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ANSWERS TO QUERIES. It. S.. Milwaukee. Wis. See reply to Kobl. M. II. A. A.. Chicago. Yes. Payment would he du-on Transit singly. Harry S.. Ottawa, Can. The Sal Vanity venture had in. action and was a draw. J. If.. BaaTalo, N. Y. Do not rind any rider named Harry McDonald riding at New Orleans in the years named. Root. M.. Chicago. Where nothing but arithmetical calculation is Involved |Hs,p|e concerned must do their own kgnrtag. Bob ;.. Detroit, Mich. Mntnela took the ataea of |.. oks at Toronto with the beginning ..f the. spring meeling Saturdav. May .III. f.lll. J. C. P.. Detroit. Mich. Sal Vanity being scratched from the tirst race was a draw and the matter ended right there so far as she was concerned. C. Be trait, Mich. When in mntuels a tlel.l horse wins .a- tens to a place, any and every other field horse in th.- race al-.. wins or runs t.ยป a plu.e accordingly. Thus a place and show wager on Zali iu the race in which Miss wai.ts tan second would have won be.ause both were ia the held.