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ST. FRUSQUIN STOCK IS FLOURISHING. A notable feature of hist weeks meeting at New-markel was provided by the stock of st. iTusquin. three of hi.-, children conferring posthumous noaon on Ihat great son of St. Simon. Since his death, almost a year ago. sons an. I daughters of Mr. L. de Rothschilds famous slaBion have added very ilea rlv Ls.ikhi to his lolal of stakes won. increasing it to £230,445 lss. His winners of last week were the four year old Naughty lirl, and tlie two-year-olds Frusquias Pride and Money Moon. In all no fewer than ten of the twenty-two races decided during the three days fell to tail-male descendants orf Blaekloek. nine of which were won by members of the St. Simon branch of the familv by aid. in addition to St. Krusiiuin. of the slallhus Druce. Desmond, the latter! sons Sir Archibald and Barla Mar, and Sidiis and Your Majesty. The tenth win n.-r belonging to the family of Blaekloek was ihe stallion Ampelion sire of Amphitryon, which belongs to ihe Speculum branch. — London Splrtsaandan, Auyust 10.