexgton Im70yl 50 mud 175 109 1 1J 2 C Peak Brave Armor Kingllng 14031 Lexgton 34 l16hvy 108 105 7 76 C J 5l JL Deronde 8 B Bay ConDellvery TheGrader 12500 Pimlico 1 116 l194fast IS 97 9 8 8 5 3 22 Ford 0 Billy Vanderveer Frog Stelcliff CYNOSURE b g 6 130 Br Star Shoot Mercurial G P Sherman 20292 Pimlico 2 3574 fast 84 149 135 Fell T Cotman 0 El Bart Bryndor Kings Lynn 20080 HdeGce Ab 2 403 fast 30 I4o 1 4 5 52 5 D Gady 7 Frog Sun King Judge Walser 13495 HideGce Im70yl46fast 100 109 5 3 3 5 5 A Nicklaus 9 Fascinating LHankin LJnplter IS339 Pimlico 2 14 42Sfast 313 134 7 G 6 Pulled upH Tansey 7 Shan Hiver Foxcraft G Vale 9 Laurel Ab 2 421 fast 79 145 1 7 8 G Hefd Tansey 10 Bkcnbtirg PAsInum Abfeldy 17444 Wdblne Ab 2 405 good 118 145 5 8 8 Fell H Tnnsey 8 Chupadero J Gaiety Laomedon 17017 BlueBon Ab 2 410 fast 0 155 10 G Lost st rider L Cehl 10 Chupadero Collector Meshach 16412 KlngEd 34 l22hvy 35 112 2 2 72 7JW Ward 8 Qneed Leialoha II Hutchison 16196 445I61K FortErie 1 11G l49mud 20 305 445 7 8 8 W Ward 8 J Kavanaugh Centanrl K Coat I61K FortErlp 34 1 139jfast 300 110 4 6 6BUCKTHORN 6 fi7 RT W Ward 8 Nieadoo Laura Anavrl AnavrlBy BUCKTHORN b B 9 142 By Santello Escarola L W Garth 20231 Pimlico 2 357fast 28 144 9 7 C 4 1t 4J J Dupee 9 Worsfdale Garter Frog 20210 Pimlico 2 359 good 22 147 G 3 2 2 410 4e3 J Dupee Bryndown Kxeocia MCavanagu 20019 HdeGce Ab 2 406fast G 145 443 5 C 5JF Wlllms 10 Humility Frijolee Garter 20007 HdeGce Ab 2 403fast 3 147 11 10 Ran out F Willmsll Astute Harebrook Abdon 1CS52 Saratoga Ab 2 427 fast 2 150 244 24 42 L Franklin XagK Maltbie Sou of the Wind I042S Saratoga Ab 2 42S fast 1110 152 11111 l L Franklin 4 Si of theWind Hnmiiity Astute 10225 Saratoga Ab 2 426 fast 4 140 5 C 5 2 2l 24 E Franklin 8 Wiekson The Prophet Astute 9152 Belmont Ab 2 423fast 5 142 111 111CAROLEE 1 IJ 2i P Kelleher 5 Sliannon Hiver Others fell fellBy CAROLEE ch m 5 132 132201S2 By Simon Glover Ogress Mrs N Ewing 201S2 Pimlico 2 401Vfcmud 325 115 10 5 S 4 5 5SI B Haynes 10 Sun King Kscocia dies Krum 17715 W Marsh 2 fast 5 131 250 E Jones 4 Rapacious Flurry Knox Yendis

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Local Identifier: drf1915051801_5_4
Library of Congress Record: