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u D " I :,, « :., » g U v I T 2 I I I - - - v. j j i h | I 1 1 * , 7 1 ] I s : j . 2 1 : j I , 1 1 1 , t I I I , ■ J r t ; , 0 r r Q II • .1 v a • n 11 a « ♦ •1 " r d i.. 1 • ? " » e t r* tb te 1; 2J- 1 1.1 in ft." 890 90 725 ::. 15 33 720 211 .715 in 10 05 88 .083 88 .095 85 ixi .085 .:." R85 85 .878 ;75 . . FIRST RACE — 6 1-2 Furlongs Main Course. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. 71401 1 : 17- — I 121. nder Courss Dist TlmeTckOdds Wt St % % % Str Fin Jockeys Started Order of Finish DINAH DO, ch. f. 3 106 By Burgomaster— Black Venus J. 0. TalbottL ratoga ;- 1 .1 H-B m 7 7 7 81 4*1 F Judy IS Evelyn C, lease Jr., 1 lev il Fish i Saratoga 8-4 1:17 slow 13-10 loo l 2 2 2" i5 M Garner 7 •Torecast, Brian Born, Santo a788 Belmont 3-4 l:13%fast 8-5 105 3 2 1 l1 IS F Hopkins 9 Minstrel, Grumpy, Mr. Specs Lis Belmont 8-4 1:l3%fast 5 ion 4 4 :: 2- 8*i Hopkins :. Femnouae, Lou Blue, Az.viade 211*9 Jamaica 3 4 1J3 fast 4J 107 4 5 5 S1 3»J F Hopkins 8 Ethan Alien, Outlook, Sinai 21*13 Jamaica 1 1-lfi l:4!%good 4-5 100 3 1 1 2 1" U F Hopkins 4 Joe Deiboid. Patricks., iriuiary 875 Jamaica 3-4 l:18%m,at 11 9f. 2 2 2 2" 1" F Hopkins 15 Outlook, Tinkle Bell, I". Brysou 20798 Belmont 7-8 l:26%fast 4i ins i 2 3 3 32 :s! r Hopkins U i: ■.;,-. Prairie, El mod 2C635 Belmont 3-4 1.14-%fast 5 101 3 4 2 l*i l1 9 Hopkins 11 SdMarah. Saratoga. D.ofDunbar I : H.deGce 61 f LflfT-sfast 5 104 7 7 5 4 441 M i!uton 7 None Kincr. Celto. Proteetot ifW H.deGce 5-S l.-*0%faat 8 109 7 7 6 41 4°i M Buton 7 Acton, Viley. Briar Iath 18405 H.deGce 5-8 1 : ■ 2-6 108 3 11 2J 2* M Buxton IS BeSeetion, Thrill. Baiekla 18238 Laurel 3-4 l:12%fast 25 108 8 4 5 32 6» M Buxton 11 Last Coin. High Noon, B.llartyr TINKLE BELL, ch. g, 3 105 By Peter Pan— Lady Gay J. Butler. 22400 Saratoga 51 " f l:08%fast l." Kir. 1 5 2 2?. 1 11 Hoffmann Forecast. Gloaming, Knrfhage 22231 Saratoga 1 l:48%hvy 18 lo:, 12 3 3 3- 3 It Hoffmanln W. Wonder, Sqneeler, llalenny 168 Saratoga l LIT mud 12 5 9s 4 4 1 2 J1 24 M Garner :. Shyness, Brian Born. Sam Sli.k 22017 Saratoga 1 l:42%slow 8-8 MG 17 5 4 5J i-i-I McTagrt 8 Dryad, B.Spiiier. Thougbtroader JJ882 Aqnoduct 3 I l:13%faet 6 109 4 C fi 8* 4-3 J Bntwell . Presumption, M. Specs, PaJanquin L1710 B.