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NEW ASSISTANT TO JUDGE MURPHY. New Orleans. !„•,.. Octolier 19. — The position of steward f-.r the Fair Grounds meeting was mated at a ine.iiiig of th- hoard of directors of the Ncyv Orleans Business Mens Kaciug Association today, and Thomas C. Campbell was app illtcd. Mr. Campbell accepted. He will enter at ©nee upon his duties and during the absence of Judge Joseph A. Mnr hv. who is also manager of the meeting. Col. Campbell will he in executive charge. Judge Mur-l*v will leave in a few davs for Bowie to officiate as presiding judge. He will return her" early in December to arrange for the inaugural of the secoud meeting of the Business Mens Association. The iM.sition of steward gives Col. Campbell executive charge of the business management of the grounds and aecess to tie- judges stand. lb-will advise with Judge Murphy on matters appertaining to the general welfare of tlie s|K rt. 11. * appointment was made by Judge Murphy and was ratified by the directors. Arrangements for the running of special race horse trains to New Orleans from Cincinnati im-wtsdiately following %m close of the Latonia meet ! , ; . ; J ing have ben completed bv assistant general pas singer agent J. Kemp Ridgelv. Judge Murphy I discussed the movement of the thoroughbreds with Mr. Ridgely today and the two were in thorough ac.s.rd on the question of offering all facilities possible for the free movement and proper care of the animals for which stable room is being reserved here. "I have no d.ubt but that Ibis meefiiig is going to eclipse the banner meetings of the old davs in New Orleans." declared Judge Murphy. "My correspondence with eastern and western owners and trainers indicates a general and a healthv interest in the doings of the New Orleans people. We have contracted for the enlargement of the stable room so as to give us room for 1.000 thoroughbreds, and from n conservative estimate of the future, every stall will be taken."