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; • CURRENT NOTES OF THE TURF. Steeplechase Jockeys Kennedy and Bui Ion have been suspended at llamilloii and their badges taken up by order of the stewards, the former for fail ure to report ami ride Jim 0. in the steeplechase last Saturday, and the latier for his imliffeernt handling of Dorothy Webb in the nar race. A. McL. Bariocker has gone to Saratoga to open the new otlices of the Saratoga Association for the Improvement of the Breed of Horses in the Grand Inioii Hotel and prepare for what Is expected to be the biggest racing season of recent years a I the Una. Ihe reading rooms of the Saratoga ft saw la [•■n will In- opened on Monday. Superintendent, which showed a high turn of speed in ihe handicap at Aqueduct Tuesday, was almost brought back from the grave I.. race. At Laurel last fall he was dying from kidney trouble, and his owner. F. Mainiiv. had determined I" shoot him. Dr. Henry .1. MrCartj of Laurel asked to be allowed a chance to cure Ihe bone, and the result was that he is now near to his old font. In the possession of Thomas Crown of Baffulo and lames Baker of Jacksonville, arrested outside the Hamilton Jockey Club track oa the charge at send inir out racing information, contrary to the envisions of the Miller bill, was found a complete copy of tin- British army semaphore signaling code. It is thought the men were aslng this .ode to Hash the race results from the track before they were . di chilly announced, for the purpose of making ""sure thin- bets. Ti i.igistrate remanded them ft r a Week. Pedro Fnos. one of the saddle stars in the days of the Bav District track at San Francisco, away back in ISM, won a race al Beno a few days ago. Kims surprised his friends when he applied for a jo. key license at the beginning of the meeting. He is forty years of age and long past. As a matter of fact, it is difficult for him to bend over in the saddle. Fnos rode |..r Manager W. W. Finn of the Beno association eighteen years ago ami earned brackets many times witli Miss Cairn, a marc that was noted in her day as a longdistance racer. The Saratoga Beading Booms have been organuned liv leading turfmen tor the aeanoa at the Spa. H sins have been engaged on. the ground Moor of the Grand Baton Hotel, where the usual eltth privileges s -ill be provided. Membership entitles a men*-. her to become a subscriber to the SaraloL.i Racing Association and the Mantoga toll and Treats club. There are eighty memhen t date, and the fotlow-I Ing are directors: August Belmont. Thomas Hitch cock, II K. Knapp. Andrew Miller. Schuvler I.. Parsons, John Saaford, II P. Whitney and B. T. Wilson. Jr. . .