-lmont 1 l:41%faat 6 IPS 3 G 4 1 l1 2 C Turner 17 Dryad, Napier. Lr. Ilueiiner 216*6 Aqueduct 1 1:38 fast 8 109 1 3 4 r M ti7 W J O T.n 7 Karatogs, BUa Bryson, Alheaa ill: Aqueduct 3-4 l:15%sloW 8-5 10j 4 4 4 4* 1- C Turner 8 Hiker. Jilt Bdge, Hill Stream .l:4 Aqueduct 1 l:48%faat 15 101 3 3 2 2 3a 3- J P Ryan 10 Yodeles. Btonthiugt, Beethoven WATER WELLES, ch. g. 7 102 By Dick Welles— Parisienne Mrs. R. I. Miller. 18275 Laurel Si f l:06%rast 17 111 5 2 2 9s4*|X Karrick 9 Belamonr, Shera I, B. Bryan IS1C8 Lanrel 8-4 l:18%fast lfi llo fi :t 2 I" 8" ft Troxler 8 Belamonr, Lohengrin, 3. J. I.illis 18141 Laurel U t 1 :oc,--fast 23 113 7 5 5 .""k 6;J J Callahan 8 Kewessa, Belamonr, Sherwood 17992 Lanrel 3-4 1:1 ;"sfast 21 111 5 3 4 Zh V ,T McTag*Iti2 B!la Bryson. Briar Path. Tranid 17899 Laurel 3-4 1:12 fast 32 98 1 4 4 4 fi73, J McTagrt 7 HIghNoen, HesterPrynne. Comely 17459 Empire Gl f 1:07 fast 1-3 117 1 2 1 V I3 8 Davis 4 Aitaiaalm. Ilortnis Jr.. Coreopsis 17125 Empire 51 f 1 :0C%fast 13 10 117 3 5 4 4J 4* Browu I Waterl.ily. IIaTcr.:iy. LilyOrnM EVELYN C, b. f, 3 100 By Duke of Ormonde— Lux J. W. Hedrik, Jr.. 22573 Saratoga I 4 1 :12%faet 20 100 4 II 8* 3* K LapaUle 5 Islrose, Fenmonse, Sarsenel 22511 Saratoga 1 l:45%siow 3 96 3 2 1 1 11 4*1 L Mink D.ofDunbar, Mini.. Park, Santo 171 Saratoga 1-4 l:14%fast 10 94 4 4 4 J* Is L Mink 13 Jesse Jr.. Devil Fish, Dinah Do 22395 Saratoga 5 f l:*7%faet 4 103 2 2 2 23 2r .1 Mclacrt 11 Silica. Chance. Harry i Saratoga 61 f l:10%good 10 101 2 2 2 l1 H J McTagrllS Sarsenet, Santo. Menlo Park 21784 Belmont 51 f st l:05%fast 8 103 7 9 9 5« fis W Lilley !» Beethoven, Azyiade. Menlo Bark 21728 Belmont 3-4 st l:12%taat 15 9S s 7 5 G2 B»| J McTagrtlu T. as Ste I, Grumpy. D-ofDunbar 21377 Aqueduct 1 l:41%faat o 107 12 3 3 35 3;1 r Fiither 8 Coin. Sam Stick. Mi-s McGlggle 11409 Aqueduct 8-8 LOlslow 7 10912 3 3 2» 23 C Fbther 7 SandMarsb, CyMerrick, Gammon 21218 Jamalaa 3-4 1:l3%fast 8 MI 2 1 3 5l 5"l.I McTagrt 8 Sir W. Johnson, Minstrel. Hiker 211C8 Jamaica 3-4 l:14*4fast 21 97 7 5 5 31 2- W Lilley ! Cnrlaveroek, Gammon, D.M-doti GLOAMING, ch. c. 3 98 Bv Star Shoot— Autumn Leaves R. T. Wilson. Saratoga G1 f 1 :0s fast 21 188 11 7 fi fi1 47 .1 McCabeyll Huntress, San Vi 1. Ber. James 22467 Saratoga 8-4 1:13 fast 8 1*2 :: 1 2 31 57i J McCabey 9 W. Pltner, Fenmouse. H. Barbee 224*0 Saratoga 5* f i: ixu,fast 13-5 1*1 7 8 7 r,i :? 