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DA I L Y ■ A C I N G F_0 ■ M PUBLISHED DAILY EXCEPT MONDAY. "" DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO. Ml Plymouth Court. Chicago. HI. 74 Exchange Street, Buffalo, N. Y. 4, Official Organ Kentucky State Racing Commission. o -o Entered as second-class matter, April 2. IStHi. at the post-..ftieo at Chicago. Illinois. under the Act of March 3. 1879. KEV~YORK CITY OFFICE: 501 FIFTH AVE. SUBSCRIPTIONS MUST BE PAID IN ADVANCE. Per Month $ l.r.O Half Year !M0 One Year 17.00 The at« ve rates are for single copies as sealed letters — first-class mail. BACK NIMBERS 5 TEXTS EACH. If sent l y mail first-class only six cents. Daily Racing Form Publishing Co. prefers to send single copies as first-class mail in all cases. Local subscriptions — outside the down-town district — will lie declined at other than first-class mail matter rates. CHICAGO. ILLINOIS. OCTOBER 1. 1015.