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MANY ARRIVALS AT LAUREL PARK. Baltimore. Md.. September .10. — Laurel Park, which opens tomorrow for a racing season extending through the month of October, nreseuts an inviting appearance Its new coat of fresh paint, set off by blooming plants anil the greenest of new bushes, is a forcible reminder of the many improvements that have taken place under the present management. The track proper is as fine a bit of natural racing ground as there is in the country and. with the care and attention which it has received of late, it is now without a superior. A -pec-ial train arrived at Laurel yesterday from Woodbine Park. It consisted of sixteen carloads of tlioroiighhreds that raced in Canada during the season. The largest stable in the shipment was that of James Arthur, including Water Lady, Prohibition. Buzz Around, Encore. Broom Corn. Margery and Incle Ben. Billv Oliver as chipper as ever, came In with his fleet-footed McGee gelding. Kewessa, Abbots-ford antl Semper Stalwart. Others on the special were Karne-at and Cliff Edge, owned by B. E. Wat kins Ten Point, by A. L. Aste; Col. Gut.lius and Mavtne W.. the property of C. s. Campbell: Mack Iav Venetla. HarbariJ. Rubicon II. anil DamiettH." owned by P. Sheridan: Pdlv II., owned by William Cahill : Corsica n antl Marshon. belong -in" I., u V White: El Oro. Bichard Laugdon and King aliens, trained by N. K Beal; Fen rock Valas Beaunioiit Belle and lollte, which will be raced by A. B. Stelle.