1 McCabeyll Tinkle Bell, Forecast. Korfhage 22*93 Saratoga 8-4 1:18 hvy 8 11s 4 4 | 6- 7** J McCabey 7 Fenaoouse, LadyBarbary, Qnarta 2*468 Belmont 6 t at 1 iCslow 10 97 5 4 4 33 3S1 J McCahey 6 T.othMom.. T Finn. Ksskaskla 20407 Belmont 7-8 l:28%mnd 20 97 2 2 2 3 3 3"1C Watson ;i Flying Fairy. Bataano 18462 H.deGce 6a t l:07%fast 8-5 106 2 4 4 4 4i A Schugr 1 Broom Flower. Alheaa, Gaelic 18363 Pimlico 5l. f LOS fast 8-5 113 1 3 2 23 in 1 McCahey 8 Eagle, Sarsenel, Protector 17654 Laurel 51 f L07 fast 6 115 10 6 5 fi" C .1 McCahey 10 H. Junior. Hanson, Disillusion 1*996 Helr.iont 5* f st 1 :06%iast 11-5 1*8 3 4 3 21 1* J McCabey 9 Hanson, Rhine Maiden, M. iirl 18888 Belmont 51 f at l:08%fast 6 108 4 11 21 3« J McTagrt 10 Spshooter. B. Martyr. Astrologer PLAKTAGENET, b. g, 3 95 By Ogden— Mamie Worth R. T. Wilson. 22092 Saratoga 5| f 1:ll%hvy 3 107 7 7 4 4 5»| J UcCaacy S Devil Fish, F. Wusay, Bev.. Tnmes 21784 Belmont "4 t st l:0."."-,fast 13-5 165 6 5 fi i- ,"•"• J McCahey 9 Beethoven. Asyiade, Menlo Park 21612 Aqueduct 3-4 l:14%faat 5 103 3 1 1 1J 2" J M-"ahey 14 Outlook, MenloPrk, Fascinating 215*9 Aqueduct 3-4 l:16i£stop 8 92 4 3 2 2» 2« J P Ryan 9 Isirose, Songof Valley. San Vega 2180* Aqueduct 6-8 l:01%faat 6 107 4 7 6 82 R10».T McTagrt 11 Gilt Edge, W.Lily. M.B.Lul.anks 21171 Jamaica 51 f 1:07 fast 7 102 6 112= 23 W Lilley 11 Fenmonse, Minstrel, S. of Valley 211*4 Jamaica B| f 1*7 fast 7 107 8 4 4 41 43 J McTagrt II Lnelc .limmie. Mamie K., Sleuth 21043 Jamaica 61 f 1:07 fast 41 107 6 5 5 51 613iJ McCahey -J Palaunuia, Yadopeep. Azyiade CAMPEON, b. h, 9 110 By Alvescot— Elorite J. Tucker. 15834 Empire 3 4 1:12V£fast 1 118 1 1111 1* II Buxton 8 J.D.Wefleld. V. Emliem. G.Boy 14788 Latonia :t-4 1 :i:i%iast 19-5 117 5 5 3 3" 4-3 U Connelly s in. Hart. Boy. Tea. Boy. Daiaty L4683 Iiouglas 3 4 1 :! 13-5 110 1 2 2 3s 8»1 J Howard 7 B. Candle, L. Moonet, B. Dainty 14330 Douglas 3-4 1:12 fast 51 110 1 l 1 || !■ P Keogh 12 FIrstDegree. J.Louise. F.Yankee liijl churehl 3-4 l:12%fast 21 113 1 2 2 In" ! ■ w Dbert 13 Nash, Edith W., Dryad Churehl 8-4 1:13 fast 12 110 I 6 6 GJ 4-2 C P-ak 13 Mlmorioso, Grosvi r. Lace - Lexgton 3-4 1:14 fast 26 ill 3 22 ii 1" C Peak 11 Greavenor, Edith W„ fenghee 131TO Charlen 8-4 1:15 good 5 102 1 4 3 8* 3-1 J McCahey I Boy. Met ", Chattier, Bo.illc.i 18*2 Charlen 3 4 1:15 good 3 103 3 2 2 5; 5-3 F. Martin 8 U. Meteor, F. Hudson. W. Lady GROSVENOR. b. g. 6 112 By Voter— Belgravia J. M. Henry, Sr.. 22397 Saratoga 1 l:42%fast 7 112 4 6 5 3 V 3*1 1 Connolly i2 Anialti, Azyiade. Carlton C. 22362 Saratoga 1 l:42=igood 15 102 2 8 8 7 S 5" T Henry 111 EIIaBryson, MarsCassIdy, Korgo 22114 Saratoga 1 l:46%SlOW 13-5 107 6 3 1 1 2i V T Henry 7 Juy Fisher, CaritOWG., El Blod 23945 Saratoga 1 1:46 mud 5 102 3 2 3 4 4. 4" T Henry 5 I. Macdonald. Shyness, Marshon L1979 Saratoga 1 1:41 fast 8 104 1 4 2 3 8* 8*| T HeOry S I.indenthal. Amain, Forecast 21457 Latonia 1 l:40%gooo33-20 110 4 4 6 3 2b 11 W W Tlorll Dundreary, Blrka, Lsckioae 21321 Latonia 3-4 l:15%hvy 61 110 3 8 5 21 2and C Ganz 11 Fitzgerald. Freeman, MrgaretD. 21288 Latonia 3 4 t:13%faat 28 106 9 9 9 I 6«5 W W Tlor 8 Charmenae, H.ODay, Rna.Gooaa 21208 Latonia 3-4 l:12%fast 19-5 113 1 3 2 11 3 j W W Tiorl2 Royal Tea. Langhorne. Shadrach SANTO, b. c, 3 98 By The Scribe— English Esther W. G. King-Dodds. •_::.: Saratoga 5 f LOR fa=t "-0 M 1 5 8 9= 5* T Henry U Hontress, S.m Fega, Bev. James 22511 Saratoga 1 l:45%alOw 7 9« l 4 4 4 *• 3* F Judy 7 D.ofDunbar, M.Park. EvelvaC. 22471 Saratoga 8-4 l:14%faat 20 95 5 9 s 103 77 T H. 1 ry 13 Evelyn C, lease Jr., DevB Fish .-aratoga 51 f l:07%fast s 103 4 x 10 11 8«»lv? Lilley 11 Silica. Evelyn C, Chance 315 Saratoga 5| f l:W%good 15 lol fi 6 S fi1 1*1 W Lilley 12 Sarsenet, Evelyn C, Menlo Park 22120 Saratoga ; -4 1:17 slow 15 95 7 4 4 41 410 K I.apaille 7 Dinah D . Forecast, Brian Bora Saratoga 5 t l:ll%mnd 30 93 2 2 3 2" 24 T Henry ! Isirose. Ancon. Mary Warren 1. 98 Latonia 3-4 l:15%slop 19 11116 4 6 8l 71* J McCabe 10 Lady Powers, M. Irvine Prospect 21213 Latonia S-4 1:13%fast 512 102 10 9 7 71 7»J F Bobinsn12 Gabrio. Rio Brasoa, Bell Boy 1: latonia 61 f 1 :0Sfast fid 112 9 11 11 llll,rJ Howard 12 Long Beach, Jester, Bce Albert 14884 Latonia 5-8 LOljfast 5S 112 12 12 12 12 1:- F Teaban 12 Malabar, Flossie Crocket, Bhodes Hfi03 Douglas 5-8 1 :0H/afast 21 109 3 6 6 71 7*1 L •angel 8 Vecnar. Gerthehna, F.A.Welgle BORAX, eh. g, 3 100 By Golden Maxim — Housewife M. J. Leonard. 2:477 Saratoga 11:1" mud I M 2 2 4 6 V v .v McTagrt 7 CarltonG- Sqneeler, Albens 21962 Aqueduct 1-4 l:13%£aat 10 111 7 12 12 10 9" c Fbther 1.! Acis. Asyladc, Mr. Specs 21753 Belmont 3-4 1:14-, -dow 12 114 3 3 3 3 3J C Fbther 3 Noureddin, Belamonr t» 7C9 Charlen 5* f 1:10 slop b-5 98 6 6 7 7 7"iT Hoffman 8 CoLToni Green, C.irlone. Encore 17013 BlueBon. 5J f l:08%fast 13 li;0 5 6 5 3* l4 R Neander , I. Cortea, Betterton. .LB.Harrell h.900 BlueBon. 51 f l:09%hvy 13-5 106 4 5 5 4 I* J Metcalf S Don Cortez, Cardisan 1P702 Conght 61 f l:12%hvy 30 107 9 9 6 C8 V R Neander » IsehgablbWe. Kopje, Meelicka 16085 Saratoga 51 f l:0fi%fast 40 108 8 10 ]0 9l 63 C Fbther 10 Luxury. Fab-Helen. B. ami Mortar 14821 Belmont 51 Tat 1*8 fast 8 103 4 3 4 5 4;H.T McCahey 8 Amason. Jester. Type SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON, ch. g. 4 112 By Isidor— La Tosca H. W. Ander.;on. S ■ Belmont 3-4 l:12%faat 20 112 4 4 5 51 1 BganM B T. as Steel. Be Will, 21215 Jamaica 3-4 l:13%faat S 114 1 C 4 1and lt c Bgauie . Minstrel, Hiker. Grapeshot 21131 Jamaica 1 1-lfi 1:49 fast 4 112 1 1 1 2 4 6**1B Troxler 5 Camellia. Valentine, Gold. Prime 2*9*2 Jamaica 3 4 1:15 slow 20 117 I 4 5 fi1 5" II Cavauli s Alhena. Superhuman, Minstrel 20S75 Jamaica 3-4 l:18%fast 40 112 9 6 7 ."! 5*| H Cavaulil:. Dinah Do. Ouilo-k Tinkle Beil 2079* Belmont 7-8 1 :Lfis5fast fi 112 2 3 4 5 51 5"iJ McCabey 6 Ilolv. Prairie, Dinah Do 20232 Iimlico 1l:4lfast 29-10 109 5 11 1 11 In A Schutg*rl2 Coin, Noma, Mi- McGiggle 2*222 Iimlico 5-8 l:01%faat 7 5 117 4 11 2s 21 E Taplin ID Alhena. Boaemarine, D.-viltry CARLTON G., eh. h. 8 110 Bv Garltop Grangn — Resignation .J. S. OwnuevL 22828 Belmont 11:4* fast 12 110 15 4 3 4t 7;,; W Lilley S W. Shoes. Bobinetta. Beethoven 22577 Saratoga 1 l:48%taat :: Ml 2 I 2 4 t- .. McCabey .since-,. Eagle, Don. Macdonald 225*9 Saratoga 1 1:46 slow 6 lis E 5 r. 5 6* 3*1 L McAtee fi Volant. Booker Bill. Alhena ." 177 Saratoga 1 1:45 mud 10 110 C 5 5 2 1! lr- W Lilhy 7 Sqneeler, Alhena, Thoglu render 22447 Saratoga 1 8-16 2 :0l%fast 3* 100 12 2 2 2l V W Lilley .".Napier. Marshon, J. M. Miller 2.: ?7 Saratoga 1 l:42%fast 8 100 11 10 9 4 6* •*» W Lilley 12 Amain. Asyiade, Grosvenor 2213 Saratoga 1 l:44%hvy 7 112 2 2 2 2 4* 414 T MeTagt 8 Lahore, Shyness, Booker Bill 22144 Saratoga 1 l:46%sIow 21 105 5 5 4 3 I* 1*1 M Garner 7 Gny Fisher, irosvenor. El Blod 21841 Aqueduct 1 l:40%faat 41 112 3 5 4 5 5» 6»| M Mthews 8 Nephthya, Alhena. Dr. Duenner 21784 Belmont 51 fat l:*6%faat 7 115 9 C 5 4i 4 .U Mthews 9 Beethoven. Asyiade, Menlo Park 2M18 Aqueduct 3-4 8 112 5 2 4 4 5J M Mthewsli Outlook. Plntagenet. Men. Park I0S11 Pimlico lmlOvlofast 23-10 109 1 2 2 2 2 2*| F Coleman S Sthenge, LEnglnd, C. Hollo way !*298 Pimlico lm70yl:4CTOfast 16- 99 3 5 6 4 33 3 3 Dreyer B rVgrtssiie. ILQulnce. J Deiboid 2*3*5 Pimlico 3-4 1:16 slop 29-20 115 6 6 3 3"t 5:, T Noian 9 Cannock. Cold Cap. Alibotsford SONG OF VALLEY, b. g. 4 107 By Isidor— Queen of Song F. Tanneiiill. Belmont 8-4 l:12%faat 30 112 8 fi 7 71 B*« J Mctag-rt 8 T. as ste,. 1. Be WW. Sarsenet 21961 Aqueduct 1 l:4*%faat 5 18819 8 9 fi a 2» T MeTagt 11 Dr. Dnenner. Guy Fisher Napiei 21912 Aqueduct 1 l:29%fast 15 107 2 3 3 3 8* S»l J McTagrt tt Alhena. Folaat. Napier 2182* Aqueduct 1 l:3»%fast 20 PM 5 4 2 2 2 3-1 J McTagrt 8 Dae, Lahore. Talecarrier 21710 Belmont 1 l:41-» 20 110 14 14 14 15 18* 15s* If Mthews 17 Drvad, Nioiei. Tinkle Bel] 21612 Aqueduct 3-4 l:14%faat 15 109 13 I 8 7- 6r3 D Steward 14 Outlook, Plntagenet, Men. Park 215*9 Aqueduct 3-4 1 :K;i5slop 25 102 8 8 7 5J 3:u M Mthews 8 Isirose, Plantagenet, San Vega H324 Aqueduct 8-4 1:15 fast 20 112 9 8 3 81 78J It Waldronl4 Palanquin, Hiker, San Fega I I* Jamaica 1 1-1fi l:4Sifast 7 183 4 3 1 1 2» 4s M Mthews 8 OSalltvan, Roehenge, HermisJr n 171 Jamaica r.tfio: fast 25 114 8 7 7 42 •* It Waidronll Fenmonse, Plantagenet Minstrel 21 .- :. Jamaica 51 f 1 :o:~fast 12 112 6 6 4 45 4"i ll I.afferty 8 Blkriilge. G. Edge, M.B.EubaakS rHOUGHTREADER. ch. g. 4 112 Bv Mentor— Rustic E. Herz. 22477 Saratoga I 1:45 mud 15 112 3 7 7 5 4- 41 M Buxton 7 CarltonG.. Sqneeler, Alhena 22397 Saratoga 1 l:42%fast 20 1*2 1*1111 11 h 7:-i .1 Pita 12 Amain, Asyiade, Grosveuor 22189 Saratoga 11:45 hvy 18-5 181 7 fi 5 5 55 :: J McTagrt 7 Syrian, W. Wonder Marshon 22017 Saratoga 1 l:42%aIow 41 112 r, ; s 6 4» 8*1 T MeTagt • Dryad. Bean Splller, Freeman 21931 Aqueduct 1 l:40%fnat 10 lit fi 8 8 7 7* 6*1 J Bntwell 8 Stonebenge, Orotund. Minstrel W660 Douglas 1 3-1* 2 KM%rnud 51-10 110 3 3 4 4 4r 4I0JF Keogh 8 Gold Color, Marshon Consoler 2049S Douglas 1 1 -1fi 1 :48%mnd 47-10 109 fi fi ; 5 3 3:« F Keomi 7 Tavolara. l/oveland I Gentleman ". Douglas lm70y l:4S%mud 24-5 lull 2 5 4 4 3 2«J W Median 7 Bonanza. J.Iteardnn, Blkthornu 2036* Churchill lm70sl :4SM,mud 1 106 3 3 3 — 3- 3 M Garner C. Anv Port. Ads M:; Thorpe ■7 Chan hill 1 1-16 l:48%fnat 39-10 112 2 4 3 3 11 !■* c Burgme 8 B.Keenon, I.Genman, P.Engen* CHESTERTON, ch. c. 3 108 By The Scribe— Penitence II. J. MacManus. .247! sua toga 3-4 15 1*5 8 13 1." 12 I»»1B tt 1.1 Evelyn C. Jesse Jr. DevB Fish 224*0 Saratoga •"! f 1 :"M,- fast 25 1m: 9 7 8 6* |*J .it mt II Tinkle Bell, Forecast, Gl Mining 21819 Aqueduct 61 f l:19%fast 8 101 7 fi 5 5 • • T Henry 0 Volant Noureddin, Outlook • Vqueduct 3-4 l:16%slop 13-5 MS 5 4 4 8* 7** M i.uton 9 Isirose. Plantagenet Sorvaricy 21471 Aqueduct 3 11:18 slop 4 113 3 I 2 2* 2:1 88 Buxton »; Polarlus, Ooy, sarsenet 21345 Aquednct t 1:45 hvy 13 5 106 111 2 53 5*1M Buxton S Saratoga. Minstrel. Joe Dp bold 21040 Jamaica 1-4 l:14%fast 9 5 no 1 22 1| L M Buxton 8 Ethan AUen, Alhena, rodeles »73* Belmonl 11:41 fast 115 103 ill 1 v i M Buxton i Dr. Dnenner. Jawbone, Btfaoren iO590 Belmont 3-4 l:l3%faat 7 Ml 1 222= l*i M Buxton 7 He Will, Forecast, Superhuman HUMILIATION, ch. g. 4 107 By Aeronaut— Miliiand A. J. Kelly. 218S1 Aqueduct 5-8 1 MM fast 15 11210 10 m !• 9 V, Gordon 10 El isinls Hiker, Granei 28 Belmont 3 1.-: 1 12%fiul 20 197 . 8 s 81 8 Mi CavanhiS T. as Steel, Grumpy D.ofDunbar 20389 Plmllco 8-4 1:18 slop 17-10 104 1 3 2 2* 1* P Lowder 9 L.Tra vers. Yorkville Beau Belle 19 Pimlico 3 i 1:13% fast 16-5 100 7 5 2 2«1 i* P Lowder 12 Pharaoh, Inea, Patience 20184 Plmllco 3-4 l:18%mud 17 107 2 11 ink -ji i Louder 12 Kavderosei - n lys Pharaoh • Charlen 3-1 l:17%good l 184 2 I 7 6! 8*1 W Oral 8 Dr.Pongl tj Zali. Toddline 18788 Charlen 3-4 l:l«%alop 6 MS 4 S 6 73 ""IWHinnhy 8 Hypstla. Sonny Bov. Mr Mack IS766 Charlen 5 8 l:02%slop 4 109 10 :i 9 81 •••|W Ural 13 Ortyx, Shadrach. Holland 18*93 Charlen 1 l:43%mud 7 MS 2 12 4 S 7" K Ties 8 Balfron. S.and Stripea, Iontown ■ harlen 8-4 l:1«%good 7 1*8 5 3 5 7 7*f E Tlce 8 Cannock. Dicks Pel Miss . lean 18588 charlen 51 f 1 o7 fast 12 97 5 1 5 5s 7"1F Hopkins 8 Ancon. DHagan. Undaunted ITAMMON PASS, b. g, 8 107 Bv Hammon— Pass E. B. Ackermanl. .1 Imont 1 1:44 fast K ill 4 E 4 4 4 " ;; . Brabaan -"• Lit. Nearer. Pe th Rock Doublet T P.Rk AM 1-1* l:52%fast lo i"2 1 3 I I 2". 2 r. B Lewis:. Ambrose, Absconder Kilcres 20347 BeLTer. ALU Eaai 4 157 2* T Chandler I Zellwood, Sandow. Mr. Snlggi 20173 Rockw*y Al. 2 fast IS 5 120 1 Ban out. T Chandler 4 Overseer. Fash. Wing, B.Pardee MAMIE K.. b. f. 3 100 Bv Peep oDay— Wantage H. S. Keirney. Saratoga 5] I IM fast 12 1"". 4 3 2 I] Vl" M Buxton It II 1 Sai Few Bev Junes 22473 Saratoga a* f l:09%mud x M : 4 4 l| 6*1 J McCabey 8 Korfhage, DevllFisfa. Bev .limes 51-5 Saratoga 51 f l:l*%good 8 187 "• 4 4 s; : •■•■u McCahey12 Sarsenet. Evelyn C Santo 21306 Aqueducl 5-8 Ldurast S 103 7 8 8 7 fi7l J McCabey K lilt Edge. W l.ilv M B Rnbanks 9 Aqueduct 3 1 1:18 last S MS 3 55 4H i»i J McCahey 7 Sleuth, Gilt Edge Ban Vega 21171 Jamaica r.ifi:07 fast 3 1*8 1 :. 4 r.k s,:U McCabeyll Fenmonse, Plantagenet Minstrel 21104 Jamaica 51 f 1:07 fast 41 181 2 3 2 22 2i J McCabey 9 Cn. JImmte, Sleuth, Plantagenet 20992 Jamaica I I 1:1S slow s MS 8 5 6 8 SI,;..T McCahey s Alhena, s rhnraan. Minstrel 8934 Jamaica Sj f Los fast 8 103 4 2 3 51! 6*1 J McCahey c Prairie. J J. Llllis Superhuman ■Wfifi l iinllco 7-8 1:29- slop fi* 103 4 4 4 7 7 7" .1 McCah - 7 Coisican. Boxer. Taker Iimlico 3-4 l:lfi mud 51-20 99 2 3 6 51 7"U McCahey 7 Faker. Jos Deiboid. Croeshan MARYLAND GIRL, ch. f. 3 100 B Peter Quince — MisS Simplicitv Mrs. R.I.Milleri. 21S19 Aquednct 8J 1 1 19%faat r 111 I 5 fi fi. I *• It Troxler R Volant, Noureddin, iuti.«ik 21728 Belmont 3 4- 1 I2%fhat 30 9fi Left at the post. J McKver 15 T. as Steel. Grnmpr D ofDimbar 20256 Pimlico 7-8 1:28 slop 158 92 fi 5 I I 0 ;,s;.i P Ryan 7 Corsicaa. Boxer. Faker _ !H Pimlico 2-4 Li::%fast 150 95 6 I I 6 ti,5U P Ryan ii Kewessa, Mamie K.. Volant 17689 Laurel 5* f l:«T%faat Fid 188 6 r, :, :, r.l J Kederta 18 M.Mgomerr. Mallard, Cue rock 17562 Lanrel 5| f l:*7%faat 17 l»4 1 2 2 4* 5* .1 McTagrt 8 Gnat, Stalwart Helen Eagle 1731* Empire " • I:01%fast 2 112 I 4 1 B l* c Tamer •• Caverock, Marvelous, iitoeraph 171U Fmpire 5 f Lo7V,fast 8-5 107 2 1 1 1« l"k J McTagrt .". Change, is. Maid. Gainsborough 17456 Empire 6-8 l:01%raat 5a 107 1 11 H l1 Petroff 0 Hectograph, Marvelous. Leda ANTRIM, ch. f, 3 105 Bv Celt— Diamontina A. Nicolail. !18»» Aquoducl :: I l:14%fast 50 MB I 5 I 8s 8W1A Nieklaoatt U Iwood. UaUop, Nort blight 2181» Aqnedoct 6| f l:19%fast £ !".i | t T 9 8" I-- Hopkins :» Volant. Noareddin, Outlook i Aqueduct :: 4 1:15 List M 106 5 6 9 9l !»,]*A Nleklaosl ] Palanqain, Hiker. S.nn Vega 23887 at boro H I 1:18 fast 4 107 6 P Ford 7 LadyBryn. Babe. Maid of Honor 20880 fctboro SI i 1:10 fast i 10J S;J A Nicklaus 8 Miss Brash, Onar. Beets 208S8 Prospect Abr.-S l:01«4fast :i 10u 1- A Ni.klnus ! Soar. Knight. .Squaw. Panama 80473 Electric and-8 l:00%good 4 104 4" W Doyle JO Royal Onyx. Remarkable . Phew 17510 Empire 6 s l:02%alow f 109 7 7 S s B»i c Grand •» Goodw I, Oa.Mald. I.lfarqnette 174::: Empire 5-8 l:8*Htast 12 lO.t 2 2 5 52 : - N Huff 10 it. Maiden. BeWOl. carlavcrock VIGNOLA, ch. f. 3 95 By Solitaire II.— Carnation II. H. Watterson. L19«2 Aqueduct 3-4 l:13%fast 25 Kfl M ". 9 II1 11" M aTtbewal.l cis. Asyiade, Mr. Specs 218SO Aqueduct 3-4 l:14%fast 15 K :. 7 7 i1 8"|F Uopkina 12 Goodwood. 4:i 11 | . Northngbt 18417 H.deGce r , f 1 : iS2.-,Kood 60 109 S 9 lo 11 ll"n S Davis 15 Thrill. Hirer King, Volant 18434 BLdeGce 6i f liOSgood 40 109 7 4 6 6" 7"1S Davis 10 Change, Marvelous. Flv Home 18411 H.deGce 5S l:00%fast 17.0 98 4 6 7 8 S15 J McTagrt s Sarsenet, Between Us, Gaelic 1S3C.8 Pimlico 5111:08 fast fid 10J 10 8 10 101 812iJ McTagrtl2 Mamie K.. Boxer, Fair Helen