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I j 1 1 I n -. |. -, I, o -, j a ,, l , - jj 5 0 10 II o o 0 . — HILLCREST PARK FORM CHART. TORONTO. ONT., Wednesday. September 29. 1915. Hill. rest Park. Second day. Toronto Driving Clubs Second Meeting of 7 days. 12 books on. Weather clear. Presiding Judge, Ed Cole. Starter. P. McGittity. Baeing Secretary. W. R. Norrett. Racing starts at 2:30 p. 111. Chicago time. 1:30.1 23335 Fir-t Dae- Aboal 5-8 Mile. Purse 00. 3-i year-olds and upward. Selling. Net value to winner 1 : second. *00: third. . Ind. Horse. Wt.Fin. Jockey. Op. CI. PI. 23031 Maid. BradleylOT 1= J rruise 3 3 I ., 22861 Kyle ID -1 E Carter - 4 -J 22968-Strange Girl IDS 3" J Dodd «■ I -:, 22966 Duck Thomas 110 4. A Pickens 10 10 4 21734 Tankard ID .".- H Watts *J :; 1 22947*K. of Pythias 9* •. P Jenkins 10 1.". 23018 Skinny B. 107 7 TMctullh 15 jo I 22968*.Iuna 102S 9* E Cnllen s s 4 23322*M. Priscilla 110 ■ C White 1.". 15 C 22369 Cesario 113 D.rid. JDoaik 3 3J 8-5 Time. 1:02. Track fast. Snow odiD Maiden Bradley. 3 5: Kyle, evens: Strange G*ri, 8-5; Ruck Thomas. 2: Tankard. 1-2: Knight of Pythias. 3; Skinny P.. 3: Juna. 2: Modern Priscilla. :.: Cesario. 2 3. Winner M. I.e Boys ch. f. .".. by Havoc -Promo trained by E. Sleasatl. Went to peat at 2:33. At post 2 minutes. Start good and BWW. Won driving: second and third the nine. Overweights Jnun. 3 pounds. 18888 Second Race — 8 1-2 Fnrlonirs. Purse 00. 3.-.", vear olds and upward. Selling. Net value to winner 8210; sec 1. SCO: third. 830. Ind. Horse. Wl.Fin. Jockey. Op. CI. P. 23175*Kg Badford los i« E Cnllen 1 :: t-6 23226*Proctor lot; :" A Claver 3 :: :: 23324 Little Jake 1U9 3" TMcCullh G 3J 6 3 23275 M. liutock 111. 4h TCummgs 3] I " 23193 The Monk Dill .V- Poden 10 lo 4 23283 Mia 109 8* W Hlnphy s 5 - I •"• 23193 Bose Oneil 109 T II Watts 10 li" .". 22951 Sykesie 1*8 N W Doyle O :. s 23283 Mii.v Ruena 112 Pu.up. CPeek B IO 1 Time. 1:252,. Track fast. Show odds King Radford. 3-5: Praetor, 4-5: Little Jake. 2 3: M.Uintock. 2-3; The Monk. 2: Nila. :;.".: Rise Oneai. 2: Sykesie. 4: May Itniae. 2. Winner II. N.ustcters l.r. g. 5. bv Badford— Dclerininatioii trained by II. Neusteter. Went to peat at 2:55." At iiost 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easilv; second and third driring. 23337 Third Ra.e 7-s Mile. Paasa $.:jii. 3-year-olds and upward. Selliie_. Net value t-. winner 10; sec, ml. 1915.sh0; third. 83*. Did. Horse. Wl.Fin. Jockey. Op. li. PI. 23324* lol 1" K ulhn 8 5 - 23252 *.Icssup Burn ID 2* N Durger 5 ■ -I 23227*Cor,lova 1ol 3 A Pickens 10 M 4 23226 *Petit Rlen 101 41. A Claver 7 I - 22950 *G..ld. Ruiiv 111 5- F Jenkins C i - 23252 Pa! Cannon 1 15 ♦; N Poden I •■ -2332G Puqiicsne lis T11 TMcCullh 2 ■ 1 23324-Pa ltna 112 S- C Peak 4 S 2 23253 Barn Dance 115 9 W Hlnphy 3 « - 23100 Gallant Boy 1*8 Du. up. II Walts M M 10 Time. 1:33. Track fast. Sh iw odds Ormead. 