General News Notes of the Day, Daily Racing Form, 1915-08-15


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GENERAL NEWS NOTES OF THE DAY. The forces of Field Marshal vnn Mackonsen pursuing the retreating Russians from the south have reached the line of the high road leading from Radzyn to Widwlodaw Vladova?, it was oiiicially annouaced by army headquarters at Berlin yesler day. The text of the statement follow-: North of the Niemen Diver in Hw region Of Allesow. Knbiski. Weschinty and Kovarsa inn engagements developed. Before Kovno our attacking troops tap tnred the fortified forest of Domino Kanka. We took 3S0 prisoners. Between the Narew and the Bug livers uir armies reached daring a. sharp pursuit the Slina and Marzcw Sections, where our opponents made ■ new stand. North of Novo-■aorghjish a lllliaj. outpost position was taken by storm. Nine oBeers and 1,600 nea and four mahine rubs fell into our hands. Prince Leopold of Bavarias troops arc approaching the Bug River also, northeast of Sokolow. To the east of the l.osy. e Micdz. rye. line the eneniv attempted to Stop our advance by stubborn counter-attacks. All the attacks were repulsed. Field Marshal von Maekensen defeased the enemy in battles on August 10 aad Angus 11. Our opponents did not Bad sufficient strength yesterday to resists the advancing Teutonic allied troops longer. Our armies reached during the pursuit the high road of Bad/.yn Haw idy-V ladov l. The Eastland rode again on lis keel yesterday, and United States engineers ai once examined ils ballast tanks to discover evidence of mismanage nienl for presentation to the federal grand jury. The steamer, which tipped over near the lark street bridge three weeks ago yesterday, causing the death of nearly 1,400 persons, was raised after atore than ten days of coastatal lahor. Twenty five divers were sent into the hold Of He- vessel to search for bodies by Sergt. George Serivner ■ • the coroners ottce. in addition policemen searched the lower diiks tor bodies entangled in the debris, while Coroner Boatman asked that several divers be sent down to tiie rivers bottom, where the hull rested, and see Whether any bodies remained crushed in the mini. Arrangements were made to tow the Eastland to the dry docks in Sooth Chi-rago for a rigid inspection id the hull as s.m.ii a- the search for bodies is complete. i. The -nil will remain in custody of i sited states deputj marshals until the inspection is completed. Capt. Ira 1! Mansfield and William Nicholas, local federal steamboat inspectors, boarded the ship and began an Inspection of the hull. Th - Pan-American appeal to all of the Mexican factions raUing upon them to end theii civil strife was being dispatched from the stati department yesterday in original Spanish directly to Generals Carranss, Fills, goveraors of states and to other Mexican chiefs. The next step in the administration- ptaa for restoriag peace in Mexico will be persistent thongs friendly efforts to persuade the Mexican leaders who have indicated opposition to the movement to eliminate themselves for the common welfare. In this connection it was said that MaJ. Gea. Scott, chief of staff of the army, who is known personally !■» many Mexican military leaders, might exert a powerful influence. Now that General Villa and hi- adherents have Indicated their readiness to .jinn in a peace fereaee provided the old Cieatifico groan i- not recognised and hat a stable government is established, no opposition to the plan is looked foi except from the Carranss eh-meat, although la maaj quarters at Washington it i- teii thai they might acquiesce after giving .are !ul siu.K to the friendly tone of tin- appeal. Euro pean governments directly interested in Mexico have approved the peace plan, it is said. The military commanders of the states of Siaaloa, Tepic, Chiaaes Qaxaca, Guerrero, and. it i- believed, Durango, have refused to recognize the au tiiority of either Villa or Carranza. according to authoritative advices received at LI Paso, Texas, yesterday. It is -aid the commanders have decided that for those states tie- revolution i- avei and, although prepared to resist Invasion of their slates. the soldier- are to be used m planting and harvest int. It is said tie forces Villa sent to Durango several weeks ago to head Off an advance by General Ohregon joined in a state inoveiiieiii there and will not rejoin Villa. General Angeles, second in command of the Villa forces, was appointed to deal with the affairs of satire an.! foreign merchants, whose stores and goods were ronflscated*i ■eently at chihuahua, according to advices received today. Or. Karl Uebknecbt, one of the socialist leaders in the German reiehstag, has notified ids government from in- post in ilu eastern war theater that he prill ask at the opening of the rekhstag "whether the government i- willing entirely to abandon the Idea of the annexation of conquered territories and enter into Immediate peace pour parlera if the other belligerents are similarly inclined. it is stated that the Geratas Governor General of Poland has issued a proclamation forbidding the holding of meetings and the- carrying oi arms and ordering the rinsing of shone at B oclock in the evening and the theater* before !l oclock. The deatli penalty is prescribed for any one iug with Germanys enemies The Pacific Mail Steamship Company, in pursuance of iis plan announced some time ago of dla posing of it- bet and other property, has five of it- steamers to the Atlantic Transport Com paaj of Weal Virginia. The steamers -■ disposed of are th. Mate liuria. Mongolia. Korea. Sihera and China. No terms were mentioned in the announcement. A recommendation to the war copal limn, that a battery of artillery ami an aeroplane be seal to Brownsville will be made by MaJ. Gen. Frederick Funston. according to a committee that conferred with him yesterday on the border situation. The committee a-ked that the force of the United States troops in the section l e strengthened. A dispatch io the London Ball] Mail from harest, which was delayed in transit, sa.s that the lustrlans on Tuesday violent!] bombarded the Serbians near Orsova and that an attempted landing bj Hungarian troops at Ogradena, an the Danube near the iron Gate, failed. Uaited State- Ambassador Maiye at Potrograd reported io the state department today that the American consul at Riga has taken over the British Interests there, this action indicates that Russia is upon the point of relinquishing Higa io the Germans. Mukhtar Pasha, Turkish ambassador at Berlin. ha- been recalled at the kaiser- request because he reported to Constantinople that Germany and Aus triii wile in the la-t stage of exhaustion and that the first serious German repulse would bring ! ■-si i action. Mexican soldiers entered American territory lif-teen mile- ue-t of Nogales. Arizona, yesterday and began slaughtering cattle, according to a report from the Harrison ranch, on Hie border. Three ante mobiles loaded with armed men started for the scene soon after the report reached Nogales. France has expended 1384,000,060 the first year of the war in feeding the wives and families of mobilised soldiers and workers thrown out of employment. Tin re are at present 3.806,060 persons receiving allowances from the state.

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Local Identifier: drf1915081501_2_3
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