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MAY AWAIT FAVORABLE LEGISLATION. Golden Gate Breeders Association Opposed to Attempt to Resume California Racing Next Year. Because of the proni nnced success of the recent running meeting at Sao Francisco, it was said thai another meeting would be tried next year, with Tanforan as the probable scene of action. Bat it now seems a matter of doubt as to whether the attempt will be made. At any rate the San Francisco chronicle of September 2U said: "Judging from the- remarks made by President Charles V. Clark of the Golden Gate Breeders Association at a luncheon tendered to the sporting writers during the week, there will be no attempt to stage another thoroughbred meeting here until atfer the legislature meets in the spring of 1!»1T. There was s me talk of promoting a meeting at Los Angeles and a return meeting at the expos I tion track tie- • unlng spring, but the bead i the association thai fostered the turf revival is not in favor el the moves. "Pies hie nt Clark explained thai the exposition meeting was staged al the psychological moment, and the public- was given an opportunity to see if it wanted the return ■■ thoroughbred racing or not. The throngs thai turned out to the races, and the enthusiasm in which they were received were evidence in themselves that the heralded •sport i ■! kinds" is still much in popular fan r. Governor JohliMcn was anion- ties,, present, on one of ihe pig da . and he was credited with expn — ing satisfaction with the manner in which tin- sport was being handled. ••Certainl ly the- meeting was I, .eked by sonic of the states y , ithic- and nest prominent citizens. and th beaut of it was that they were simile in ihe interest ,. |hc thoronghlwed horse and not individual gain Captain MrKlttrick. cue of the committee handled the arrangements, admitted that there were some things in evidence that did not moo! with the approval Of the association. but hi- called attention to the hurried manner in which the meeting was promoted and the difficulties that the- members encountered. •-Ihe breeders are satisfied, however, that they shewed sincere Intentions in endeavoring t reviv • Interest in the- races solely for tin- u I that would be derived by tie- breeding Industry. Already Call feeinia is starting ;,- , . ,,„. back into her own as the he inc. of Kraal race- horses. President Charles V. lark and George Wlngaeld bsve sent agents to England to import stallions ami mares to build up the- Mood line- Oilier members of he BSSOClathm aie buying yearlings and if the .; .. it does come bach there will In- some horses on hand that will lee- a pleasure to Ueb id. ••Th-- class of thoroughbreds that performed a: the- exposition was evidence that the I reeding Industry needs en ragement. Breeding ami raising thoroughbreds i-- an expensive business and with no incentive in tie- way of racing them it is natural that tip blue-blooded gallopers started to pass out of cxistena . ••It will be a year and a half before it is known n tether or not tin- thorough reds are to return to California. The- Golden Gate Breeders Association is confident, luiwever. of success in their efforts t.. get some favorable legislation passed by the next legislature. The exposition meeting will be cited as what may be c pc c-t.-cl if the pari-inutiiels are adopted- r """ stimulate interest in raising lt ■ ! horses snd perhaps once again we will have oui . far:. I- that w -n fame- the- world over."