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KENTUCKY FALL RACING PLANS. Cmeiiin.iti. »■■ -I u I.- - -It ha- been the rale as tin tawnier meeting it Latonia draws t a close for M ii igei Hailini. Ister to make public his fall racing plan . Bo in- vv:ll ilinoancc in a few days the stale to lie run during the autumi e tings at the three kkktrackw he controls. Douglas Park, Louisville, and ■ i Ionia. Ihe meeting at Bought* Park will begin fr M I. iv. September Ill, and ran loi a period "i eight di.v-. ending oil Tuesday, September 28. At that I meeting the -i . ■ events will be the Douglas Park ; Inaugural Han i ip, S2.000 added; the Beechmont r gtakes. ,300 old -d. id the big feature if. ,. r the meeting, the Louisville tup. In Ilea, with not t le-s than K--iH ad.hl. the latonia antumu meeting ; at II liegio this year on Saturday, letobei •. and tun i for Hi racing lav-, ending Wednesday. October L7. . The fiture race of that ii. . tin- will he tin- l.atonia "up. with not less than L.r,Hi added, two miles and I a quarter. Other -take- that will i«- announced for r the tall una urn: will likely be the Autumn Inau- - rtiral Handieai. ami the IVit Thomas Slake-, each i ,W added, and the Auluuiu, Jfl.OUU added. . ; - - ■