Hanovias Fine Victory: A Swift Rush through the Stretch Gives Her the Autumn Stakes., Daily Racing Form, 1915-10-24


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UAJSOVIAS FINE VICTORY i A SWIFT RUSH THROUGH TEE STRETCH GIVES HER THE AUTUMN STAKES. - c Mars Cassidy Third, but Disqualified — Greatest o of Crowd cf the Present Meeting Views the Sport — Exciting Finish Marks the Fifth Race. ] J. .1 « ini-inm-iti. o.. October 2::.— The Autumn Stakes, f worth ,750 net to i lie winner, was v m at La- | t .ni:i today by llauovia, at present at Hie top of ., I.«r form. li r vbtory «a a sensational one, lor t •-he ."lily Managed to overhaul Schemer in tlie lust -I ride. r|-]i.. bitter displaced Mars Cassidy ami , v -gui Kin the lfiid in the last sixteenth and was ] ■MMtJ to los.-. as ho had iiad a rough time miring | lie ::rli r part of the race. Mars Cassidy landed ] third, but was disi|iia!ilifd and the minor portion of t!if purse was awarded to Vogue. Mars Cassidy"s g displacement came as a result of interference to , winch he subjected the Oallahor filly in the last eighth. Jockey 1*. Judy was suspended for the rest | oi the meeting by the stewards for his rough • rWhajr. j l.y far the largest Saturday crowd of the present , 1 ig meeting w:is «.n hand. Conditions eotud not . have been improved. Willi the weather summerlike and the traek in Kalendid condition. The tmishes j were highly e.;-iti:ig in most instances, the winners being iii doubt iinti. the otri ial placing came. The liuisM ..i tbe tii.li raee was particularly thrilling. , Pimilri. Serutineer. Dignity and Charlier terminat-inu the Uiroc-qu.irtci :a in the order named noses "pari. Ciartier was a big favorite and probably best, bat Garner made the mistake id getting hiui into i io~e quarters in the stretch. • The talent eNperieiKfd :. bad set back in tin j • ;«cinr wueii baa Klue. Hi,, favorite and S.r William. a strongly barked HmM choice, were out of it im-ii ertiate iy after the start. an account of the sendoff. Iiupnssio s.i. red her lourtli straight victory when kIm- galloped away from the otlier youngsters in li-e tnird r:ee. Sue v ns an overwhelming favorite. Another rousing finish marked the two-year-old hainli-ap when .lack bIi.»v.l and Blaokie Daw. i-oupled in tuc belling liecause lioth are trained by T. P. Have-, drew oil! from the others in the last light h and fought it oat to the finish. Jack ODowd inning by a nose. Circulate and Colle, which were bought in at the «.! : s:ih-. were disposed of privately today by I ml at W. McDaiilel. acting for Mr. Gerst, to O. I". Meara. of Dow City. li.ua. llandicappcr Edward Jusi* r touight announced Dm- weights for the Latonia Cup. the last of Cue w.liiiihlc lo;m instance races off.-rcd this fall in Kentucky. It will be decided on tlio closing dav. Wednesday, and forty-seven are named to go in it. Home of the best h ng distance racers are assignee weights and they range frcin the 12* assigned to 1 lodge to the !M» |tounds allotted to Sir William. Ten or more starters are exjiected to run the two and a quarter miles and it will also bring together ! due 12V winner of the Calls City Handicap: Raincoat. 108, wiuuer of the St. I.cger Handicap: and Kancher. 114. winner of the Toronto Cup. utters likclv to start include Star Jasmine. 115: Dr Samuel." 112: Bronzewing. 103: Expectation, MS: Any Port. 100: Mockery. «.I7: Hank ODay. 95: Water Witch 95; Disillusion, 92; and Embroidery, ••2 The program be..k for the first eight days of racing at the Havana meeting was distributed to owners here bv H. D. Brown today. The purses are uniformly of a « vain-, with handicaps ranging from 00 to .O0O. The offering met with general favor from horsemen. Mr. Brown will depart tomorrow night for Laurel, where he will d s.nne nii-:iouai v work among eastern owners. Jockev s l-.. Cool anl i. Murphy terminated their riiling on Kentucky tracks for this season, when starter Morriss.v suspended them, the former for l! ■ rest if the moling lor failure to get away with Lou MM in iJie nisi race, and Murphy was sus-ltciidc 1 bv the slew aids fur rough riding. xftir the running of the second race J. W. May mM Cwemtt back to Howard Hits tar the price ta •Thick he olainid Uer .it .otrsviib- Jockey B. Small, recently suspended by the stew-arils f"i faulty riding 1 ROMM t loose on the oc-■ aaiou that lie finished third to Marion Goosby and Hoarkler let; las; night for Wills Point. Texas. ViMla.s tWtora Ineladed Judge Allie W. Young of the Keiiiuiky Stale K.ici.ig C uniiiissioa. It was l,i- lir-t visit u the c urse this fall. Cornier CiHigresstuan J. L. Bhinocl;, wlio at one time was extensively interested iu the Latonia track wis also a newi-onier. C W Mo.re. W. Hurley. P. M. Clvill. Klkins Tid Dodge. Howard Oots and A. L. Kirby have each engaged an express ear on the special leaving here lor New Orleans November :,. J H. Meads horses will Ik" sold by auction in the Ijitonia Haddock next Wednesday. B J. Austins horses will be sent on the special train leaving lure lor N-w Orleans November :;. Work outs at l.alonia. with the traek fast, were: l.-an Spiller— Mile in 1:1.;.. Big Fellow — Fire-eighths in 1 :0o. Business Agent — Mile in 1:48. asal«i— Mile in 1:4 ;:-.. Cash on Delivery — 1 hree-i lghtlis in 30. Checks -Miie iu 1:44"-.. Circulat*-— T nn e-i;i.arters in 1:16. Conunonada— TUree quarters iu 1:16. Docur I.— Mile in 1:44%. Id Crump— Three-eghths in 17. rddie Helling— Thwe-iiuarters in 1:1«. Huntress— Three-qv.artcrs in 1:154. li loli niv- Three -niarters in 1:16. Mawik— Three-eighths in :i !--. Miss Kruter Mile and an eighth in 2:0L Moscowa— Mile in 1:43. onnulu— Mile in 1:4--V.. . Dan Handle— Three -quarters in 1:15--.- Ralph S. — Si-veii-eighilis in 1:1*0--.. Itaoiil— Mile ill 1:43 Bio Bam — Mile in 1:4. . BiM-hester -Three quarters in 1:16%. San«yming — Three-eighths in 36. Votary — Mi| " i:-4"- , . ,„.., Wids.vortlis Last -Mile in 1:4b-.-.. Willie Holland -Three-eighths in :.6--.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1915102401/drf1915102401_1_2
Local Identifier: drf1915102401_1_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800