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THIRD RACE— 3-4 Miio. Saul ord Memorial Stakes. 2-ycar-o!ds. Allowances. MOM 1:11 3 113. GEORGE SMITH, blk. c. 2 122 By Out of Reach— Consurlo II. E. MrBride. Ilamton • S i 01%fa t 3 i 123 3 5 .. I] I G Barn r King Neptune. Begins, Peaky 1 k Bon. B i i "l .mini i - 123 l ;; • ;: 2 1- U llw I t;..|,|, n List, Bluntc, Bloc Cap .. iTS Wdbine 5-S l:01%fast :: 1 123 1 3 3 2* l1 G Burna 6 Peep Sight, loiite, Begins 20426 Wdbine 41 f S5%fast 3-20 117 1 11 l1 l3 Q Mm 4 T. Hlward. B/sPirat, B .Simmons SOUS Pimlico 1 2 4SSfast 1-20 112 1 1 1 P J McCabey 4 Caaeo, Pla—SM, Sun God 28882 H.deGce 41 f B3%*aat »-10 103 1 11 I3 Is J Butwell .". Kins Neptune, Broomvale MIS H.deGce 1-2 47%fast 11-5 107 2 2 2 l"k 1* J Butwell 7 Ban ia. Anita. BkBJta B;iumann TRIAR ROCK, rh. c, 2 119 By Rock Sand— Fairy Gold A. Belmontl. 21688 Belmont .■■ i bI i ■■ l%fast 8 loG 1 2 1 I1 I4 C Turner 7 Lorac, Air Man, Kilmer Lltili Jamaica 5] t l:«J goodll 23 IN 5 4 4 4* 4*1 E Dugaa 0 PddyWhack, P.ofComo. L. Sands 20S77 Jamaica 5 i 1 :01%fast 1-2 117 2 11 1- l- ■ Dugaa 5 Grasp, Walloon. ]•:. Baumana 20725 Belmont 5-S st 58%fast 3-10 lid 2 2 2 l1 Is B Dugaa :: Prince of Como, Murptaj .■ ■"• -i Belmont 5-8 sl 1 :• !. -igoo.l 4-5 IN 1 1 1 l3 1- B Dugan 7 Kilmer, Hanaa iT. Variety MARSE HENRY, br. c. 2 110 By Ben Brush— Nuns Cloth J. N. Camden. Saratoga I I :1 • IN .". 2 2 3 S*J M Garner :i Dominant, Lorac, Raise 20774 DoUKli- ■ x •"•.:;r,last 11-4 111 0 4 :: 2 21 1. Gentry 7 Balae, PockkH ||n. | Teal :»::•. Ctiurchill 4 f 56 mud 2 5 1M 2 l 1- l4 J Kutw.ii 4 Paymaster, HelrApparent, Jerry Churchill 4 f 54slow 1-2 IN 4 1 I1 2» WW Tlor 8 BUtison, HelrApparent, Kinney L014! I..- .ten Alt T.4 fast 5-4 IN 1 1 I3 1« W W Tlor 7 J.W.Klein. Imp tan t, Ch.MeCee COLONEL VENNIE. b. c. 2 110 Bv Picton— Shv Missie J. Livingston. _."i Saratoga 5J f l:10%hvy 15 no 1 2 2 2* 1*1 C Turner ". WhlteHachle, SunGod, Damroscb • Saratoga 61 1:68 fast : in :: l :: j I] M Garner io Fleuro, Tfomtor, Remembrance 20313 Churchill 4 f 54%fast 19-0 US I 7 7] 410 R Goose it Jerry. Franklin. Boneros ileal BULSE. ch. c, 2 127 By Disguise— Nethersole J. W. Parrish, 21977 Saratoga 3 4 l:13%fast i| 138 4 ".4 4*1 t7 C Ganz o Dommsnt. Lorac, ktame Henry 21163 I.atonia 5-8 1 :W%f ast 13-2*123 1 11 1*1 V V Keogh 7 .1. obonti. Cam-Run. BlgSmoke 28774 Douglas 5 8 59%fast 2.120 111 2 2 1 l1 l1 F Keogh 7 Marse Henry, Pockiehoo. 15. Test 20606 Douglas 5 s l:00%goodlS 28 114 2 2 1 l1 ll P" Keogh 8 Jolm.Tr.. BuekCosfee, II. Gardner 20898 Uxgton 45 f 54%fast 89-20 MS 6 3 3i I1 T McTagt « Gip.George. Disturber, Manfred JACOBA, blk. f, 2 119 By Jack Atkin— Agnes Virginia J. 0. and G. H. Keene. Saratoga ■"■ f 1:11 muil E i"7 .". 