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NOW READY VOLUME L, 1915 ANNUAL RACING FORM The International Authority on American Racing, Circulating in the United States, Cuba, Philippine Islands, Canada, Mexico, England, France, Germany, Aus-tro-Hunjary, Australia, India, Argentina, Chili, Peru, etc., etc. This Book Carries indexed form charts of all recognized metac in the Dnited States. Canada, Cuba, au.l Mexico, has nan-punted all other-, for the use of racing otlieials and la universally used by jo.key clubs through out the world. Compact, accurate, perfectly printed, with absolutely eorreel index, on linen paper, lettered, and bound in Bexible leather. Con- lains. besides balls of all recognized racing 80 A iiui i-a ii traeka, the American and Canadian time n ■• !■!-. acalea at weighta i f varlona governing bod lea and record of Jockey monnta iu the United Stale-. Canada, Mexico, and Cuba, for the year. THE SPECIAL ATTENTION OE STUDENTS OE EORM Is directed to the method of indexing the charts. The index shows each and every start of all horses that have raced, with firsts, seconds, thirds and track conditions designaled on the occasion of each and every start. By means of this innovation it is poaelble for the naer of the form hook to laataatr* determine a horaea ability to run on any sort of track concerning which information is desired. Annual Racing Form has been oversold for the past few years and the attention of prospective purchasers of the 1915 edition is respectfully called to the desirability of placing orders early, PUBLISHED IN TWO VOLUMES PRICE, PER VOLUME, 0 Copies by mail must go as registered matter, with an extra charge of ton cents for registration. Not responsible for books sent as regalar mail. DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO., 441 PLYMOUTH COURT :: CHICAGO. ILL. 71 EXCHANGE STREET :: BUFFALO, N. Y. SKIRTS made of your own material. WILSON, 1418 Stevens Building, Chicago Telephone: RANDOLPH 3219. TELEPHONES: Automatic 62-756. Harrison 1314, 1315. 1316. All Departments. OWEN H, f AY LIVERY CO. AUTOMOBILE LIVERY AND GARAGE. 435 Plymouth Court, Chicago, III SUNNYSIDE HOTEL Magnolia Springs, Baldwin County :: Alabama. W. H. H. HARDING. Proprietor. In the heart of the Por.ce de Leon country, between Mobile Bay and the Gulf of Mexico. Open all the year round. Fine fishing. The Spring* furnish a certain cure for kidney diseases. RATES: 5 PER WEEK. The finest Resort Hotel in the World HAS 3EFN BUILT AT SUNSET M0UMTAIN, ASHEVILLE; IM. C. ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF. OPEN ALL THE YEAR. An old-fashioned Inn: walls five feet thick of granite boulders. Water from slopes of highest mountain east of the Rockies. Finest golf links in the South. Write for rates and literature. GROVE PARK INN, Sunset Mountain :: Aaheville. North Carolina. TX fOF SATURDAY. A A VJV.L,C7 September 11. Our next 32 XX SPECIAL. S..„d f..r it. TODAYS BEST: NOT 5. Book 216. THE AMERICAN THOROUGHBRED. Bamiara Buildine :: :: Chicago. III. NATIONAL RAGING REVIEW TODAYS SPECIAL: New Mexico. Mitten, Mitten. Canary. Yesterdays S|..-.-ial w;i ■cratchaC Room 446. 321 South La Salle Street. Chicaeo. 111. THE STANDARD TURF GUIDE. CHICAGO. Vfaterdaya Forai Special ran tafrd. THURSDAYS FORM SPECIAL: March— Grape — 25-35-26-34. Dally araa wratehe*. ret arloaen ?et the Blue Book; ur cents per copy. TRUE AS STEEL 7.0 WON un*, j fain jay*a Free B| eelal TODAYS: Helio-Friday-Nate-Pa-Datc-On. K«a» 1 k wiiii code tor these upeclail* noa an Bale ;it :iii newa-wtaada: -j:, read* 1 areck. THE TURF REPORTER. CHICAGO.