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SECOND RACE 4 12 Furlongs 2ycarolds Maidens Colts and Geldings Special Weights 11 411 31 2 101 J JOHN JR b c 2 114 By Marta Santa Maude Fealy D E Mulholland 20103 Douglas 5S l02V mud 43JO 106 3 3 = 3 A Mott T Ellison Cane Hun Stephen H 20351 Churchill 41 f 53 slow 45 112 5 5J0273 2 2n A Mott 7 TDecisiou Stephen Graiiado J0273 Churchill 41 f CWslow S9 113 1 G 6 ° A Mott G Ellison M Henry II Apparent 20030 Loxgton 12 49hvy 26 103 9 9P 0 9 J A Mott Gip George Mary II Kiuney KiuneyBy P J MILLETT ch c 2 114 11419C50 By Transvaal Ccrina Mrs J S Everman 19C50 Havana 3S 35 ifast 12 111 5 4 5i M Griner G Poppee Golden List Marianao 19632 Havana 14 23fast 23 113 7 5 4 M Griner 8 ICiimey Poppee Havana 19316 Havana 14 24 good 8 115 6 6AMULET 7 G J G Peak 8 Golden List Carolyn K Havana HavanaBy AMULET br c 2 114 By Hastings Miss Simplicity Gallahcr Bros 20314 Churchill 5S l01fast 6 110 12 10 5 = 1 W Andress 12 Luzzi Father Kelly Aunt Sal 20302 Churchill 41 f 55 fast 10 110 9 9INGOT 9 7 W Andress 9 Tobacco Box Paymaster Savino INGOT br c 2 114 By Hilarious Adipose J L Holland HollandGU 20i3S Churchill 12 48fast 19 112 3 3STEPHEN GU GojE Martin 12 Dodge Ellison John W Klein STEPHEN R br c 2 114 By Disguise Sadie S F J Kelloy 20103 Douglas 5S l02inud 20 106 G 4 4 1C Dishmon Ellison Cane Hun John Jr 20251 Churchill 41 f 55 slow 11 112 6 31 3 iC Dishmon 7 Tho Decision John Jr Granauo 20313 Cliurchill 41 f 54fast 20 113 2 2GENERAL 6 G1U Dishmn 9 Jerry Franklin Boncros First FirstBy GENERAL PICKETT b c 2 114 By The Picket Elegance Corrigan McKinney 20334 Churchill 41 f 55 slow 9310 112 7 7THE 5V 5 = J Butwell 7 ThcDccision JohuIr StcphenR StcphenRBy THE CARMET ch 2 111 By The Commoner Salairc Shannon Haggard HaggardBy First staitv BIGTODO ch c 2 111 By Helmet or Cunard Ella Smith E R Bradley BradleyBy First start startGRANADO GRANADO br c 2 114 By Tho Picket Bethel G W J Bissell 20331 Churchill I1 f 55 slow 313 112 3 4 4 D Connlly 7 TheDecisiou TolmJr StepheuR 20313 Cliurchill 41 f 51fast 37 113 6 5 7UD Connlly 9 Jerry Franklin Bmieros First 20176 Lexgton 5S l03hvy 50 112 3 319G32 3 3 D Connelly Disturber Iiitidcl II Imiiuinu ImiiuinuS 19G32 Havana 14 23fast 6 1158 1158First S SM D Connelly S ICIuuey Poppee Havana HavanaBy First start for the following followingCOL COL MATT b c 2 114 114J By Colin Ormclia J Livingston LivingstonBy J C WELCH br c 2 114 114MEDIATION By Bcarcatchcr Torsido 0 A Bianchi BianchiBy MEDIATION b c 2 114 By Peep oDay Coy Maid H H Hewitt