General News Notes of the Day, Daily Racing Form, 1915-09-03


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GENERAL NEWS NOTES OF THE DAY. A London dispatch of Wednesday night says: That t ! the doenmeats takes from .lame. Archibald, the ,. American stags: sine and newspaper writer, who was g arrested here yesterday, are of the higbesl import-sace, . containing i -oof of complicity bj eertaia Ger-msa ., etnbsssj ofltctals In Washington in fomenting ~ sad oraaalsiBg ttri— es and other oaaeatral acts in , the I nit-, | Siates. is the intormat ion coming today ,. ; from ■ reliable Boarce. one docamenl in particular : ■ay be described, it is said, as nothing less than as official report to a eertaia department of the German gOTernmenl on these topics, detail— tg the progress made an! the effect obtained. While the tt t of this document is oat obtain able, it is pre dieted that, in view Of its importance to the United 1 , States, Its contents will be communicated to Washington. i- In view of these rerelatton* and the roar- f- te-e with which Archibald was tr a ted. subsequently released and hurried from FaiaMath serosa ;s th» country to Ramseate, in order that be aright re-join the i in.-e Rotterdam in Downs, where it Is ,s lying tea porarily. Is the besl indication of the atti-tade j. of the English authorities toward Americans. Geman Forces attacking the Bsssisa fortress of ,r , Grodno have taken the oater forts of the strong : hold, ii «as oAclally announced by German army •v headquarters yesterday. T e statemenl detail the " movements of the Teutonic forces as follows: , Fasten theater of war: Army groan of Field Marshal v n Elindenhnrg: The village of Caar nok . on the Vilna-Grodno railway, was taken „ by storm. At Met tea on the Nlemea rive.-, about ,t , forty miles northeast qf Grods ■. our attack made progret . Oa the western front of Grodno the oater line forts bare fallen. The x-oifii • weiir took by storm yesterday fort No. 4. sltnated to the north of the Dombroro-Grodao high road. I The rarrteoa, consisting of S00 men. was captured. : Late iii the evening this was followed by the cap - tore by troop! from Baden, of fort No. 4-, situated d ! farther north. Here we took prisoners a garrison m of 1M men The other fortifications on the-ad 1 ranced western froat were thereupon evacaated by if the Biiaaiana. Kr.ii Brownsville, Te_»s ■ dispatch of yesterday r gays: detachment of troop C. Third 1 mtd l Ststei csvslry, sad a hand of Mexican bandits is were reported engaged m ■ battle this afternoon ,n eleven miles north of Brownsville. Cavalry and In , fan try are being spread out rapidly from I rt -t Brown in an effori to surround the Mexicans, whs ,o st tire to a railroad trestle fonrteeu miles north I, of here after midnbrhl yesterday morning and who 10 have been chased bj cavalrv since about 2 oewek. thirty of t ii Mexicans were seen about seven miles s north of bere at noon, according to reports reaeh-ing U.rt Brown. Aviation Lieutenant K. C. Morrow r- was ordered to ascend In an aeroplane and k! direct the Boldlers. American troopers are retorted d rlesing in on the Mexicaaa from every direction. imher gains Cor the allied forces on the Ualli-poli i- peninsula are chronicled in an official report rt receive,] from ton. Sir Ian Hamilton, commander ■r In chief of the British fore,-, operating againsl the ,e Tarka The report says: Farther nguting oU the ie 27th aud 28th, ou the northern sectiou of the hue, e, has east gr UU ha ■ m by by Wl was *■ In the j a, to 5 of :ii at p ;ii at :,i and 1. m in * ] It • ti I ■ - ■» I g In m , ■ _ f | t . t J r _ , - ,i I a at .. r i - c t - c r a I J | i .. I I j J ] - i x, 4, resulted in the eapiure of an important tactical potat commanding the Bnvak-Aaafarta valley to the I? and north, and an appreciable gain of the around occupied by the Australians and New Zee-bad anaj Corps. The lighting was almost entinh V hand to hand and of a severo Character. Heavy _ losses weie indicted on the Turks and three of their machine guns, three trench mortars. W0 rifles, 5H 2i bombs and a large quantity of small arms and ammunition were captured by BS. Four more Turkish transports have been torpedoed British submarines. Announcement to this effect mare at Paris yesterday officially as follows: , the Dardanelles the last week of August has ; been calm throagboat on the ■oat-era from, in j northern sons British troops delivered successful attacks which pat them in possession of a hillock the went of Bavak Ana f arts which bad baeo con- t rested keenly. To the transport sunk on the 201 h * August