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GENERAL NEWS NOTES OF THE DAY. Elections in ten states Tuesday emphatically defeated woman suffrage amendments in New York, Massachusetts and Pennsylvania, and gave the republicans an additional representative in congress and a new governor in Massachusetts. State-wide prohibition was rejected in Ohio by a majority of from 3MW« to 4i.hii. Last year the amendment was defealed by K4.152. The republicans elected mayors in Cleveland and Cincinnati. Charles Milrov. a progressive, was chosen mayor of Cleveland. The democrat-, apparently, elected a governor in Mary land alii an entire state ticker.. Tiesnics a majority in the slate bgislat ure. In Kentucky both parties claim a victory in the giiberiia! t ial contest, but in complete returns from 111 of the- 120 counties gave former ••iigrosMnau Augustus o. Stanley idem. a bad of :i. r2!i over P. Morrow, his republican op|».iieul. Mississippi, the only other state to elect a governor, went, as usual. deinMialic. Tl nly opposition to the democratic ticket, headed by fleodore ;. ISilbo. was made by socialist caiuli dates n miiiiateil by petition. In New York former Congress, pan William S. Beimel was elected in the Twenty third distrii t to succeed the late d-mooratie congress. nun, gaeah Jouhlen. Bonnet is a republi can. Uepublieans will succeeil republicans in the Thirty and and Thirty sixth congressional districts of New York and the Twenty •-rourth district of Pennsylvania. in New York the republicans retained llieir control of the lower house of the b gis latere, although they lost one asseinblvman. They also elected a majority of the mayors chosen in cities of the state. In addition to defeating the siillrage amendment by about 210.HW| votes, the people of New York repudiated the new state constitution drafted by a Memthl of which Elihu Root was pic-blent and for which Mr. Boot conducted a vigorous speaking campaign. Samuel W. McCall. the republican who will succeed David I. Walsh, a democrat, as governor of Massachusetts, won by a plurality of i;.ta;:;. The republicans retained control of the Massachusetts legislature. The republicans returned to | ower in Philadelphia, where their candidate. Tlioiiias B. Smith, was elected mayor by 73,40ft, In New Jersey the republicans gained tie-stale senators and two members of Hie assembly and will continue in control of both houses of the legislature. The city of Toledo. Ohio, rated against a twenty-live year street car franchise and will takeover all lines controlled by the Toledo Bailways and Light company. A proposal that the cily purchase the local street railways was rejected in Detroit after a bitter tight. The election of members of the Virginia general assembly will send a heavy Major! iy to the senate and house pledged to the enactment of prohibition legislation when the state goes dry by constitutional amendment November I MM. A dispatch of yesterday afternoon from Douglas. Ariz., says: Oeueral Villa, forced by hunger, ihirst and a scanty supply of ammunition to abandon bis plan for an immediate assault on the strongly in. trenched village of Agua Prieta. commenced withdrawing his army today, and shortly after !» oclock most of bis force was moving toward Anavacacahi pass, twelve miles southwest. Villas dead left on the field are ::ii. Two hundred were counted lying west or Agna Prieta and IM to the east. Calles dead were twenty-five soldiers and his wounded seventy. Calles sent out -avalry forces to keep in touch with the Villa rear guard. The battle ..f Agua Prieta in one respect recalls the famous light at Malanzas. Cuba, in lM» v Among the casual-tics on the American side, it beeaaaa known today, was one perfectly gixxl gray mule. He got too close to the tiring line ami a piece of shrapnel came over on the American side and gave him his ipiietus. That Villas determination temporarily to withdraw his forces was sudden was shown by the fact that his gun lieutenants in command of rapid-lirers on the right wing teak nothing but their guns with them. Quantities of ammunition in eases were left in emplacements when the withdrawal began. A IkmI.v of Villa infantry, estimated to be lie t ween 1.000 and 1.500 men. marched through Callardo pass and swung to the southwest to join the retiring main army. American army officers are somewhat mystified at Villas movement. Some believe it is his intention to withdraw from the Agua Prieta field altogether and march southwest to attack a large body of Carranza troops neaarted to lie coming from that direction. Ceneral Mendez with forces of about 1.500 men. has been bidding the Anavaeaehi pass for several days, and will remain there guarding the entrance to the valley for the return of Villa. Meantime heavy supplies of am-muntioii will reach