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BILLINGS PLANS TO BECOME BREEDER. "C. K. G. Billings. Chicago millioiiaiic. xvho his the veteran trainer of thoroughbreds. Charles T. Patterson, in England buying yearlings for next seasons racing »l out Washington, Baltimore and New-York, is going to help Henry T. Oxnard. Th mas Fortune Rvan and Arthur Hancock bring back tha glory of the Old Dominion as a breeding place for thoroughbreds." said John Mauahnii. of Nexv York, at the Shorcham. "Mr. Billings has been interested in the racing ventures of Frederick Johnson in tic: last three or four years, but the thought of breel ing thoroughbreds never entered bis head until ho liccame the owner of Ihe Curls Neck ptxspeftjf beloxx-Richmonii. developed by the late Carl Sei:l. That is one of the finest properties on the James river, and Mr. Sent" spent hundreds of thousands of dollars improving its fertility. One of the things he did at Curls Neck xvas to establish upward of acres of alfalfa. It is the intention of Mr. Billings to turn under part of this alfalfa and establish bin--grass pasturage, lie expects to reeruit his s:inl Iran the stallions and mares he has purchased abroad through Patterson and by purchases in this country. Already he is interested in the Peep ..Pay st-ilUon. Cock o* the Walk and he has half a doacn mares of American stia-k. "Whether his attempt to grow bluegrass on Jaiees river land turns oul xvell or not. it is a eeiiainty that he xvill produee ra.v horses at Curls Xe.k. Blilcgrass pasturage is well enough, but it is n t absolutely essential to the product!*! of the thor onghbred. There is none at Ilarrx Payne Whitneys Brookdale Farm in Monmouth County. N. J. .Monmouth County is celebrated for its potatoes. Yet Mr. Whitneys stud has the most successful in this countiy these three or four years. Moreover. the late Col. William R. Johnson raised good race horses a fexv miles to the southward of Mr. Billing- place before the xvar. and more recently the late •Virginia Bradley bn-.l the American Derhy xvi-.ine;-. Robert Waddell. twenty or thirty miles doxvn the river in Charles County. Mr. Billings will find a substitute for blin grass if it develops that the Curls Neck stud must have one. no matter what ic costs. for he does not stop when he sets out to do Ms thing, ami. being a man of wealth, he does nut haxe to bother aboui the Wt" Washington Post.