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I ; r r t ; i . I r - i . RACING AT SAN FRANCISCO ASSURED. ~ Progress wag made at San Francisco Monday, . Jane -s in the direction of providing for a running g meeting to be held if connection with the Panama a Exposition. Concerning measure* taken, the Ban n Francisco Chronicle of the next .lav said: "Horse racing, the heralded snort of king; is s oiug to return to California. This announcement t definite torn yesterday with the organization n of the Golden Gate Trtorongbhrad Breedaeai .A*sjj 1 . elation, which will father the movement to eu- courage the breeding of thoroughbreds, and i.viv.- e interest in racing. Some of Californias wealthiest t and influential inert are interested in the launching S 1 ,. L. ,. , v I 1 . g a n is s t n 1 . e t S of the new association, and are confident of making it a success "Charles W. Clark of Baa Mateo, son of Senator Clark, the Montana copper king, was elected pi-.-i- .hut. and wa- in tb. chair at yesterdays meeting. James C. Nealou of San Praneisco, a well known patron of the ihoroughhred horse, was cboam as -e.reiirv. A number of committees were named. ■ad the board of -t wards and directors will be elected at a Ml rttot to be held tomorrow night at the St. Francis Botl I. "The first act of the association to revive hois, racing will be a thirty dai meeting, to be held at the mile exnosiMon track in Aagast, Plans for this meeting will be perfected Wednesday night, and ■ committee, composed of Charles T. Boots, R. If. Tobia and Harry Hastings, has been appointed to meet with the director- of the exposition company to ascertain their iov-; on the project. --The association will be Incorporated for 350.000. with 500 hare- al |100 per -hare. lraetb a 1! v all this -to.k ha- been snbsciibe.l for already, ■• We do not expect this association to be n money maker." says Secretary Nealou. To 1 1 1 1- COB trary. tin- members ar.- going into their own noek- ets to make it a -ue.e-- and expect a loss. The id. -i [s to encourage the breeding of thoroughbreds with racing a contributing consideration. The Cold ea toil- Thoroughbred Breeder- Association will be a peiuiauent orgauizutiou, if the experiment of the exposition meeting is snccesafaL In cbooatag tka hoard of direct u-- we will aim to have every section of ih.- state represented. II we socceed to establishing the sport on ■ sound and clean footing here, another group of in. 11 can get together in LpS Aa-gclcH or oili.r points ol California and give a race meeting. We w i lit t« encourage hree.luu and it can only be accomplished through the medium of tai -tonr. "