Rain Intervenes At Blue Bonnets.: Celto Has a Strenuous Task in Defeating Shyness and Stalwart Helen--L. Garths Luck., Daily Racing Form, 1915-06-12


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RAIN INTERVENES AT BLUE BONNETS Celto Has a Strenuous Task in Defeating Shyness and Stalwart Helen L Garths Luck Montreal Que June 11 Disagreeable weather prevailed here today Showers fell all morning but they had but little effect on tho track the going remaining in fairly good condition Naturally the showers kept many of the patrons of Hlue Hoiiuets at home and under the circumstances the attendance was surprisingly large It has been simply remarka ¬ ble the way the miitiiels have caught on here Yes teidays volume of play was close to the 100000 mark markThe The feature event of the program was a dash of one mile out of the chute in which a wellbalanced Held went to the post The race resolved itself into a struggle between Celto Shyness and Stalwart Helen and thev finished in the order named Turner had Celto under restraint until in the final quarter where tho Meld bunched up and both Shyness and Stalwart Helen made threatening challenges At th end Celto proved the gamest and won by the scantest half length Exciting lengthExciting finishes attended the running of a majority of the races and despite the change in track conditions there were few withdrawals withdrawalsYoung Young Lewis Garth who threatens to make a clean sweep of the jumping races here saddled his fourth winner in as many days when he sent Idle Michael to the post in todays steeplechase Idle Michael bad only to stand up to beat those opposed to him and won by eight lengths from Dorothy Webb Decathlon which changed hands during the morning was withdrawn E Whyte acting for G M Hendrie disced of the horse at private sale to William Lennox owner of the Mizpah Stable M Daly will handle the horse for his new owner ownerJohn John Smyth who is managing jockey J Smyth here reports that the mare Hurrah which lie pur ¬ chased in Kentucky has foaled a tine chestnut colt by Toddington Hurrah which is the dam of Jacob Hiinn will be mated to Oiseau OiseauEdward Edward MeBride has decided t send his entire stable which includes among others the good two yearolds Kd Henrv and George Smith to Ottawa Hoth of the latter are entered in some stakes at Connaiight Park and provided no mishaps occurs they will till all of thiir engagements there Mr McHrides apprentice rider T Parrington rode his lirst winner when he landed The Busybody first in the yesterdayW second race here yesterday W L Oliver has decided to give his good sprinter ICewessa a letup nt the conclusion of this meet ¬ ing He lias relenscd his stalls at Coniiaught Park and will ship his Horses to Hamilton Hack Hay will be among the number numberVirgle Virgle Lewis of Poughkeepsle N Y was a visitor at Hlue Honnots Mr Lewis who is a woll known gentleman jockey recently returned from Helgiiim where he was in the aviation corps H corpsH W Sage of Albany N Y whose string of cresscotiutry horses are trained by Tim Duiiohuc was another prominent turfman who took in a days racing at Hlue Honnets Like Mr Lewis he was much impressed with the manner in which the sport is conducted here

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1915061201/drf1915061201_1_6
Local Identifier: drf1915061201_1_6
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800