Third Race [3rd Dorval Park, Daily Racing Form, 1915-06-03

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THIRD RACE 5 12 Furlongs 4yearolds and upward Selling 2UC15 107 o 112 VILEY br g 6 109 By Marta Santa Maid of Fortune MrsJPhillips 20043 IIdeGce 5i f l07 Afast 25 107 1 11OOOG 1 I1 W Lilley Scorpii Inlaii Sirmo 1OOOG HdeGce 5S l00sfast 4 109 1 1199S9 I1 2 W Lilley 7 Acton Itriar Path Dinah Do 199S9 Bowie 5 f lOS5fast 910 10G 2 1 = I3 W Lilley S Itramlywine Thesiores Colors 19913 Bowie 5 f 108 fast 93 10G 2 21 1 W Lilley 10 Uiehwood Al Iloch Joe Knight 19407 NOrlns 51 f 1OG good 5 104 3 3193G4 3 2 W Lilley S Chartiur Northerner Lin Payne 193G4 NOrlns 34 l12fast 4 106 3 4 4J W Lilley C Jim Itnscy Sebago Luther 19324 NOrlns G f 107 fast 4 10S 3 34 ink y Lilley 9 OHagan Sebago MissDeclare 19271 NOrlns 51 f l0fifast 5 103 3 1 3J 13 Ambrose S Jim liascy Sir Dyke Luther 19209 NOrlns 34 l15sgood 8 108 4 4CANNOCK 11 I3 W Lilley 13 Lady London JLouise Xoddllnfi CANNOCK br gr 4 H2 By Yankee Okitau R A White 20113 Electric til f 123 fast 4 102 12 W Doyle S Thrill Potolus Hiker 20333 Pimlico 34 lllV good iG 104 2 2202G3 2t Hiker2t y E Ainlirosc 7 Marjoric A ISrandywine GCap 202G3 Pimlico 34 116 slop 10 109 2 I3 in 7 Metcalf 9 Gold Cap Abbotsford Peacock 20187 Pimlico 34 l16mud GO 107 G 73 7I51W Ural S Itrandywinc J Baser DrChcot 20002 Bowie 34 llGfast S 102 3 3199S9 3 = 6 S W Lilley 10 Anavri Bob It Joe Knight 199S9 Bowie 51 f lCSfast 15 110 3 3199G7 3 5 3 T McTagt S Vilpy Brandywine Thesiercs 199G7 Bowie r f lOSfast 15 107 4 419S94 31 731 J McTagt 9 JoeKnight ElMahdi PGahnon 19S94 Bowie 5i f lllslov 12 107 8 8J9393 Gi 6 = 1 J McTagti Colors ToiWling Blue Jay J9393 NOrlns 34 116 hvy 41 106 2 12 I3 J McTagrtlS Ilypatia Ts Nightmare Dladl 19332 NOrlns 34 l13 fast 6 107 2 2DRYAD 31 3 K Ambrose S Broomscdgc JLxjuisc LLondon LLondonBy DRYAD b c 4 115 By Sir Huon Rosemcade C W Gasser 20237 Churchill 34 lifast 363 110 4 S SII1J Butwell S LadvMoonet ConDoliverv Acis 19301 Juarez 34 l12fast 7 113 4 Il 1 T Kice 10 Goldlinu Maznik Theodorita 19035 Juarez 1 l40fcfast 3 103 6 6IS993 21 in J Callahan S Fltzgcrd GHussc Transpnt IS993 Juarez 1 l41 l41sfast sfast G 102 G 21 31 1 Hartwell S Weyanokc Wavering Transact 18919 Juarez 1 l44good G 104 7 718SS5 51 63 J Kcdcris 10 I 1orin Wavering Toynbee 18SS5 Juarez 1 l42slow 3 103 4 41SS71 2 In j Kederis 5 Curlicue Voladay Jr Acumen 1SS71 Juarez 51 f l10slow S 110 4 41S741 5 ° 51CJJ OBrien MJimmie FitzgorM PAntette 1S741 Juarez 1 151 slop 920 105 3 3BIRD I1 3 = i J OBrien 5 Any Port