Villa from the east. Villas retirement was saluted by an occasional shell from the big guns of Agua Prieta, but by fe:fei this firing bad ceased. Reinforcements from the east reached Villas army this morning at an early hour, according To reports from watchers east of Douglas. Dawn, however, showed that Villas main forces had drawn to the southwest, leaving only rear guards, with a few quick-firers and three-inch guns, to worry the garrison. A Galea recon-noitering party which ran into .1 Villa machine-gun sipiad a mile southeast of Agua Prieta was said to have been cut to pieces, with a loss of thirty or forty men. A dispatch from Berlin yesterday said: The war office announced today that Field Marshal von Hin-denburg had been forced to withdraw his lines between Swenton and Ilsen lakes on the northern end of the Russian front. The German official statement relative to the operations in the eastern war zone was: In the eastern theater, army of Field Marshal von Hindenburg: The Russians continued their attacks before Dvinsk. At Illoukst and Gar-bunowka they were repulsed. They stormed our positions in this region four times with extraordinary heavv losses. Between the Swenton and lisen lakes we were forced to withdraw our lilies. The Bus-sians succeeded in occupying the village of Miku-lischki. Army group of General von I.insingen: On the Oginski canal the enemy advanced against the locks at Osaritchi but was repulsed. On both sides of the Lisowoc-Zatorysk high road the Bussians again were forced to retreat. Five officers and fifiO men were made prisoners and three machine guns were captured. The troops of Ccucral von Bnthmc-still are righting for the northern part of Sankowce. The city of I sitee Csize/ in northwestern Serbia, has beea captured by the jernians. This announcement was made by I he war office today. Lsice is the capital of the Serbian province of that name and is fifty three miles southwest of Kraguyevatz. Its si rategieal importance is derived largely from the fact that it is a railroad terminus, control of which •laces the Germans in possession of a still larger aatt of the Serbian railroad system. Isize lies midway between Cacak. capture of which was announced yesterday at Berlin, and the Bosnian bor der. The Cerinan advance in this direction has tints been carried vyithin twenty-five miles of the Bosnian border, wherer Austrian forces are attempting an invasion of Serbia. Austria fails to take cognizance of the activities of Dr. Theodor Daaaha as ambassador to the United States in a new note on the exportation of arms and munitions of war which has Ix-en received at the state department. No reference is made to the efforts of the ambassador to lie up the manufacture of arms, or to his withdrawal upon the demand of President Wilson. The notes reiterates the previous protest made by the Austrian government against the ex|M»rtatioii of munitions to the allies. It declares that ihe American answer to the initial protest Is based upon an erroneous interpretation of The Hague convention. The note adds that this is proved by the exteiisiin of munition -making plants in the liiiled Stales to such an extent as to result in the militarization of the American economic life. Austria in its note denies that it sought e piali/.a lion, or that it protested because it was unable to purchase munitions with tile same freedom as 1 he allies. 1 maintains that Ihe excessive exportation or arms would be just as objectionable ir the Teutonic allies were able to buy war material in eipial quantities. It sets forth that Americas contention that it is merely following the example set by other nations in previous wars in selling munitions is at fault. Ibis war. the note declares, is different from any other in the worlds history, as virtually all the nations of Kurope are arrayed upon one side or the other. In previous wars only two or three paataW were involved. This alters the situation, is the contention of the dual monarchy. Italy claims to be making substantial progress in its campaign against Austria and in an oMh jal statement at Borne yesterday, says: Austrian regiments fighting on the Isonzj-Carso line on October 21 21 lost more than half their effectives, says the Idea Nazionale. I liable to save pieces of beavj ami lery, the Atlstriaus rolled them into ravtie-s and torrents. Twelve and 17-inch gnus ju |M *ilior» on Mount Santa and Mount Saliatino to defrttr Oorizia were dismounted by Italian artillery flit New positions occupied by the Italians before Co riza enable them to Itomlttird the Aust.ian •licenses located lartlicst to the east of the citv. in the Ledro valley the enemy, powerb-ss t.. drive us rroni the Bezzeea basin, opened a violent and intense artillery lire on the villages. Bezzeea and Beta were damaged and