Jamaica Form Chart., Daily Racing Form, 1915-06-12


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JAMAICA FORM CHART NEW YORK FRIDAY JUNE 11 1915 Second day Metropolitan Jockey Club Summer Meeting of 14 days Weather clear FIRST HACK 1 116 Miles 45407 145 1 105 Puree 500 4yearolds and upward Selling Net value to winner 400 second 70 third 30 index Horses AWtPPStU A Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H G Pi 20702 OSULLIVAN wr 5 US G 2 3i 2 1 = 1 1 31 Buxton J MacManus 3J 4 4 65 25 20848 = CAMELLIA wn G 103 4 4 2 3 2 = 2 2 W Lilley J L Paul 1 GG ll1025out 20100 HERMIS JR WB fi 110 1 1 li iu 3 = 3 = 3J J McTagrtJ J Korb 20 25 25 7 3 205 oMARSHOV w C 115 2 3 tf G G 43 4 C Borel E Herz 3 4 31 1 25 w G 110 3 3 53 5 56 5 = L Mink J Kelly 12 12 10 3 1 20730SEPULVEDA WB S 113 5 G 42 43 4i a 6 H LaffertyE K Bryson 20 23 23 7 3 fastinncr Time 12 25 37 S 50 103 116 142 l494 Track fast CunninghamWent inncr Ch h by Oddfellow Hosinante trained by E Cunningham Went to post at 228 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won handily second and third driving O SULLIVAN rushed into a good lead on the turn and had enough speed in reserve to withstand CAM ¬ ELLIAS challenge The latter was in close quarters ou the backstretch and finished resolutely when clear HERMIS JR outilnished MAKS11ON in the final drive The latter was nut persevered with until in the final eighth The winner was entered for 400 no bid Scratched bidScratched 20S4SGuy Fisher 118 10S02 Fairy Godmother 108 OQOQ SECOND RACE 58 Mile 74572 100 2 109 100 Added 2jcarolds Selling Wl7vO Net value to winner 340 second 70 third 30 Index Horses AWtPPSt J4 Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P S 20010FERNROCK Will 4 3 1 1 I1 I1 B Dugnn A Bclmont 852 2 3513 351320G57SPRINT 20G57SPRINT w 103 3 4 3 23 2s 2 P Lowder J E Madden 2 115353513 205fi2TRIBOLO 115353513205fi2TRIBOLO WB 111 21 5 = 4l 3J 3 M Buxton L J Carey G 7 fi 2 45 20783 PROHIBITION WB US 1 2 2 i 3 4 43 W Lilley G A Cochran S 12 12 5 2 20277 DIME NOVEL WSB 103 55 fi G G1 5 J P Ryan E B Cassatt 20 30 30 10 5 520G10DIVAN 20G10DIVAN WSB 100 G G 41 5 5 fJ D StewardW C Daly 10 12 10 4 2 220i57HIDDEN 20i57HIDDEN STAR w 35 7 7 7 7 7 7 J Morys L S Thompson 20 20 8 3 S5 S5Time fastWinner Time 13 24 3G 48 100 Track fast Winner HildretbWent Ch c by Hock Sand Ferment trained by S C Hildretb Went to post at 2fi7 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won easily second and third driving IEHNHOCK sprinted into a safe lead in the earlv running and was hard ridden in the stretch for a time tii outstay SPRINT but won comfortably Tho latter closed up steadily under punishment but tired in tho closing strides THIBOLO lud a rough race but outgamcd PROHIBITION HIDDEN STAR ran out all Hie way bidScratched The winner was entered for 1000 no bid Scratched 203S Tiajan 10S OlQOl ilnni RACE 5 12 Furlongs 54235 l0 Vf 1 120 Purse 400 3yearolds and 1 JyJfJc upward Selling Net value to winner 300 second 70 third S30 Index Horses AWtPPSt VI Sir Fin Jockeys O H G P S 2079S = IISTT SHORE WSB 3 102 5 4 I1 I2 I3 I2 P Lowder Oneck Stable 14 25 14 out 20827 PLANTAGENEOi WB 3 107 2 1 4s 41 S1 2 = i J McCaheyR T Wilson 10 15 15 2i 710 20301 EL MAIIDI w WB 4 120 33 2l 2U 2J 3J G Corey Marrone Stable 20 30 30 5 75 20 07SONG OF VALLYwn 4 112 1 2 o o 4 4s AV Ural II Watterson 12 20 20 3 1 20703 DERVISH WB 3 102 45 31 3 ti3 G8 W Lilley J Butler 6 7 C 45 out 20278MISS out20278MISS CAVANAGH w 4 110 G 6 G 6 G G D StewardW C Daly 50 100 100 30 10 10Time fastWinner Time 11 23 35 48 100 107 Track fast Winner KarrickWent Ch g by Yankee Lady Schorr trained by W II Karrick Went to ixjst at 32 j At post 1 minute Start good end slow Won easily second and third driving DISTANT SHORE set a good pace and was under slight restraint throughout PLANTAGENET slipped through next to the rail while rounding the hist turn and was easily best of the others EL MAIIDI was a forward contender that tired in tin stretch JnitOiitsliiyedjyiXG OC VALLEY DERVISH nfhmit The winner InScratched entered for 400 was bid