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DORVAL PARK ENTRIES Probabilities Weather clear track fast Racing starts at 230 p m Chicago time 130 XHuns well in mud Superior uiud runucr M maidens Apprentice allowance allowanceFirst First Race 34 Mile 3yearods and upward Maidens Selling SellingTrack Track record 20014 113 1 104 Ind Horse Wt Rcc AWtHan 17100 Argent 3 100 700 20518 Wodan 100 114 3 102 0 5 19928 = Chaser 100 118 4 110X015 20543 Miss Clara 102110 100 500 20548 Slumberer 105 114 3 102XO 20030 Uncle Fits 105 115 102 O0 20542 Paul Gaines 107110 3 105X000 20010 Endurance 3 95 085 20041 Alice K 10r 115 4 103 080 20530 Spittire 101 117 4 103X080 20510 King Chilton 10r l1 ih 4 105X080 20017 King Cotton 112 115 4 105 s 0543 Cain Chaser 105 l19 = fs 5 110 070 070Princess Princess Patty b f liy Leon Idas Lady Armagh 3 100 Juna b f by Mar ¬ athon M a r rgaret garet T 3 100 Also eligible to start in order named should any of above be scratched 20835 111 Savin 3 102 585 0 35 = Strange Girl 105 115 5 105 095 095J01J5 J01J5 Shrewsburv 101115 3 105X090 20548 Aprisa 103 113 4 108X005 19201 Julia Lyons 4 10SG75 10SG75Second Second Race 34 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling SellingTrack Track record 20044 113 1 104 1 Rubicon I Ii 115112 0112X725 0112X725i i Gordon Russell 105 112 5 117X720 117X720Ortyx Ortyx 105 113 4 107X715 Eye White 110 112 S 109X715 109X715Hustling Hustling Brass 104 114 4 112X715 1 Senator James 109 112 5 114X715 Kavderoseros 112 113 5 104X710 Blue Wing 112 114 3 107X710 Ford Mai 105 115 ii 109X710 Swede Sam 112 113 10 114X710 114X710Spohn Spohn 112 112 10 109X705 109X705Some Some Kid 109 114 H 4 110X705 110X705Smiling Smiling Mag 105 114 3 97G90 97G90Columbia Columbia Lady 95 114 3 102X090 102X090Briny Briny Deep M10S 114 3 102 OS5 OS5Third Third Race 1 Mile Mile4vcarolds 4vcarolds and upward Selling SellingTrack Track record 17217 1 ISf 1 112 Merctirium 109 13S r 105x7 Love Day 101 139 i 109X71 King Uadford 100 138 5 105X715 Duke of Shelby 105 141 4 105X715 20020 = Francis 107 139 4 109X715 Bogart 105 141 i 104X710 Minda 103140 4 99X705 Miss Primity PrimitySordello 7 99X705 Sordello 100 145 4 105X705 Mr Mack 105 143 4 112 Water Lad 102 143 4 100X000 Fourth Race 1 Mile Mile4yearolds 4yearolds and upward Selling SellingTrack Track record 17217 143 J 112 11220040s 20040s Mud Sill 95 137 7 10 10200SS 200SS Beaumont Belle 09 111 4 10 20543 Rroomscdge 4 10 10200S83 200S83 Babv Sister 02Jl40 s 4 10 20047 Zodiac 102 141 4 10 20040 Vgs 105139 fi 10 10200SS 200SS Volailay Jr 95 138 5 10 20297 Sonny Boy 90 141 4 11 20547 Sherlock Holmes 108 142 i 10 Fifth Race 34 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Maiden Jockeys Selling Track record 20014 113 4 104 Ind Horse Horse20C451 Wt Kcc AWtIIau 20C451 Laura JO 113 4 105X725 20515 = Inquieta 110 113 5 107 720 20085 = Gordon 100 112 4 110x720 20517 Auavri 115 112 8 114X715 20531 Sniders Best 107 115 3 10 101 710 20543 Song of Rocks 110 113 7 10 107X710 20537 Lchilolm 105 114 0 10 107X710 205381 O Tis True 113 114 5 11 114X710 20010 Little Jake 114 115 5 li lit 710 20158 Salon 109 113 4 11 1120705 20035 Nila 11O 113 S 11 112M540 112X700 2M540 Iambs Tail 110 114 4 11 115X700 20283 Fort Monroe 105 llh llh9G 4 11 11OX090 20040 Morlgyle 9G 117 G 11 11Cadenza 117XG90 Cadenza b f by Hastings Friend ¬ ship 3 10 10Sixth Sixth Race 34 Mile 3ycarolds and upward Allowances AllowancesCanadianowned Canadianowned Track record 20044 113 1 104 Knights Differ 123 112 5 113X725 Hearts of Oak 112 113 5 11SX720 20085 = Cordon 100 112 4 114X715 2058 If Linsin 92 114 3 100X705 20548 Aprisa M 103 113 4 107X705 17717 = Dyiiam Dynamite 10G114 5 115X705 20553t Lingar M 101 115 3 SS090 20013 Kuterpo 103 115 5 110X090 15855 Our Mabelle 4 IftlX 080 20485 Milan M 3 100 075 tA E Ogilvie and C S Campbell entry entrySeventh Seventh Race 1 116 Miles Miles3yearolds SellingTrack 3yearolds and upward Selling Track record 14730 140 5 118 20591 11007252CK547 JABOT 7 1100725 2CK547 Zodiac 94 148 4 107X715 20047 = Autumn 109 147 5 112X715 20304 Asa Herndon 3 101X710 20047 Bula Welsh r 110X710 20588 Ben Uncas 7 110X710 20091 Luke Van Zandt r 112X710 20510 Valas 3 95X705 20047 Centauri 4 112X705 19433 Gcrthclma 3 94X000