0-5; .Tessu|i Rurn. 0 5: Cor d...-i. 2; Petit Dieu. 3 2: Golden Buby, 6-5; Pat Gannon, .".2: Du. mesne. 1 2: Palin.i. evens: Darn Dance, evens: Gallant Boy, 5. Winner J Phillips hr. e. 3.. bv Filigrane -Miss Iloisohmnnn trained bv J. Phillips. Went to p-st at 3:21. At peel 3 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. 23338 Fourth Bat*- ; 1 2 rnrleaars. Pane ISM. :;- yeai • lils and upward. Selling. Net aluc to winner *21 ; sound.": third. 0. lul. Hone. Wt.Fin. Jockey. Op. 01. PI. 23014 Aslinkau 103 l A Pickens 10 10 4 123016 Scrimmage n:. C Peak •"• I •-• ■Mtt*Majulta uu ::•. F Jenkins :: I S 23289 Hold. LassU- in.: 4. r White 15 8 4 23253 Kxculibur 112 ■■ W Dovle 7 7 3 23019 Swede Sim n 61 A Claver 10 U " UtM Sharp. Knight 100 71 TMeCUirh 3-2 2 4-5 22961 M. Illgumao low s .1 Dawson 20 2.7 lu *3U1U P.. in Moran mi 9 E Cullen 7 7 S Z2971 Little Pete lt 7 10 N Burger I • 3 Time. 1:26. Track fast. sin u odda -*«bukaa, 2: Scrimmage, 3-3; Maniita, ■;•" . UoMea Lewie, 2: L. alibur. 3-2: Swede Sam. : fcbarpci Knight, 2-5; .Marshal Tiluliiiniu. :.: Don M •♦.in. 3-2; Little Pete, evens. Winner- J. Breads t . f. .;. by MaaajjM — Loot trained by .1. Broad I. YV-nt in past .it :: i;,. r pool •"• minutes. Start - I and slew. Won easily: second and third ill iv 23339 Fifth ICace — 0 12 Furlongs. Purse S3i* . S-" year ..Ids and upward. Belling. Net value to winner .io; second. * io: third. 0. lnd. Bene. WLFln. Jockey. Op. CI. Pi. 23287 Paul Uauios 110 1". V Adams 15 15 I 23249 I r. si v Face 1 i7 _• A Pickens : 4 2 23323 Klla Jennings lo7 3 .IDominick 4 3 3-2 23013-c. y. KlskerlOZ 1 N Burger 5 5 2 22971 Hr. S. p. TatellO 51 A Claver S I z 22947Cara.|ii. I 113 « N Foden 10 12 5 22900*11. -hi.- 102 7 .■. K Cullen 1 4 2 23248*1. adv Isle IOB v J Dedd ■ IS I 23018*The I renin His : TMalionev 10 12 E 22900* A Irene 108 1. .1 id.FJnkins 2 3 :. ! Time. 1:253/,. Track fast. Show odds Pan] Gaines, ■ ■: frosty Face: evens: Klia Jennings, evens; G. W. Kisker. evens: Dr. •s- P. Tate, evens: aiaipiel. ■•: Ueseue, evens: Lady Isle. .".: Tue Frchin. ■•: Arrene, 4. 5. Winner P. Hills br. c. :;. by IfcGea— Satte tralaed y l . Hilli. Went to post at 4:12. At peal 2 minutes. Start Cped and slow. Wen driving; second and third the sanse. ___ 23340 Sixth Race li 1-2 l-ui lonus. Purse $:«! . :: year-olds and upward. Selling. Net value to winner 10; second. 1915.sh0: third. 0. In, I. Horse. Wt.Fiu. Jockey. Op. CI. PI. 23243Hriiena UoseslOl II N Burger ::-2 2 4-5 23198VM. mi real 111 2 E Cullen 4 5 2.. 