up to 005 and bougnt In Scratched 20S27 Water Lily 115 20875 Yadopeep 115 20120Grapcshot 120 20703 Azyiade 115 20782 Hill Stream 110 20535 Duke of Dunbar 107 OJ pr FOURTH RACE 5 12 Furlongs 54235 100 f 1 125 Arizona Handicap 500 UJJJJ Added 3yearoids Net value to winner i0 second 100 third 50 Horses AWtPPSt A U Sir Fin Jockeys Owner O HOPS 20501 PHOSPHOR w 126 41 HI P 1 J Loftus S L Parsons 1 S5 75 25 out out20500HE 20500HE WILL WB 103 2 3 2 51 4s 2 J McCahcyL Feustel 2 2i 95 25 out 20728 GARBAGE WSB 100 3 4 3J 2U 3J 3n J P Ryan E B Cassatt G G o S5 12 18440 WATERTOWN WB 102 G G 4 3J 21 4 J McTagrtA J Stafford 30 30 30 10 2 20110 HARRY JUNIOR WB 106 5 5 6 4 = GI 5 G Byrne H C Hallenbeck G 12 10 2i 710 20434 DEVIL FISH 10Time w 102 12 5s G G G J Dreyer J Kelly 30 100 100 30 10 fastWinner Time 11 23A 35 47 59 106 Track fast Winner KarrickWent H c by Peep oDay Myrtelus trained by W H Karrick Went to post at 355 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won easily second and third driving PHOSPHOR set a fast pace and drew away when HE WILL challenged in the stretch and won easing up HE WILL was shuliled back on the turn out of the backstretch and finished witli a rush GARBAGE raced nest to the rail throughout and oulstaycd WATERTOWN in the final drive WATERTOWN ran a good race speedScratched HARRY JUNIOR showed speed Scratched 20852 Kasknskia 114 114Overweights Overweights Harry Junior 2 jwunds 6fCLltt FIFTH RACE 34 Mile 58070 112 3 2 Purso 40 3yearolds and upward lJ JJJ Maidens Selling Net value to winner 300 second 70 third 30 Index Horses AWtPPSt 14 v Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P S 20778 NOUREDDIN WB 3 107 7 7 3i 2 2 = 1 G Byrne R T Wilson 2J 3 2i 1 25 20535 D OF DUNBAtt wn 3 107 1 1 H 1 IJ 2 J McTagrtJ E Travers 3 5 S5 45 45201333VAA 201333VAA w 3 105 G 3 21 31 33 3s L Allen F B Leinaire S 15 12 5 2 20G23 UNCLE BILL w 3 103 4 4 7 fi 5 5 C Fbther It Watterson 4 G G 2 1 20205 ELLA JENNINGS w 3 103 2 2 4 fii J M Buxton R F Carman 20 20 20 7 3 20527 NORTIILIGHT WB 4 110 35 5i 7 7 7 J Dreyer E Herz 2i 4 3 G5 35 Time 35Time 12 24 SGys 48 101 114 Track fast fastWinner Winner HealeyWent Hr g by Ogden Frances McClelland trained by T J Healey Went to post at 425 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same NOUHEDDIN after being a forward contender responded gamely in the fnml eighth and outgamed DlKE OF DITNHAH The latter set a fast pace and saved ground on the turns lint tired when challenged VAZA always held the others safe The winner was entered for 500 no bid bidScratched Scratched 20Si Irish Hoy 107 18002 Dolly Madison 100 100OviTwoiirhts OviTwoiirhts PmIi Hill 2 pounds 6fCkfr7 SIXTH RACE 58 Mile 74572 100 2 100 400 Added 2yearolds Maidens JJJJ I Special Weights Net value to winner 340 second 70 third 30 ndex Horses AWtPPSt Vt V Vi Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H 20850 HANDS OFF wn 117 4 4 21 2 ° 2s 2 W WartonG A Cochran 2i 3J 3J 35 20832 GOLDEN GATE will 2 3 4J 3i 3 3nk D Hoffman E F Whitney 30 60 GO 15 5 5PAST PAST MASTER W 117 G 5 55 41 45 4 C Bgame Quincy Stable tG 10 10 3 45 45BONNIE BONNIE TESS w 114 1 2 33 5 5 3 513 J McCaheyQuincy Stable fS 10 10 3 45 45PORT PORT LIGHT wn 114 3 G 6 G G C G Garner L S Thompson 68585 33 fCoupled 33fCoupled 5n betting no sep rate placo or show bittlng bittlngT T me 13 24 36y5 48 101 Track fast H c by Hock San 1 Linda Stone trained by S C Hildreth Hildrethi i iHixt at 45i At i st 1 minute Start geod and slow Won cantering second and third driv ¬ ing LIBYAN SANDS raced in a long lead in the lirst eighth and easily held his opponents safe through lit HANDS OFF raced in ne rest pursuit but could never get up GOLDEN GATE hiine on gamely in the final drive PAST MASTER closed a big gap and the race should improve him PORT LIGHT was practically left and ran green greenScratched Scratched 207l3Eiliia Kemia lit SOniOTypography 114

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1915061201/drf1915061201_1_7
Local Identifier: drf1915061201_1_7
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800