Current Notes of the Turf, Daily Racing Form, 1915-07-15


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n o ii 0 " j, 9 0 ■ l " iii ,o i ::, in M 10 „, l M| or tr .38 ;s .23 ;-, .2t .2u ;" .11 » .12 I- M " .13 13 .27 ■7 .::o •" .23 -" .09 Ml us is .99 i,; .lw !u n- is .13 12 11 i _ CURRENT NOTES OF THE TURF. The Belmont yearllnga will leave Lexington Snn- day i.«r Saratoga. The horses of ;. J. Long, roarteea is namber, have arriveil al Saratoga. John it. Tnihott has purchased i;in, and Prince llenrj from 1-. and. Thomiison. Il is rep.-rtcil thai the plater Gahrio, which was - rah in_ following the wreck near Cincinnati, was s discovered Mondai In I barn a short distance from " Terrace Park, lie had been found wandering about tad was stabled until called for. A. M. Silvers, widely known on the North and s-uitii American turf, win. is ii Lexington in com - cm. wuh Juan M. Castapena ol Chill with a i - to baying thoroughbred horses, was stricken Monday morning with cramps aad was taken i" the hospital. i. The patronage of the New Tori tings this " year has been better than in seme years. There E were fully .-,.i«in person on the grounds ot the Queens fonnty Jocke.v Clnh Tnesda] and the ■ aiten. 1. 1 i lias been pn*tty close to thai figure since the season opened. J. A. Moisan has purchased Suivc:-Moi. Bacchante, -. Oerf Volant and Gamine from Sir Bodolphi Korgel ■i of Montreal, who raced in the name of He- Cbarle-;, •- "i Stable. The horses will he trained by Harry y Tnnsey, who has been handling Fort Monroe for Mr. r. Moisan. The sal,- marks the retirement ol 8b B ■-,,i - dolphe Forget from raciag a~ aa owner. Prank Weir had Old Roaebnd hitched an to ■ sulky Monday and the great gelding will be driven J! aiound the ..-nils m :,n effort to strengthen .is weak I _s. Weir helievcs lie will come around all ruht 11 by this method of training. Old Bosebud is still nt Latonta and will rejaain there together with i 11 others in Weirs strinu until racing is resumed at 11 Lexington. Jockey Fred Ilerhert. who has just ri luroed from in Europe, went abroad In 1911 and in that year rode ie for Baron Oppenhetm. In 1912 Herbert started ■.I ■ iii tin if for Sir Ernesl Casael, a friend of King lai- I- ward. lb- was siicecssfal In the Cassel colors an id I this spring rwle li/. Varna to victorj ia the Greal it Metropolitan Handicap, following this up with a win ii with Uapsburg in the British Dominion Stakes.

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Local Identifier: drf1915071501_1_7
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