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FATE. MONTAGUE A GENUINE STAYER. the Durham Cup Easily — Water Lady Defeats Kcv.essa and Pan Zareta. Toronto. Oat., September 22. — C. Millars foot three-year-old, lair Montague, showed that he wa-a rare atayer 1 winning the Durham Cup from a land of older bones ai Woodbine Park this afternoon, laii Montague conceded weight to everything in the race, followed the leader under slight restraint nut 1 i; i he last half mile, then moved up and. taking an i a- lead, was going away at the tini-h. The mile ami three-qaarteru were run in :;:08%, which Is within two-fifths of a second of the track record, made by Inferno In winning the name stake Pack in IBOtt. The Brookdale Stables I ad j Caraou was mh-obmI and Hampton Dante a |v third. Prince PWlsthorpe. the favorite, ran weU for a mile and a quarter. ;iien quit and va- beaten ..ii .it the end. The attendaiKc was surprisingly large. Tin afternoon was ideal for outdoor sport ami bitereal tag contest- were the order. 1.. W. Garth won the -I. , ph ■ hi-e with Eaton, while tin- Minion llandi cap. a da-h of three-quarters, went to Water Lady. which came from last place to beat Kewessa by a head in the final strides with Pan Zareta third. Keweaaa -et a terrific pace, the first quarter being run in 22 and the half mile in 4-" -. . the -tew aids of tile Canadian Racing A-sooia tloas will hold their final meeting of the present M.-,n ii Woodbine tomorrow, when all business laid over from previous Bteetiaga will be i leaned up. Jockeys who will go from lure to Havre de Grace at the conclusion of the Woodbine meeting include 1,ie. Goldstein, T. Haves. Schnttinger. McDer in. .ti. Haniner. Collins, Forehand, Xerger, llorjrs, Smyth and Lallabai . Starter A. B. Da.le will leave for hi- In. in. in Kentucky next Siiinhu to remain until the opening of the meeting at Pimlico. GWyn I mi[.k in- left for his home at Warrentoii. a . tonight. 1 he Teinpkins string will go from hero lo Piping Bock and at the conclusion of that meet-.; Will be retired for tin- season. Mr. Tompkins hi- -addled ten winners this year. W.ldship. the -t ir of the -table. Went to tile post six times. MS . tir nil.- and finished second in another start. This l;..rse won the Hendrie Memorial in 1!»l:: and 1114. while in P**1 and 1911 Mr. Tompkins won the raw with horses .wned bj Mr. Cbetlaad and in 1912 he finished second. F. J. Bryan g ■•- from lure !•• Pi|iing ltoek. There Is some talk of arranging a steeplechase -take for next year at Woodbine patterned after ..qi- that has been notably -iiccessful at Piping rtoek. The condition- of this -take permit a sub r-ribi r to name two horses. It is not necessary for I mi to own the horses, bttl he may b-a-e m..- i I represent him in the race. L. W- Oarth will semi his atabat from bare to Itenning, Faker ami Kxton will be s.-nt to Piping llocfc. The former will be Garthi reprtaeatatlve in ilk- Harbor Hill Steeiilechasc.