23323 II v.i lis :: TMcCttirh ft 3 3-2 23223 Van I.u 112 4 II Watts 3 4 2 23020 Hi| |..k -i-ites Kill f.J A Pickens I 6 2 ClAinazeiueut M4 6» A Claver 15 15 6 23015 Little Bp 112 71 N Foden 7 S I 2294C Virginia S. BMi 8 ; .IDminiek 10 15 0 23221 I Hi. mi 115 » C Peak 5 6 2. Time. 1:20s-,. Track fast. shew adds— Bebeccs Moses, 1-3; Montreal, 3-1; H.vki. 2 .;: Van Hu. evens: Ilippoerates. :: 2: Amaze ■■eat, • : Little Rp, 3-2; Virginia s.. ::; Dread, ::-2. Winner- 1. Maloneys eh. 1. 3, by Mexican or Johnny Harris Bead Thorpe drained by c. Lip-hart I. Went lo bos! at 4 37. Al post 2 minutes. Star! good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. Scratched— 12."2 124 iQrt.vx. 100 . 23341 Seventh Race Ahoot 5-8 Mile. Purse 00. 3-year olds and upward. Selling. Net value to winner 3210: second. 1915.sh0; third. 0. lnd. Horse. Wt.Fin. Jockey. Op. CI. PI. 22972 Bunice 100 1" W Dovle :-_• 2324915Ia.k Chief lliil 2". TMcCnllh 2. 3 C-5 23021 Field Flower I0U S" C White 1J L0 6 22256*Fri-id 104 4" K Cullen 2. 3 . I " 23283-1.. Capricious lo7 •"•_ X Foden 5 f, 2 23324 Marty Lou ! ! 6 .IDminiek 10 15 6 23207 Crystal B -" 7 a Claver ;. I :; 23099»!he Lark 101 8« x Burger 20 20 I 23015*Marsand 1 4 9 .1 Tuise 15 20 6 Time. l:003-s. Track fast. Shaw odds— Bunice. I-.!: Black Chief. 1-2: Field Flower, 8; Frigid, 1-2: Lady Capricious, evens: Marty Lui. :.; Crystal. 3-2; The Lark. 2: Marsand. ::. Winner — H. Nenstetera b. m. ." , by KuMcon — Genan trained by II. Neusteteri. Went to jMist at 5:01. At post .". minutes. Start mod and slow. Won handily; second and third driving. Scratched— 23324 Louis dea Cognets, 10$. Overweights — Lady Capricious. 4 pounds; The Lark. .;. 23342 Eighth Race— About 5-8 Mile. Purse 00. :;- year olds and upward. Sellim;. Net value to winner .1 i; second. 0; third. 0. I ml. Horse. Wt.Fin. Jockey. Op. CI. PL 2332ti Miss Gayle 112. 1- C Peak M 5 2 22965 Colors 100 2 JDminick 21. 2 . €-5 23065-Hier. Bethel 10U ::.. X Purger 8 5 2 1 209t UTilu. Whig HHi 4 A Claver 20 I 4 23021 China 107 5- W Doyle I 7 23021*.!. Nunullv 113 i. W Hinphy 3 :;_ 2 23021-*Toison dOr 1"4 7 E Cullen 5 5 2 23020 Dnsky Pave H ".» 8» A Pickens 7 10 4 22635o.ld Cross 100 9 TMcCnllh 10 12 4 Timr. 1:00%. Track fast. Show- odd-— Miss Gayle, evens: Colors, :-." : Theresa Bethel, 1-2: Bine Win-. 2: Chitra. 3-2; •lack Nunnallv. evens: Toison dOr. evens; Ouskv Have. 2: odd Cross, 2. Winner--C. .» . Crews b. f. 4. l.v The Commoner — Alpaca trained by II. Powers. Went to pest at 5:31. At post 4 minutes. Start goad and slow. Wan easily; serosa] and third driving*. Scratched 23187 Hazel .. 104. Overweights — Miss Cayle. .". pounds.