Belmont Park Entries., Daily Racing Form, 1915-06-03


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BELMONT PARK ENTRIES ENTRIESProbabilities Probabilities Weather cloudy track fast Racing starts at 230 p m Chicago time 130 XRuns well in mud Superior mud runner M maidens Apprentico allowance allowanceFirst First Race 58 Mile Straight Straight2yearolds 2yearolds Allowances AllowancesTrack 122Ind Track record 09185 5S 2 122 Ind Horse Wt Rec AWtHan 20504 Friar Rock 110 101 f 110 725 20534 Ormesdale 108 59m 110X720 200553 Murphy M 110 102 107 715 20034 Prince of ComoM 107 G90 G90Second Second Race 34 Milo Main Course 3yearolds and upward Allowances Track record 57917 111 1 147 20503 HOUSEMAID 115 112 7 125X 20590 He Will 112 113 3 100 730 730ISoOS ISoOS Prairie 99 113 4 107X725 20593 Kilkenny Boy 114 119 h o 114X720 20500 94X72017S072 Astrology M 3 94X720 17S072 Carlavcrock 3 101 715 715Third Third Race 1 110 Miles Miles3yearolds SellingTrack 3yearolds and upward Selling Track record 9530 144 5 120 20095 = G M Miller 104 145 8109X735 20504 Wooden Shoes 95 143 4 113 730 20470 Blue Thistle 109 145 G 115XT 20020s Republican 122 l4S fm G 111 1112010S 2010S Kilcrea S3 14S 4 101X720 101X720Fourth Fourth Race 1 Mile MileHyde Hyde Park Handicap Handicap3yearolds upwardTrack 3yearolds and upward Track record 10870 130 3 117 20021 Flittergold 1O5 139 4117X735 20093 Runes 100 141 3 105X730 20591 Hedge 110 138 G KM 725 72520537s 20537s Razzano 98 139 3 98X720 98X7201S3G2 1S3G2 Garbage 90137 3 109 720 720Fifth Fifth Race About 2 Miles MilesSteeplechase Steeplechase Steeplechase3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling Track record 1G9U5 109 5 153 20059 Frijoicc 5145X725 20210 = Escocia M 4 137X720 137X72020538s 20538s Abdon 5 150X715 20203 Gun Cotton 10 138X715 138X7152053S 2053S Judge Walser M 0140X710 0140X7101G3G1 1G3G1 Skibbcrcen 4140X710 4140X710Sixth Sixth Race 1 Milo Milo3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling SellingTrack Track record 1GS7Q 130 S 117 11720000s 20000s Jawbone 97 138 G 115X725 115X72520G5G2 20G5G2 Orotund 94 liJfiy 4 105 720 20058 Perthshire Perthshire20G50 100138 7 115 720 72020G50 20G50 Beethoven 105 140 5 102 715 20050 Dr Duenner 20500 Astrology M 20590 = Chesterton Chesterton20G5S 20G5S Dervish 110 141 20199 Sepulveda 109 13S 10299 Gallop 101143

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Local Identifier: drf1915060301_2_4
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