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DATE OF OPENING IS CHANGED. Monti il Que., Jaly 16. The directors of tin-Ma sonneiive Driving Club, the mtesl organi in ioni tht- Canadian nail mile track circuit, have decided to set l»ack the opening ol their inaugural ■ •■«-.-* ii day and the meeting will tiegln -liilv 21 .,, ,1 , , utli 1 , to Julv 2S. Inclusive, t! ral M in , ,, W illiam M. M irraj dcen lids move ao- vimble in order to give tlie borsemen ample opiior iiiiiiiv i" -hi|i their charges rrout King rMward ,.,,,. :,, addition to piving the association a chance la 1.1.1 the Si :-iiMi_- to - ;.-- on the plant. Martin Natbanson, wIki has orBdated on ainuy I racks in the west, will act as racing secretary and , uM-Ute judge-. Ih revised list -•: -v h -xiH have charge of the racing follows: id Cole. ,,r, . i : Martin Natbanson. aaws-late Judge and secretary: fieorge Hill-n. clerk id Ibe scale ,,,1 entrj clerk: William M. Murray, general man ,.. r and starter: Harry White, paddock and patrol in. Ik.-: Wilham R. Booker. Jr., assistant secretar and patrol jinlge: Man Swift, timer. There »ili l„. ampl i daiioiis for all li-.i -onn-n .1. Irons of i.arii- I n« ting in Hie meeting. The. pnrses will be 300 and upward and there will i kar aeven race* daily. The a lation plans to ,1h trtbiit :«!.. H"i daily in pur •• 11 r. Tlie track proper i- in excellent Iltion and is , eonstdered one of tlie safes! half mile trarkl In .1,0 1 1011 .mioii. Ihe majorilj of the horsemen participating . io the summer meeting of the Kini: l-ah-.ard Pari Jockey Club, have assured tlie man ,,-ni of liieir intention -d Is-lping to make the . 11. il no eting a -11- • 1