Judge Sale Acumen AcumenBy BIRD MAN ch c 4 117 11720T33 By Marta Santa Whisk Broom R V Haymaker 20T33 Dclinier Ab3S l02fast 4G IIS 13 C Grand S Inlaii Velio Fort Jungle 20370 Delmier Ab3S l07hvy 1 118 1 120T09 4 33i C Grand 8 Field Flower Tower M Lowrv 20T09 Delmier Ab5S l01good 1 115 5 I LowrvI 2i C Knight 9 Hearthstone FFlower E White 19901 Juarez 51 f lC3fast 5 115 5 519S70 5 S 1F Jackson S Uosemary Van Horn Concha 19S70 Juarez 58 liwfast 21 110 S 7 SJ J Morys MartaMair DollBoy lloseinary 19719 Juarez 5S 59ifast 3 111 7 719CSO 2 1 I3 J McCabe 10 DccAllen LIIevwood DollBoy 19CSO Juarez 51 f lOSAgood So 112 4 419C37 I5 V J McCabe 10 Ancestors Mandadero G Ball 19C37 Juarez C f l13hvy 2 110 3 6 6 ° L Gentry 7 J Crawford L Birdie C Druse 19470 Juarez GJ f lOGfast 5 108 9 91P399 41 552 L Gentry 12 Jge Ghcens Amohalko Oloopat 1P399 Juarez 51 f 106 fast G 111 3 3ROSE 13 2 i F Jackson 15 Cleopat Eck Davis Uose Ring ROSE RING ch f 4 110 By Hippodrome Rose Pompom L M Morrisl 19874 Juarez 5S 59fast 3 101 9 4 31 W Ormes a Sen James Aznrca II Street 19780 Juarez 58 l00fast 10 103 4 35 31 S McGraw S Tower Doc Allen Sen James 19743 Juarez 34 l13fast 3 93 10 1019C87 3nt GiT Henry 10 JHurie Ajma Ueed Bob Lynch 19C87 Juarez 7S l27fast 6 98 3 1J1 42 J Acton 9 Tony Koch Lenorc Hardy 19399 Juarez 61 f 106 fast 5 105 6 2J1 Hardy2J1 41 W V Tlorir Cleopat Bird Man Eck Davis 19383 Juarez 51 f l00fast 4 101 10 10oj 6 531 T Henry 12 SenJames MOBricn Twilight 19314 Juarez oj oj f l06Vfefast 5 100 10 71 9JJ Acton 12 Cauapa Bad Prospect H Street 19160 Juarez 51 f lOGfast 5 915 51 53J J Acton 8 PofLismore MJImmie OrLud 19150 Juarez 51 f 106 fast 10 10JOE 100 4 4b 23 553 J Acton 9 Grapeshot Butter Ball GoldUnu JOE KNIGHT b g 6 114 By Ben Stromo Fair Empress P Stire StireII 20002 Bowie 31 l15fast 6 6159SS 109 6 II 32 A SchutcrlO Anavri Bob It York Lad 159SS Bowie 51 f lOSfast 1C 1C199C7 1G5 111 12 I 5i W Lilley 12 Faithful Patrick S Americus 199C7 Bowie 51 f lOSfast 13 112 5 11 in A Schuter 9 ElMahdi PGanuon JBHrcll 19943 Bowie 51 f 108 fast 13 101 4 41 45J D Steward 10 Vilcy Kichwood Al Blocli 19893 Bowie 51 f l10slow 13 31 5 D Steward 15 Thoskrcs Ortyx Faithful 19858 Bowie 34 l14fast 21 Zl D Stewardia New Haven Chuckles Laura 1SS09 Charlen 34 l18fslov 3 31SSOO U LauraU 13 J Drcyer 8 Gabrio Kingltadford IGannon 1SSOO Charlen 34 I17y3mud C 14 I5 J Dreycr 7 Amoret Astrologer Toddling Bv Clifford Mai F Musante Musante3S 20613 Dorval 51 f lOSfast 20 112 5 3S r I Colemaiitl Broomsodgc UnDck Sofltocks 19991 Bowie 1 116 152 fast 20 102 4 G5 SJ F McAtce 10 Delegate TIIancock LoKdly 19917 Bowie 1 116 l52good 8 108 G GIm20yl16 42 4 F Coletnan S RLangdon Peacock TIIancock I9S59 liowie Im20yl16 fast 5 109 G GIm20yl15fast 5s 5 ° 2 T McTagt 0 Shepherdess L Day T Hancock mil Bowie Im20yl15fast 15 109 12 11 113 T McTagrtl2 DaingcrUeld Cocksptir Hermuda i 19325 XOrlns 1 116 l4SMfast 5 106 7 7rE 7 S J Smyth 10 Ralph Lloyd Colfax Plain Ann 1 HEARTHSTONE rE b g 6 114 By Ben Strome Strychinia Yarrow Brae Stock Farm 20626 Delmier AlMS 1 02fast 3 115 115Ab3S 33 V Rosen S P Wing Francis Song of Hocks 0372 Delmier Ab3S 107 hvy 2 113 3 3Ab5S 1 I1 W Rosen 7 Jew Burn Sir Dvke Lit Birdie 20309 Delmier Ab5S l01good S 107 4 2 1 1 S Wolhlm 9 BirdMan FieldFlower E White 20001 Bowie 51 f lOS last 13 112 0 71 7C1 A Nicklausll Oistnra Blue Jay Americus 19987 Bowie 5 f 108 fast 12 108 S 4 43i A Nicklausia Fitzgerald Blue Jay Inlau 19912 Bowie 51 f lOS fast 13 107 9 71 G1 T McTagtl5 Anavri Faithful Blue Jay 19890 Bowie 51 f l10 islow 30 109 13 13G 9 9 1 J McTagtlo Tlusicres Ortyx Faithful 19324 NOrlns G f 107 fast 30 103 2 51 G = 2 F Moore 9 Vilev OHagan SebaLO 19236 NOrlns 51 f 107 fast 10 104 3 2b 4D1 E Ambrosclo I5rooinsedge Cloak Belle Bird BirdBy SINGLE b c 4 112 By Cesarion Al Lone Clinton Stable 17416 Wdbine 34 l14 Jhvy fid 103 S 11 11 G W Carllll Gordon Grazelle Dicks Pet 159C2 Hamton 1 l3Sfast 20 108 5 10 103 J Hanover 10 Water Lady CliffEdgc Bonanza 13917 Hamton 34 l13fast 30 115 4 1il3 J Hanover 8 Chilla Thesiercs TBKobhison 15396 FortErie 31 lllfast 9 1C5 1 71 7 1 H Gray 9 Joe Knight Cecil Arran H909 Conght 34 l14fast 30 103 2 9 = 91 F Moore 11 Susan B Yorkvillo Parlor Boy 14816 Dorval 34 l14fast 4 103 7 43 5J J Collins 9 Squceler Ancon Blue Jay 14511 BlueBon 34 llrgood 20 100 2 23 lk H Gray 13 Laura Dicks Pet Droll 14115 Wdbine 34 l13fast 51 107 2 2m 12 5J J Hanover 7 Vrccland LLightning LihIIall MARSAND b m 7 112 1125J By Marta Santa Proud J H Adams 0613 Dorval 5J f lOSfast 10 110 11 11Ab5S 10 10 J Metcalf 11 Broomsedge fn Dick Ford Mai 20626 Delmier Ab5S l02fast S 113 113AbGS SJ MaiSJ T McCullh 8 B Wing Francis Hearthstone 0313 Delmier AbGS l03fast G 113 5 5Ab3S 1 I3 T McCulli 9 Cloak K OBrien Tho Governor 20117 Delmier Ab3S l03good 15 110 11 17 Hobbins 12 Francis TlieGovcrnor OtlsTrue 199S2 Juarez 51 f I05y5fast 4 110 1 1Ci 31 G J J McCabe 9 Yulia Rubicon II Connauglit 19961 Juarez Ci f lOG fast 4 112 2 75 7CJ J Howard 0 Azurca AugIIeinzc MChaucer

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Local Identifier: drf1915060301_5_2
Library of Congress Record: