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SEVENTH RACE— 1 1-8 Miles. and upward. Selling. 14657— 1:38— S— 108. RUNWAY, b. g. 4 103 By Yankee— By Ways H. G. Bedwell. ■•v. itiu. ii.m. 1 1-8 1:53 fast 18-5 119 llll 2:; 2 .1 Smyth 15 8. and Cap, Subject. Strathearn Conght 1 1 16 l:514sgoad 3 119 2 1 1 1 l1 T .1 Callahan 8 The Rump, Bean Pere, DncleBen i ■ 2VJ5 Conght lm20y 1:46 slow 15 p.7 8 111 24 2J .1 Callahan 10 The Usher, Weyanoke. Zodiac FortBrie 11-16 1:54 hvy 49 io7 7 2 13 31 .". . s Woistm 7 Zodiac. Stratbeam, Abbotsford 21926 Hamton 3-4 l:16»hvy 40 ],«i 8 8 8 9 9*f S Wotetm 8 Fascinating, A. Ann-. Capt.Ben I 21837 Hamton 1 1-16 l:47%fast 40 197 12 9 9 8 72 7".U Acton 12 C. Stream, Birka. J.H.Houghton i 21784 Hamton 1 1-16 1:44 fas; 88 107 8 3 4 8 6»1D»V Obert 12 Fenroek, Dicks Per. Dundreary 21398 Hamton 1 l:44%mud 8 106 6 3 4 4 5- n«|S Woholm 7 KewHaren Astrologer. FordMal I 1*887 Havana 5-3 1:14 hvy ? 114 4 5 5 6 «1E Taplin 6 Masalo, Frill. Caletuumpian 19830 Havana 5il:10%KOodand 110 6 4 6 714 E Taplin 7 San Jon. Phil Connor, Moncreif f 19803 Havana 11:56 hvy 8 tfj 4 4 4; 6" " c Jems 7 Sepulveda, Mockler. R:n-v 19769 Havana 3 4 1:42 hvy 4 11, 4 4 I 6" E Ta-din 7 Charley Brown. Sackcloth. AJai * Havana 3-4 l:23%hvy 8 113 1 3 S 8=4 E Taplin S Brandywine. Francis, PaLRegaa ;I MUD SILL. b. K. 7 107 By Captain Sigsbee — Wyoia W. A. McKinney. , 1 .. 11 16 l:30%fast 3-6 m 2 2 A Pickens 6 Bertha V.. Thos.Hare, Civill. • -- 610 Mncu 61 f l:23%fast : 110 8 7 Pickens 10 M.Frances. M.Sherw I. T.Koch i [■ 1.7 Mm ir, ■ Bit 1:23 fast 3 109 i S 5 3* A Pickens 5 M.SIierwod. M. Brush. O.Rnssell I 290 KingEd 1 1-16 l:49%fast 4-5 113 "■ 4 2 3 Knight 7 Cordova. G] Oro Delia Mack :,, 1 1 16 1:30 fast 4 5 n:: I 2 2 2- c Knight 7 L.V.Zaadt. D.Mack, C.F.Gnger KingEd 1 1 16 1:50 fast 4-5 [09 5 2 •, V. Knight 7 Euterpe. Fastoao. Tony Koch "llis Mie ue ii 16 l:48%fast 3-3 114 3 5 5 3 : |J Boiuick R Imprudent, FredaJnson. D.Mack k •I-,. Mlc-uv 11-16 1:51 last 7 5 116 11 11 !» Botaad ft A.Hradoa. Boterpe. PredaJnson ri77t S4neuv 1 1 16 i:49%fast 21 ll" 5 3 3 4»1 W M*nders 7 Cor. Russell. Bogart. ToayKoch, . 21735 KingEd. 1 1 16 lU»7%slow "■ 110 6 I 5 5i:. Knight 7 Euterpe, Mimesis. Fastoso ••1313 Del mier I 1 16 l:30%fast 1 U0 .", 3 2 1] C Grand v Fen. Strome. Moonlight. Bogari 1 Delmier 1 I 16 1:50 fast 2 ]!.", I I I .:; C Knight 9 Gor. Russell. Hearthstone. AJax x Conght I • l»6%good 3 ii.: 6 7 7 5 - I ■.*. i Baraa 8 Fenrock, Jabot, Shepherdess BEAU PERE. b jr. 4 110 By Fatherless — Belle Fleur S. Louis. 1:. i..iasr SI 107 4 7 6 C .- 7:-A Nerger 8 Valas, C.M.Miller. Star of Love e ■.,:. -•!.• 1 : 12:15 mud 7 1"! 3 2 1 3 I* •■ U McDott H Marsbon, D.D. dwod, Ahtaford d •onshi 1 1-16 1 :51sgood 6 ls 4 4 1 3 ZJ S 1 A Nerger 8 Runway, The Rump, inch- Den n ■ Conjrht 1 1 16 1:32 slow 8 191 2 1 1 1 -; 31 K McDotl 7 Locbiel. Marsbon, Cordie F. ■ i, lit I 1-16 1 - hvy s 148 s 5 4 3 4- 41. R McDottlO Marsbon. Ralfron, Surpassing :y-, Winds r 1 1 16 8 106 1 4 3 8 9* I ■• 1- ColemanlO La Mode, v, owa, Strathearn r 1 1-16 1:1 102 I S ii 6 6* 6s v Cooper 7 Mockery. King Box, Martian »»106 FortErie 3-4 I:i7-hvv ill 193 1 8 6 Ill* R McDottlO Lady London, Parlor Boy, Kim . 5054 FortErie 1 1 8 lS6»lhvy 9 197 1 E ■• fi oj S" It McDott 7 Moscowa. S.andCap. Abbotsford 1 FortErh lm70yl :32%hvy 14-5 h 4 3 3 4 8 c* 6 "JE Cooper 11 Stanley S„ First Star. Fettowroaa D 2H18 Conght lm20y 1 :44%good 7 106 4 5 5 5 r,= 4"J F Cooper 8 Rlcbwood, Sbepiierdess. Kaznu 91057 Conght 11 : 1" rand I 1"", E II 1 l2 li L McAtee II 0 j.- = . Durin. Voladay Jr. 2lo22 ConKht 1 1 S l:50i,isgood 10 99 3 2 3 3 6* V% I. McAtee N Ienr.ei:. Jahor. Mod «ill MINDA. b. f. 4 107 By McGee — Sans Pareil II. J. U. Strode. 23551 Conght 1 l 16 1:51 good 12 148 2 4 4 I 3] V D McCtbj 7 Buterpe 8tak and Cap, Spindle . . 1,11 jiDr 1 1 161:52 slow 20 1 I 5 .". S 7 1 I .1 let 7 Locbiel Marsbon. Bean Pi re ., 223"4 KingEd. 3-4 !.!.". .Cist B 110 4 E i W N: 8 Spota, 0 Tia Trn Lambs Tall " 2 -U KingEtl 3 I l:16%fast 6 ill 5 4 2 1| W Voang 7 :■. Jewel of Asia Catty ■ ,1 n.-ui 11-16 1:50 fast Q 11" 3 3 2 l1 W Toang 8 Mr. Mack. L.VanZandt Mas.Joe , 21918 Mneuve ll 16 l:48%fast 6 107 2 8 B B»1W ros 1 K Imprudent, FredaJohnson. M.Sil! r"-.;i M neuve 11 1 2 102 1 2 4 4n? V Jlinpiiy " Dinpiesne. And ■■ ODaj a 21797 Mneuve 11-16 1 :.-tat 21 tot 2 * K " W Voimc 7 Fleet rie. Fc«4jiJUi-op. K.IIdi rd ,1 21713 KingEd. 1 I -: 1 113 9 .i 6 6" W Touag H» Dnnnesne. sia. sbcplieruesa "1676 KingEd. 11 16 121 ftist E 184 3 :; 2 :- W Toung 10 Testy Koch. Durin, Lord Wells 61 f 1 fast 10 187 3 4 4 3 w Toang !» Mereurinm, Baohn. Lea. a Pride . 1616 KingEd. 3-4 l:17%fast 6 ItS 5 6 E 1*1 W Tonag 10 Blue Jay, Stubborn, Singletoc 21544 D 1iPr 7-8 1:39 fast 1 113 11 2 8* C Grand S Water Lad, Barette, Malik "M-r, Delmier 1 1 l« 1:52 fast 3 11" 4 I 3 4J W Tosng U PlerreDatas, D.Mack Tbos.IIare •,. 5l367 Delmier 1 1 16 1 :51Ufast 4 195 4 2 W Touag li TeU.Strome. Moonlight, Mycenae ,. ill5» Conght lui20y l:4l7 ,soo4 10 N 2 5 5 1 5l 4"J A CoUias » Uvatiou, King Radford, FordMal il SI 23 23 22 211 21 I 21 21 » 2h 2* 1 K Al 23 22 22 22 22 22 22 81 21 H -l w 22 22 21 21 21 21 21 -i 19 1? 19 Cl 2£ 22 22 22 2: 21 21 21 C1 2: 2: 2S .1 21 : 21 21 21 2 2f g - ■ S 2 ;■. 2: 2: 2: 2. 2: 2: S ■■ • i ■■ 2 , SPINDLE. Mk. g. 8 108 Bv Heno— Twccdie T. Eggers. 51 1 mght 1 1 in 1:51 good 15 ill 4 6 6 6 4 1" W War Cm 7 Euterpe, Stake and Cap, Minds 22503 Conght lm20y l:46%slow 29 107 15 6 7 6i Oi W Kelsay 8 L-Spirituelle, Astrologer, Kmdy 22144 FortErie 1 1 16 1:50 good 131 1"7 2 s 8 8 8 74 L Gentry H Baby Suiter, Kim. Harry Lauder • FortErie lm70yl :464fcgood 39 pc :, :i s :. 4 : I. ;■ :it:-y h Ilowman, M.Waters, Weyanoke 21519 Denver 1 l:4S*femud 9 109 5 4 4 5 6« 5j J Irach 7 D.Mntgomery, Acusaen, Ohll-ion 19 Denver 3 4 l:i4Vf,fast f.7 in 2 8 8 8 7»1 W Ormes 8 Miss Clark, Rooster. Ceoa 21199 Denver ll:41%fnst U| 111 4 3 0 4 5« f,H W Ormes . Datston, Hardy. Prince Conrad 21114 Denver ll:41*sfast 21 115 7 4 4 6 6« 5= W Oruics 8 Dalst-n. Brando. Prince Conrad 77 Denver 1 l:42%fast 9i 118 10 5 5 8 S« 7101W Ormes 10 St. Avano. Brando, Cmendathm -1023 Denver ll:41%fast 13 113 2 4 8 8 S» 918 W Ormes 1.: Hen. Walhank. Art Rick. Dalstoo 19986 Juarea 1 1-8 l*S%fast 5 107 4 0 4 5 7* 1" J Howard 11 S. Connor. FirstStar, 19985 Juares l 1:39-,-. Cist 10 no 4 5 7 3 3l 31 J Dobbins 8 Conciin. Pr.Conrad, BlackMats 19925 Juarea 1 1:49 Cist 4 106 1 4 5 5 5" 4"! 4 Molesth 7 Milo. Twilieht. Stolen Ante iassi, Juaraa 1 1 Sl:52%fast 3 103 2 2 2 2 2- 2* W Ormes 7 Cordie F.. Dalston. Voladay Jr. ABBOTSFORD. ch. g, 6 108 By Hippodrome — Sister Frank W. L. Oliver. 22639 RlueUon. l 1-8 1:53 fast 17 ph; i; s 11 s si 6" ll Hanmer 15 Stake and rap. Runway, Sul j, ••: 98 Conght 1 1-12:15 mud 8 184 2 4 E 4 4* 4" J Smyth 8 Marabou, D.Deadwod, Beaulere 22571 Conght 1 1-16 l:51%fasl 10 110 2 4 5 5 41 2- .1 Smyth 7 Star of Love, First Star. Balfron onght 11 16 1:51 f,-ood i» 183 6 18 6 5l A"1 a Nerger 9 L. Travers, Miss Waters, SStaliac 224S6 Conght ll 16 l:52%hvy 15 107 6 6 6 8 S2 7:o n Hanmer 10 Marabou, Balfron. Surpassing 22385 Windsor 3-4 i:l4%Cust *7 10811 S 8 S2 S 11 Hanmer 10 Aristocrat, The Usher, apt. lien 22138 FortErie 1 1-16 1:54 hvy 57-10 107 6 3 4 5 5* 33i J Smyth 7 Zodiac. Strathearn. Weyanoke 22054 FortErie 1 1-8 l:56*shvy 37-6 103 5 2 3 3 3- r5 y Coper 7 Moscowa. 8. and Cap. Heenaa 950 Hamton 1 l:424fcslow 3 92 7 5 5 5 S* 42J J Morya 8 Subject. J.Kvanangh. Slumberer 21879 Hamton 1 1-8 l:07%slop 10 98 5 6 1 2 22 3H J Morya 12 S.ofLore. BabySister, CordieF. 21314 Hamtoa 51 f 1 M fast 20 ill 4 5 6 51 s« n Hanmerl2 Crystal, Bes. Latimer, Cant. Ben 39647 Dorval lm70v l:47%fast 6 10S 8 6 7 8 8 841 J Acton 1 TheRnmp, Autumn. Loo. Travers 2"550 Wdbine lm20y l:45V4fast 71 109 2 5 6 5 5"" 4J A Nersrer 8 Star of Lore, Sarolta. Cehhrity WILD HORSE, b. g. 4 103 By Pink Coat— Ruby Right B. Levy. 22430 Windsor 1 l:42%fast 3 193 1 I I 4 2» 21. 11 Stearns 11 Lavana, Cadenza. Cotton Ton • FortErie 1 1 -16 1 /..-ihw 23 197 ~ 2 2 I P 7-- .: Acton 7 Flitaway, II. Lander. AfrieaBeaa 21813 Hamton 1 1-16 1 :4,,%fast 7 lol 4 4 5 10 12 12" » P Powder 12 Fly Home, P.rickhy. Flitaway 21720 Windsor 1 1-16 l:48%good fid 96 11 8 S 7 73 4iK Lnpaillci2 Brickley, Lucky George, Aprisa 21342 Latonia I 1-8 1 :55igood 9-5 103 8 7 7 7 8 818JM Garner H Guide P"st, Wryneck, Stick Pin 21187 Latonia 1 t-18 l:46%faat 13 103 4 3 3 2 22 22 K Lapaille 11 S.Actress, IleletiM.. F.A.Welgle 21125 latonia 1 1-16 1:47 fast 19 100 3 4 4 5 6* 6i K LapalllelO IrlshOntleman. Mockery, Oboins 21000 Latonia 1 1-16 l:464fcfast 33 99 1 2 2 2 3* 3* K LapaJHelO WhlteWool, Mockery. L.H.Adair 19759 Juarez 1 1:39 fast 5 10G 8 2 4 4 43 6-35D Gentry S JohnRoardon, An. Reed. Chevrou 196: 0 Juarez 1 1-S l:55?3fast 3-2 99 4 3 2 4 42 4» G W Carll 7 Hester. Goldy. Black Mate 19414 Juarez 1 l:39%fast 2 102 7 2 3 4 4" 3i A Mott 8 First Star. Doll Boy, Ancestors CORDIE F., ch. m, 5 103 Bv The Scribe— Elizabeth B. P. J. Milesl 22398 Conght 1 1 1 2:15 mud 20 99 7 7 7 8 8 8«* J Morya S Marsbon, D.Deadwod. BcanPere onght 1 1-16 1:5.: slow 99 94 1 2 I 3 :."* lJ. E Graves 7 Loehiel, Mai bon. Bean Pere 22415 Windsor 1 l-S l:53%fast 66 97 2 6 s S S4 6* 1: Graves !• GidePost, CUffStream, Mockery 49 Windsor 1 1-4 2:i2%slow 13* 100 7 s i E 7" 71.p Lowde* 8 First Star, Fellowman, Moscowa 22253 Windsor 11-8 1:56 fast 59 94 7 5 5 6 41 5* ■ 1. raves R BnshyHead, B. Hensley. G.Post ... Dufferin 7-8 1:35 hvy 20 10:: 7 6 5 22 1* E Cnllen 7 tllint. Imprudent. ColumbULady 21928 Hamton 1 1-8 l:54«andhvy 20 94i 6 4 6 5 7 6""J II Stearns 7 CUffStream, In. Pen. H.Lander 21879 Hamton 1 1-8 l:57%slop 40 96 3 4 3 1 51 47J II Stearns 12 S.ofLove, BabySister, Abbotsford 21837 Hamton 1 1-16 l:47%fast 40 100 19 10 11 11 11* 104UI Stearns 12 C. Stream. Dirka. J.H.Houghton 21745 Windsor 1 l-S l:53Vfcfast 38 91 1 6 6 6 6* 6"? L McAfee S Burwood, Guide Dundreary . Windsor 1 1-16 l:47%slow 92 101 4 8 9 9 8» 10181K Lapaillell Supreme, Burwood. Fly Home 2i646 Windsor 1 1-16 l:53%slop 27 100 3 7 9 9 S 9" V, Graver 9 Kneelet. Aprisa, Fellowman CITTTYHUNK, br. g, 7 103 By Ogdon— Mariti L. W. Garth. s.; FortErie lm70yl:45 good 41 5 107 6 6 6 5 52 4n a schugr 8 Dicks Pet, Flitaway, Blrka 22037 FortErie lm70yl :32%hvy 24-8 197 4 6 7 E 51 5*1 A Sckugi 11 Stanleys., FirstStar. Fellowman 21784 Hamton 1 1-16 1:48 fust 10 108 12 11 11 11 12 1l"» .v Schngr 11 Fenrock, Dicks pot. Dundreary i.",rA ForfF.rie 1 3-16 2:14%hvv 39-20 107 13 3 3 32 4" A Schugr 0 Raincoat, Font. Milan .IM For; Erie 1 1-8 2:llhvy 29 20 10S 1 6 2 3 3s 1» J Acton T Bend.-l. Joe Stein. Weyanoke 21440 FortErie 1 1-16 l:.",6y5hvy 23-10 102 6 5 5 3 3" 3" D McAtee 8 Supreme, Ida Claire, Joe Stela 21011 Conerht 1 1-16 1:52 slow 1 113 7 7 8 8 8 B**iL Ilartwell s Raincoat, LockyGeorge, T.Kutnp 20944 BlueBon. 1 1-4 2:0:i%slow 21-10 107 4 3 2 1 l2 l2 L HartweU 6 Jabot, Raincoat, Foladay Jr. 20924 BlueBon. 1 l:40»ifast 12 106 10 6 8 5 42 Is J Metcalf 11 Bushy Head. Jabot Martian 20846 BlueBon. 1 1-8 l:54%fast 27-5 104 1 4 3 2 S3 3J F Cooper fl C. Haven, OrperMi. Viladav Jr. 20723 Dorval lm70v l:47i-,fast 4 104 5 5 5 1 la Is E Forehnd 1 TIieRninp, J.ILIIoton. Balfron 99617 Dorval 1 1-16 l:49 ifast 2 109 2 2 2 4 21 11 F Cooper 7 Gerrard. Zodiac, BeaumontBelle STIERLOCK HOLMES, br. h. 6 106 By Inflexible— Orsina W. Walker. 22398 Conght 11-4 2:1", mud 3* 109 4 14 7 7s 7::« s Brown 8 Marsbon, D.Deadwod. BeauPere 22551 Conght 11-16 1:51 good 20 ins 1; 3 3 5 v- 6"1R McDott 7 Euterpe, Stake and Cap. Minda 23503 Conght lm29y l:4C41slow 15 Mfi 5 7 8 8 8 8MS Brown B L.S*itueIle, Aatrologr, Kmundy 22382 Windsor 3-4 l:15%fast 72 103 12 12 12 12 121* S Brown 12 Langborne, MClintock, M.Casca 22138 FortErie 1 1-16 1:54 hvy 68 105 4 7 5 6 6l. 6° W Ira! 7 Zodiac. Strathearn. Abbotsford 22082 FortKrie lm7ov1 :45*£good 113 MB 4 5 7 8 8» 823 S Brown 9 Flouman. If. Waters, Weyanoke 22037 FortErie lm70yl :52%fast 05 102 5 5 3 6 S3 S =JJ Brown 11 Stanley S., FirstStar. Fellowman 21159 Conght lm20y l:44%good 8 104 1 2 2 5 65 59 L McAtee . Ovation. King Radford, FordMal 21092 Conght lmTOy l:46V»fast 15 I0S 1 8 3 5 5s o11 A 8etMB*g*r S Supreme. L. George. B. Welsh 21031 Conght lin20y l:46%good 10 111 5 3 3 3 41 63 A Schugerll Liberty Hull. Ford Mai. Galaxy SIR BLAISE, br. h. 6 106 By Lissak— The Pet W. P. Fine. 22658 BlueBon. 3 ! l:L*%fast 26 192 7 I 6* I ■"■. -I Smyth 10 MarJ. A., King Box, PrivetPetal Conght lin2v 1:44 slow S HI 5 6 7 I V ,-J Smyth 10 The Caber. Runway. Weyanok 133 Windsor S-4 l:13Hfaat fid 110 5 5 9 72 H»l .1 Smyth 12 Bmsedge, "mauietta. Imperator 22347 Windsor 51 f 1 : i;y-slow 26 5 107 5 E E 6" 5»i J Smyth 8 York Lad. Broomsedge. Colle. 22052 FortErie 3-4 1:17 hvy 1-2 MS 4 3 4 5l B»l F Cooper : Brickley, Balfron. Aristocrat 21783 Hamton 5 f l:05*«faat 15 l"5 7 12 10 12 I2-2 E Haynes 12 Slipper Day, Keweasa. Conunsla 21684 Windsor 51 f DHHhvy 27-19 111 4 5 5 V V E Haynes 8 K. Differ. TorkvUIe. Ther.Betbel - FortErie 51 f l:09 5s!ow 13-8 148 3 4 4 3J 2« E Haynes i Deposit. Laura. Vorkville 2113S FortErie 51 f l:12%hvy 2 116 1 5 5 5 5* B Haynes 8 Zia Del, The Spirit. King Wortb 21226 Hamton 3-4 1 :14/,fast 4 114 2 4 I 21 3*1 E Haynes 12 The Spirit. Venetia, Videt 34943 BlueBon. 51 f l:08!islow 21-5143 1 4 3 33 1« E Haynes 7 The Spirit. Deposit. Kim