Menzuiiii was burned. In the upper Sexten valley Draval enemy troops which were seen in Ililliehriedel and Knot fa were shelled by our artillery. In the valley near Lucia, south af Lusnitz an enemy detachment which was attacked and dispersed by our troops abandoned a quantity of rifles and munitions. Along the Isouaa front yesterday, under a continuous rain our I loops renewed tluir attacks with unabated vigor. On the Iodgora height we broke anil pa~se,| through u fourth exceptionally strong line of trenches. Settlement through arbitration of the case of I hi American steamship Hocking, seized by a British cruiser off the Atlantic coast, was lareeaat at Washington yesterday as a result of the new issue which has arisen lietween tlie Inited States and the entente allies over the question of method of determining the nationality of merchant ships. Tin-seizure of the Hocking is tln» first since the British governments change of pidicy conformable to the French rule, that .1 vessels nationality is determined by ownership and not by Hag. This position is widely at variance with that of the Initi-d States. Oreat Britain and the Inited States heretofore virtually have been agreed that a vessels nationality is determined by the flag she is entitled to fly. so that ships under German or American Hags were considered fair prizes. The British government, it is understood, will contend the Hocking was purchased with Oerman money. Beports submitted by Brand Whitlock. American minister to Belgium, to Ambassador Page at I.on-don on the case of Miss Edith Cavell. the British nurse, put to death by Oerman military authorities, const ituted merely a recital of the facts and were ror the ambassadors information, but not fir publication. This is disclosed in a long report froni the minister to the Washington government in wbieli be reviews steps taken by himself and legal i ai staff in connection with the case. Publication i»f the rejKirts by the British foreign office to which they were transmitted bv Ambassador Page in t Inordinary course in reporting on the care of British subjects by American diplomatic officers. Mr. Whitlock says, caused him considerable enitiarras .nerit in Brussels with the Oerman authorities. IS- added. however, that the latter are appereandUjr satisfied with his explanation. The siiiierdreaduaught Nevada, first •. Aatrriaeaj battleships to use oil exclusiv ly fir fuel, began its builders acceptance trials ftfl Rockland. Maine, yesterday. In a recent unofficial test on the saiae course, the Ntvada made a mile at a speed of 21.1 knots and averaged 20.05 knots ou her full speed run. Contract requirements call for 20 knots on a twelve-hour endurance test. Alderman Henry Itpatel yesterday was authorized by Mayor Thompson to take steps to bring the questions involved in tlie clothing workers strike to arbitration. The alderman sought ixTinisifn for the council strike committee to appoint a committee of representative business men to confer with the employers regarding arbitration. The mayor sanctioned the plan. Brig. Cen. George M. Sternlx-rg. retired, surg-oa general of the army from IMS to F.M 2. and a • ivil war veteran, died yesterday al his home in Washing" ton. He was seventy-seven years old, a native at Otsego Comity. N. Y., and served Ihe government through cholera and yellow lever epidemics, o-n oral SlernlH-rg was the author of several medical books. The French government bar conferred the Oraad Cordbon of Ihe Legion of Honor on Lieut. Oeti. Count Cadorna. chief of stall of the Italian arm*. Oen. II. .1. K. Gonrand. former commander or th -French expeditionary force to the Dardanelles -vfe| take the insignia to the Italian headquarters aid present it to General Cadorna. A typhoon, which is increasing in Violence. Is again sweeping the section of southern Luzon, wind was devastated late last month with the loss or nearly 2H lives and property damage estimated at neaiiv ,000,000. Tlie storm is headed •*■■ Manila. Two coasting vessels have foundered p the crews were saved. King Oeorge did not pass Tuesday night so comfortably as hitherto, his physicians admitted yesli* dav. He still suffered pain, they staled, trom the bruises inflicted when his horse fell with him last week. His general condition, however, was said to be improved. He is able to take solid food. Fort Hansel, center of the Austrian system of fortifications around Malborghetlo d inating tin road from Pontafcl to Tarvis. has been "h»tljd up." according to Italian official reports, as all -ur-louniling heights have been occupied with Italian heavy guns, rendering the fort powerless. Rear Admiral Thomas Stow ell Phelps. I . S. N.. retired, died at his home in Oakland, al.. :■ • er day. He was sixty six years obi and is survived by the widow and one daughter.