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RENO FORM CHART. RENO. NEV.. July 23. 1915. Sixth d.,v. Reno I sir and Racine Associations Summer Meeting 1 t .id day-;. Weather clear. Presiding Judge, A. T. Dobson. Sinter. • ] Stevens. Racine Secretary, W. W. Finn. 21867 Find Race- S 12 Furlongs. Purs« .f2on. 4-year olds and upward. Selling. Net value to wiaaer M ; seeead, 0; third, 0. I :■ 1 1 1 i v . Odda Ind. Home. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 80310 C. W. HodgesrM y Bnoa 1600-100 2 1805-1 • lam j lal :. r, Warren t:. le-i 21X1 r-laib.w Dip Ps .:;; y p Murphy 5So-ioo .1810 Sorrowful 108 l»| II Thurber 2170-100 2 1520-Loan Shark 108 • s McGraw 370 100 21853-Clint Tucker W *;J 0 Geatry 11 . MM 2181 I Downland to* 7 ., w Carroll 1; o p.o Time. 24. 48K. i:07«;. Track last. unit 11* I- paid. 1 ha . W. Hodges, s:i 00 xtrsiafat. W.40 place. .00 show: Delaney $ : 20 place. Rbow: Tallow Dip. .20 nhow. Winner .1. R. Basts b. g. 9. by Woolsthorne— I.illv I. trained by .1. 1; Bast. Start good. Won drivlni;: Sf.vm.l and third same Overweights Ileiatiey. 1 poaad. 218G8 Sec. uid La. e .7 I -2 Furlontrs. Parse 99. 1 year-olds sad upward. Selling. Net ;iiue to wiaaer 9199; second, sue third, 9. Fcpiiv. hilled. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 21850-Cust- House Ul l»J J Donovan 78299-] 21911 DIch BensonMM - C Basowil Qs-MM 2I7«» Tecto MM 3" A McCloskey 738 I«hi 21807 Butter Ball MM I1 C Cross _F, |ui 21817 Ed Luce 111 :,• s McGraw 253 loo -1 7.5«» Deflnit. 112 C] l 1735 h« 2l*itt McAlan l :: , w Brasel I88O-K10 Time. 24 483,. 1:08. Track fast. mntnrh paid. Custom House. .7.1,11 straight .20 place, .ici.iio show: Hi.k Beasoa, .90 place .40 sh.w: Teeto. .00 show. Winie 1 DsTiex ,v Sicilians hr. c, I, bv .l.e Carey Bllen Atkia 1 trained by M. Osrrlty. Start ..H. I. |. ilnvMig: ■ r I and third --nine overweights Teeto, 3 pounds; Holinite. | 21869 Third Race 7 8 Mile. Pane 9299. B real olds ami upward. Selling. Net raise to wis net- si 111; second, 9; third, #20. ir.iu i v. iMib lad. Horse. wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 21801 it. ChapmanHS !■* w Leeds 270100 21851 Gano no ,r. c cross 1 r. pm. 2 1957* Rhodes no ::.. c. Molesworth 790-H» 21S91*Roscas ns |- w orines 315-hH 21851 Manila br.. lis 5* G Warren 340-101 21853 John Louis lis 1; .] Donovan 1830-100 Time. 24. 99%, 1:14. 1:27,. Track fast. mutuels paid. Tom Cbainoan. S7. IO strak-ht SI. 00 place. .2lt show: Cano. .49 place. *:: lo ! bow; Rhodes. .00 show. Winner J. Connoys h. g. 5. by Conjuror— Lip ky Star II. trained hv C. BrOOBS. Start good. Won driving: second and third sain... 21S70 Fourth Race 1 2 Mile. Purse 99. 3-year olds and upward. Selling. Net value to Wiaaer l": second. *iio third. 11. lapiiv. Odds lad. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight 21818 1 Bal ley BeersllC l T T Barns 140 MM 21803 Quick MM 2J O Gentry 170 100 2IS99La Casdoralll ::- W Ormea 3*7 ion 21817 Bit. McQuaidl03 IJ G W Carroll 207 l 100 21848 Carondolet 113 ■■ B Hawkins 370 ni 21818 Fid. II er 111 C W Appleby 810 MM Time. 24. 48. Track fast. £2 mutuels paid. Bailey Leers. .80 strsblbl .00 place. .00 sb .w : Quick, ..00 place. .80 shun : La Casadora, .80 show. Winner — T. Mills* b. b. s. by Liberty dam 1111 known trained by T. Mills. Start Rood. Wen driving: second and third same. Overweights — Hilly MrQoald, 2 pounds. 21871 Fifth Race— and 1-2 Furlongs. Parse 110. I vear olds and upward. Selling. Net value in v. inner 10: second, ; third. 0. Iapiiv. ltd. Is Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 21517 Flnnigin MM H 0 Geatry 1 so 100 21552 Miss Folly MM 2*1 K Hawkins Hto-ioo 2 1817- has. GoetS bis :;-. c c.ross :.,.. |0t 2I850iL KennedyMM I C 50t -MNi 21810 MI. lLiwkiiispu; 5» R Guy 1. 1 im 2I8IK iChmas Eye 10S f W Ormea 130 ino 217S9 berry Seed MM . • . Warren c n :• 1 Time. 234;. 48%, 1:07,.. Track fast. S2 mutuels paid. Fiimigin. 7.20 straight. 00 place. .00 show: Miss Folly, 5.20 place. J0.20 Show : Clias. Coetz. .90 show. Winner — M. Doyles br. g. ft, by Runnels Sosena 1 trained by R. OHlSon. Start Rood. Won driving: second and third sane.. Overweights — Cherry Seed. 1 pound. 21872 Sixth Race 7 s Mile. Pane 99. 3-year olds and upward. Selling. Net value to winner 40; second. 0: third, 1915.sh9. L"iiuiv. Odds Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 21998Canapa 111 1* n Been 120-100 2 1 7fi;t-« "incn.bition IIS l- I Louder 640 19 2l810-/.ainloeh M»2 :;-•. W Ormea 580 lo-i 21851-11. Walbank US 4] II Tulhtt 790-100 21851 .lake Argent llo .7* Gentry 1180 I 0 2184! Hardy 115 ft - Riddle ,v 100 Iiine. 24. 482-,. 1:14VS, 1:27. Track fast. mutuels paid. Canapa. .40 straisrht, .40 place. .00 skis; Commendation, $:;.su place. .00 siu,u : /.null eh, .80 show. Wianer A. L. Pattersoaa b. s . 7. by Bedeck .a-Canopus Poaaps trained by A. R. Patterson start g.-d. Won easily; second ami third d lag. Oterweighta -Zaadoea, 1 pound.