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FIFTH RACE 58 Mile 2yearolds Colts and Geldings Selling SS22 8 2 115 DISTURBER b c 2 113 11320t By Nasturtium Meddlesome She J W Schorr 20t Churchill 5S l01fast 1710 105 r 2 24 W Meehan C Gip George Investmt Marv If 2 ± Churchill 4 f 54fast 305 112 G Gy 4 41 J Kederis S Cosmic GipGeorgc Sal Vanity y m lAxgton 5S l03hvy 12 112 2 220U1HI I2 I1 J Kederis Inlidel II Granado Immune 20U1HI I xgton 45 f 5 fast 175 107 7 72iKC2 44 32 J Kederis Pulse Gipsey Gmrgt Manfred 2iKC2 Loxgton 12 4Sslow 2 112 3 23 2 J Kederis S osinic John Cella Ointara OintaraBy AMULET br c 2 109 1091W19 By Hastings Miss Simplicity Gallaher Bros 1W19 Douglas 4 f 54 fast 41 112 0 31 W Andressll Pnck Shot Intidil II Rochester 20193 Douglas 5S l03mud 1U3 114 7 7 slV Andress 7 liar Gardner V Worth Yerinak 20132 Douglas 4 f G7 = 4hvy 3 lit S Ch iriv Andress John Jr Stephen It Ingot 20344 Churchill 5S l01 fast 26 110 12 30 51 W AndresslL Luzzi Father Kelly Aunt Sal 20302 Churchill 4J f 55 fast 10 110 9 9 4 AV Andress Tobacco Itox Paymaster Savino SavinoBy LYNN br g 2 107 By Frontenac iHurcn Fairy E B Parsons 2052S Douglas TS l03mud 341 102 5 2U I1 F Robinson Ii Paymaster Ilhiminator FKelly 20133 Douglas 41 f 5jhvy 33 1031 9 Bh 4J E Pool l Piteauty Importnt Illuminator 20314 Churchill 5S l01fast 31 IOG S S2 S W W Tlorll Luzzi Father Kelly Aunt Sal 20302 Churchill 45 f 55 fast 4G3 101 S S S4i 1J Ott Tobacco Box Paymaster Savino 2013G Lexgton 4i f 55 fast 3SC 103110 71 C2i K Pool 31 Investment Mary II Deliver 20093 Lexgton 4J f 55fast 42 30J G 3 E Pool 11 LitCove Innovation Uncle Will WillBy RALPH S b c 2 103 By Frontenac Idle Fancy J Griffin 20702 Douglas 5S l01fast 42 112 S 51 51 R G H se 10 AMancini BBnaiity Investmt 20435 Douglas 44 f GGfchvy 55 110 2 45 G8 F Keogh i BBeautv Importnt Illuminator 20314 Churchill GS l01fast fid 107 7 G G5i W J OBnl2 Luzzi Father Kelly Aunt Sal 20302 Churchill 41 f 55 fast 6S 110 3 Ga 4J1 J McCabe Tobacco Box Paymaster Savino 1939G Juarez 12 48 fast G 113 5 73 73 Li Gentry And Austin Ataka Illuminator 193C8 Juarez 31 f 41 fast 6 111 3 juk in j Howard 11 Brooks FPattcrson Schulenbg 19310 Juarez 31 f 40ifast 10 108 5 4 k 541 A HollisterlO AuntSal FrPatterson IIAndy 1914G Juarez 38 31fast 10 110 4 31 35i J Howard G Frisky Brooks Lady Branch 3911G Juarez 3S 34good 7 112 4 51 5 J J Howard 10 Frisky Tiaian Handy Andy 19000 Juarez 38 33fast 8 112 8 51 G3 G BezansnlO ITApparcnt FPatterson Tiajau TiajauBy PAYMASTER br c 2 103 By Galveston Nun A B Gordon 20702 Douglas 5S l01fast 2G5 112 5 92 H18JC Ganz 10 AMancini BBeauty Investmt 2052S Douglas 5S l03mud 1720 105 1 3 2l At Garner r Lynn Illuminator Father Kelly 203G4 Churchill 41 f 55 mud 13 103 4 22 24 M Garner 4 Marse Henry HApparent Jerry 20329 Churchill GS l01fast 101 1001 2 t GtiI5 Martin C G George Disturber Investmt 20302 Churchill 41 f fast 48 103 7 31 2nk W Lilley Tobacco Box Savino Ralph S 201G3 Lexgton 41 f GGhvy fid 112 10 GS G JA Mott 11 MarylL Thornwood Innovation 2013G Ixexgtoii 41 f fast fid 10S 1 S2 10i H Goose 11 Investment Marv II Deliver 200C5 Lexgton 12 48good 20 110 7 104 101E Grillln 32 Intention LotiiseStone TobBox 19331 NOrlna 12 49iUvy C 112 4 6J 31 Ii Goose a SalVuuIty LcwlsOpper Gloauier OBJECT ch c 2 103 10320G49 By Charles Edward Mamena P M Civill 20G49 Douglas 41 f 54fast 32 112 1 3 Ci 84 1 McCabe 11 Buck Shot Infidel II Amulet AmuletG 20493 Douglas 5S l03mud 141 109 5 52013S G G2 GI5JE Pool 7 liar Gardner V Worth Yermak 2013S Lexgton 4 f 55 fast 121 112 5 5 4i 32 T McTagt 8 BCtilbtson Thwood Infdelll 20093 Lexgton 41 f 55fast 30 112 S 11 G2 64S R Goose 11 Lynn Little Cove Innovation InnovationBy OLD CHARTER b c 2 103 1032013S By Gold Heels Pouting J Churchill 2013S Lcxgton 41 f r3fast 13 312 3 3 310R Goose S BCuIbcrtson Thnwood Object 20111 Lexgton 41 f 5Gfast 22 113J 7 7200C2 7 7 ° J Loftus 7 PrIIarry CharMcGee Immune 200C2 Lexgton 12 4Sy5sIow 10 114 6 4 41 C J Loftus S Cosmic Disturber John Cella CellaBy HAMERKOP b c 2 98 98First By Hastings Lizzie Oilman L Snritha First start