bf one of our aviators in the anchorage Acbsshlliman it is accessary to add four trans-pert- torpedoed by British submarines, two of them „ the same point and two others between Gallipoll Nagara. The guns of the battleships hav hit leveral vessels saeaored ia the straits. Graphic descriptions of the capture of the fortress : Lutsk by a bayonet charge °f Anstrians were given dispati bes received from the Austrian war of- | lice at Vienna yesterday. Lutsk, which, with Dabao and Rovno forms a fortified triangle oa 1 Russian territory, just north of the Galician frontier, ■ was taken" bv a bayonet nttnek of Archduke Rsioers fiftj ninth infantry regiment. How short the Russians are of ammunition is evident from the ■ manner in which the Bassisn stronghold was taken. ] The Anstrians rushed in and with their bayonets ; dislodged the Russians from both the railway sta- . tion and from the barracks north of the town. the evening the town was cleared of Russians j who retreated toward the south and southeast. According to .1 Paris diseatch the Prince of Wales has taken an oath never to marry a tlerman princess. The heir apparent to the British throne, . who is direct !v of Oeruian Btock, is quoted by the Palis press as having formally registered a vow r that no German blood shall be added to the British i throne line if lie could betp it. I intend to marry . the daughter of an English peer, said the yoimg l prince to friends recently. The prince has been l scrviug with the Britisii headquarters force somewhere in the region of Dunkirk. A long conference between Dr. A. P. Chambers, chief chemist of the Du Font de Nemours Powder company, and Dr. Thomas H. Norton, who is con ducting an investigation of the dyestuffs situation New York for the department of commerce, cave -i to a report that the powder coaspaav will place its immense chemical producing resources at the dis- ; posal of American dyers. The company is now a i large user of benzol and toluol, both of which are employed in the manufacture of the Chicago Teachers* Federation was declared an i outlaw Wednesday by the board of education. By vote of 11 to *i the trustees passed the Loeb resolution ordering the S.OB8 or more members of t he federation to resign from the organization "forth-" with" on penalty of line, suspension or dismissal. Passage ! the hew rule was accomplished in less ; than an boar and a half before a crowd of teachers j aad labor representatives who frankly sympathize 1 Willi the minority. To date 42ti.MK horses and mules have been i shipped out of the United States for the European t belligerents and their purchase has been a big boon i in the market for medium-class horses, department 1 of agriculture officials say. ovVrnment experts have been watching the records olo-.ely and they tind th;;t few high-bred horses have been exported, with the result that prices for ordinary equices I have laereaaed. Details received concerning the death of Adolphe P. goad, the famous airman who was killed Wed-ne-dav. ssy that the aviator, unaccompanied, was J making a reconnieissance. When close to Pi tit. Croix he attacked a Genua aeroplane and had tired several cartridge bands with his machine gun when , a bullet struck him. His machine fell inside the Freach lims. Yesterdays baseball results— National League: Brooktya fO, Boston 1: St. Louis 7. Pittsburgh 2: Philadelphia 3, New York 1 first game: Philadelphia 2, New York 0 second game. American League: Detroit 8; Chicago 0: New York 1. Washington 0: Boston 8. Philadelphia ::. Federal League: St. Louis 4. Pittsburgh S; Baltimore 2, Brooklyn 1; Newark .. Buffalo 1. A Loin hm dispatch says: Russia is sending all I art treasures in the Hermitage and Alexander mass i- seinns at Petmgrad to Moscow, says a wireless mes-BSge ■•■ from Berlin. The transference is being con-_ i- cealed from the public. Since last Thursday i nlv y three Of the customary eight trains a day have been D operating trom Petrograd to Moscow. A French aviator bombarded and set on Are the .. German barracks at Btterbeek, lfar Brussels, yes ,. terdny, accord— g to a dispatch to Amsterdam from n Sleis. The aviator returned in safety to his own „ lines. The German government lias paid to the Spanish II govern— kent through its ambassador at Madrid 8,-iMin indemnity for the deaths of seven Spaniards * who were snot at Liege- in August. 1914. V coast fort w.a destroyed. 12."" Herman I were e killed and a suhn laiine was sr.nk in the recent British i- bombardment of Zeebragge, Bays the An_rter-j, i- dam Telegraaf.

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