4 2 2" i". M Garner 8 Lorac, Feminist. Malachite 21408 Latonla i-% IM liw i:; 28 HI 4 2 2 1". 1" W W TMor 7 Margaret N., Bernini, GypsyBlair 21N2 Latonla 5-8 l:00%fasl 14-5 Nl 2 ill- 1« W W Tlor 0 Cardome, M.Elliott GypnyBlalr 20981 Latonla ■ s l :"2 slow 4 los fi s :» I1 81TSJ McCabe 0 I.d Test, L. Always, BeyedKate 20198 Lexgton G 8 1 :00%fast 27 28 US 1 2 2 2 U J Butwell 7 Kinney. Bellita, Ginsev George 20087 l..utoii A, f 54%fast 6-5 112 C 11-1° J McCabe 7 M. Ellen. W.Warbler, UGrcben M8S3 Lexgton 1 2 50%hvy 41-10 112 7 8 11 71 W W Tlorli laaaartaat, S. Leagae, I.uckyR. BROMO. b. c. 2 110 Bv Broomstick — Leayonara L. S. Thompson. 1443 Aqueduct 5-8 l:oH-.slow 4. NO 4 4 4 2 2* It Troxlcr 7 Ormesdalc. Damrosch, Wodward B Ainieduct 5-8 l:02ivy 3-5 KB l ill l1 T Davies Splint. Hands OftT, Santa 11270 Aqueduct 0 S 1 :o2 fast 12-10 112 2 4 2 21 2i I Lewder 12 Sasin, Favour, Trumpator ACHIEVEMENT, ch, c. 2 119 By Hastings— Achieve R. F. Carman. 21X21 Aqueduct ": f 1 :"7 fast 11 5 in 2 2 2 1 I1 J Butwell .. P*eeofComo. M.Pnaale, Whimsy 21596 Aqueduct 1-4 1:15 fast ; 188 3 2 2 2 22 .1 Butwell G Tea Caddy, Slipshod, Damrosch 21491 Aqueduct 5-8 1:82 good 11-5 113 I 1 1 is 1J J BntweU 7 Lord Bock Vale. BaeB., Hendrle 21411 Aqueduct 5-8 1:02 slow 8 112 9 1 1 U t I BntweU 10 Wayfarer, LordB.Vale, S. Beach 21275 Aqueduct 6-S 1:02 fast 15 112 11 10 10 10 10" G Hneatto 12 Saam. Bromo, Favour SIR VIVIAN, ch. c. 2 110 By Ogden— Lady Sterling J. E. Madden. 22019 Saratoga 51 l "S slow : 9 io7 2 2 2 2* l1 M Buxton -, I *".-.- Harry, Rochester. Burglar 21845 Aqueduct • 8 141 fast 2 112 4 t; 4 2 2] M Buxton id St. Isidore, Venture. Badly H. HANDS OFF, b. c, 2 110 By Plaudit — Meddling Mary G. A. Cochran- 21821 Aqueduct 5| 1 1:68 fast 9 5 no 1 4 5 5 5»1 C Oarrigaa 5 AchleTemt, P.ofCossc, M.luzzle • Belmont .fstl:o7 fast 15 107 5 3 3 l1 14 W I.illey it Sn.-eess. Tralee. FernrocU 21493 Aqueduct 6-8 l:00%good 11-6 108 1 2 2 3" 310 T McTagt 4 Sprint, Sasin. Wayfarer 21349 Aqueduct 5-8 lrOliihvy 5 115 4 4 4 11 2:i W Warton i Bromo, Sprint. Sasin :M12.1a!iiaiea 5-8 l:01%gOOd 1 112 3 1 1 I3 l3 W Warton C Sasin. Tatiana. St. Bock r Jamaica 5-8 ll%fast 31 H7 4 2 2 29 2* V Warton ; Lib. Sands. G. Gate. PastMaster 20S50 Belmont 6| f st 1M fast 12 no 4 4 r 4H V W Warton 7 Oraesdale, Pad. Whack, Kilmer 20655 Belmont 5-8 st 148 fast 2 IN 1 11 1« 2" W Warton 4 Damrosch. Murphy. Mag. Quince 20595 Belmont 4 t st 53 fast 3J 114 2 2 2 2- W Warton 8 Lota .. Murphy, Tea faddy 20504 Belmont 5-8 at ltfUfcgOOd 4f HO 3 2 3 3» ?.*l W Warton 7 Friar Hock. Kilmer. Variety 2868 Belmont 5 8 st 59 mud 6 110 3 4 4 41 W WartonlO Lena Misha. Ormesdale, Kilmer