General News Notes of the Day, Daily Racing Form, 1915-08-03


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1 . ; ; ; . t . t . I [ 1 : I • k GENEKAL NEWS NOTES OF THE DAY. oftioiai ronnrmatian of the r cnnatlan of Mexle • City bj i.inanzas army under General Gonzales reached the state departmeni yesterday from Amer lean Con-iil SlUiman at Vera Crua. A message to the Americaa red cross from Mexico Citj says there bare been cases of death ami collapse from starvation in the capital. The red cross message was fr Charles J. OConnor, the societys relief a-- : 1 al Mexico City. Price- already ale ppohlbl live. Tier,- K practically no com in the city. Some people the eating leaves, grass, weed-, dead horses and mule-, c nsul Silliniau- mesaage thai Mexico Cltj wa- occupied hv the Gonsales forces added "Director of the telegraph -tat.- telegraph coiinniiiiieat ion ha- been opened with Tula via Pa-[ chuca and i- being poshed northward. Occupation ot Eacatecas bj Obregons forces ronflrmed It 1- expected thai 1 arraaaa will move his entire goi eminent to Mexico City during August." Gerasanys tii-t rvspoaar to the last Americaa note in, -nl. mm no warfare baa come fn in the ad miralty, which has requested that American ship-I bare American Bags painted on their sides in pro-1 portion- large enough to he recognised at a distance by submarine commanders. Many American -hips are painting the national color- n llieir -id - bow, Ian it W -aid they ana .pyinixiL. Ual small. Ami.. 1 ido 1 .1 ii, 1 transmitted 1 he reTpiesl fu 1 message. fin- dispatch brought out 1 ,: in oili.-i il ipurrters, hut it wa- plain thai evidence of a desire bj Geraaaay to av id attacks on Amerl can -hip- w.i- gratifying. Tie Genera, Switzerland, Tribune ha- published 1 a dlstmUli Irym its WlTVabviiUenl, ut lUUsbiUCUi Austria, who says thai lo the oa-t ..f Warsaw tin- Herman- bare ceased their attack hul to tin- :ii- we-t terrible fighting i- -till going on. The Russian* are Keeking o kill a- many of their enemies as possible. To the tli ..f Lublin, since July ::i. the Russians have been liuhiiti". a powerful rear guard action, in tin- vicinity the Austriana have lost no fewer than 10,000 men during the last fortj eight boors. To the south of Cheim, the eorre»|tondeiil goes mi to -ay. there bare been coastanl counter attack- and the Austrian* have n 1 advanced in this sector since last Saturday. To the east of Ivangorod the AtiNtro-Geruians have advanced a distance ot forty miles in the last four days, This years cotton crop will be approximately 11,970,037 equivalent 500-pouad hales, parexl wilh 16134,930 hales last year. Thai estimate, unofficially calculated is baaed on the goverumeats i-onditloa report Issueil yesterday and itahrial ngures of acreage Bad normal yield. Whether the crop aril] be greater or less depend- upon growing eondi-tions from now until picking time. Lindsay T. W odcock, general manager of tin-retail store of Mat-hall Field A: Co.. dropped dead of heart disease "ii the Kandolph street bridge 1: •s : 1 .". a. in. yesterday while h - wa- aralking to bis office, lie bad left a Chicago ,V Northwestern railroad train ai the passeagcr terminal al West Madl -on and Canal streets a short time before, ae, i,l bag to his usual custom. Mr. Woodcock wa- ".. years old and begaa an rk with Mar-hall I iehl It 1 o a- a -ale-man in the retail store April 0. IS77.

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Local Identifier: drf1915080301_2_4
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