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CURRENT NOTES OF THE TURF. The experts say that Iron Mask does not look K od I nowadays, and he seems Is hare msl his brlHiaacy. ash Mean, brother of the great Tod, and ■ g 1 1 rider in hi- day, is m.w exercising horses at r.el lnont Park. Notice la given in the Baring Calendar that Clap perbill. crack two-year-old just imported Into this ; country front England by Harry Payne Whitney, will run in the name of L. S Thompson, like the other Whitney horses raring in the United state. and Canada. track record that has stood since John Griffin i II. first it July 22, 181©, Was lowered when i Pan /.arcta won the three-quarters race al Wind- r • Wednesdaj in 1:11-.. and the old mark of 1:12 had I been tied by her la t year. Between the two per 1 romances Polite Levy. Lseeit and BaCkhoTB had I also tieil it. The letter S was he magical initial for the , Sul. urban. There were just three of the eleven beginning with S and they finished in order Strom hail, Sam lackson. Sharpshooter. Jim Coffey -a a the track Suburban day and 1 when the lueses fell remarked "Its haul to kill 1 the Irish." Three Mcs. were on the horses that I h, nt down, two McTaggarts and McKeever. Johnny McTaggart was the flrst to return in a bogg] and i tiie starters wagon brought in the other pair a 1 ti a minute- later. Though there was talk or adding Bonner to the • Suburban such an Idea never entered the mind of I his owner. The Miller champion does not relish i i una lin the reverae way ol the track and it was 1 stated thai he will not be seen again under silk i until the Empire Citj Handicap, which will be run i the day the Empire city meeting shifts Horn Belli - i Park to AquaducL Sol Joels wonderful three-year-old Pom sat hi. which easily won the Two Thousand Guineas and i the substituted Derby in England, is being kepi in i special training ia an effort to win the St. Leger [" in September, which will add his name to the select t small list of triple winners ol Englands three i great classic*. This will be his last race, as he is l I ol ed for the stud. Vincent Powers bus given ap the idea of trying , to reduce for riding on the flat. A few years ago ", Powers was the leading Bat lockey of the country. but Increasing weight sen! hiss Into the steeplechase held. "I rednc. I to 120 pounds the other r morning." exclaimed Powei ■ day or tu i ago. "and 1 it took all my strength. Anyhow. 1 like steeplechase - riding better than riding on the tat." Before giving I.ntuell the leg Up on Sharps,, oier t iii the Suburban Handicap al Belmont Park Wedne din. trainer Billy Karrick reminded the rider that t hi had pulled Dp at the wrong place in a previous race ending where the Suburban did. !!■■ added: : ••I win hold oat a red light to show you where • to top." Butwell -aid: "Never again." but hi ■ pull, d up in the old spot and so he richly merited I tin |50 line in. posed by the stew ards for hi.- iaie h ■ MISS. When Stromboli. the four-year-old chestnut geld ing by Lair Plaj St. Prisrilla, ou 1 by August j Belmont, flashed under the wire a winner of the classic Suburban Handicap al Belmont Lark Wedties da. It marked the third winning ol ihis big east era stake i the Chairman of the Jockey Club, iwaj back hi 1888 Kaieland. ridden by Garrison, . scored in the lb 1 it colors, and again In 1005, Beldame, on which Prank ONeill had the mount, carried the Kcarlet, maroon sleeves and black cap i to in rv for the tame on ner. Baring in Canada is in a most flourishing condition this sea on despite the war. which has given i our cousins across the border something serious to . thin! about. A well known Baltimore turfman, who , has ui-i returned ti"in the Iort Erie meeting which i ■ i ..i Saturday, says thai the attendanci this year r w a the best In the uistorj ol the Niagara Racing Isaociatioa. The Interest in racing is not confined - to anad.i alone. Returning pilgrims from New York report that big crowd- are out every day and that the sport seems to be coming Into its own I once in ic. iii,. betting question has been pretty l well sifted out. and BOW the speculator can pul i down as much money as be pleases on the New Vu-k I tracks under conditions which cause little hardship to player or layer. Parole la Baltimore New-.