New Orleans Assuming Racing Airs: Cochran Horses Among the Equine Arrivals-Owners and Trainers Also Appearing, Daily Racing Form, 1915-11-28


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Co c, j1 tl, the ir " .. .; . oy | 0 „. tj the D, _ — $ a j, g y ,, bv £ t| w _ „ t t| of ,, v, t , by i , e , , a t , , , , , j , | , i 1 t 1 , , | 1 1 * , t i I NEW ORLEANS ASSUMING RACING AIRS. Bi Cochran Horses Among the Equine Arrivals — Owners __ and Trainers Also Appearing. „ New Orleans. La., November 27. — Gifford A. Cochrans string, consisting of thirteen head, ar- f rived vesterdav from Craveseud in charge M trainer £ Frank" Mldgley. who will look after the horses until — arrival of his brother William, who is the chief ± trainer of the Cochran establishment. The racers, 2J with the exception of one yearling, arrived in fine ZS condition. Originally it was the intention of Mr. 2 Cochran to send twenty-two of his string here to 1m» and campaigned, but just prior to shipment nine of the JK older horses were sold at private sale to various 2i owners. Figinnv and Short Ballot are the only 25 older members in the New Orleans division. The 21 other eleven comprise coming two-year olds that a; will 1m? given frequent opiMjrtttnity to race from 2: opening of the meeting. They are a riuhly- jg bred col lection and are as follows: 2; Br. c. by Ogden— Lady Vincent; hr. c. by Ogden g Chapella; b. c. bv Ogden — Tenotomy: ch. f. by 2; Star Shoot— Linda Lee: ch. f, by Star Shoot — Ftan- 2: ces McClelland: ch. f, by Star Shoot— Autumn Loaves: ch. f. by Star Shoot— Witful: ch. f. by Star Shoot— Mamie Worth: ch. f, by Star Shoot — s] Miss Angie: ch. f. by Star Shoot — Lacrimae; b. f. Star Shoot — Norcen. s Trainer Midgelv stated that the others in the Cochran stable will be kept at Belmont Park during the winter and that among the band of thirty-seven u wintered there and owned by the well-known eastern r s|K»rtsman, many give high promise. Mr. Cochran , will make a lengthy visit here during the racing at a the Fair Grounds. Another stable to arrive during the week was that of Thomas Clyde, from Baltimore, in charge : the veteran trainer A. O. Weston. The string t was headed by Alfadir. lliria. Aley. Noramar and ■ the coining two-year-olds: Owaga. a brown filly i Jack Atkin— Div-onne: Ostega, a bay colt by Transvaal— Sanctissima: The Duke, a bay colt by j •Nealoii — Ballancell. and two other yearlings. j; Jockeys McAfee and A. Collins are with the Clyde j establishment and will take mounts regularly. j Racing over the Fair Grounds could begin to- morrow. Tin course is in superb condition. The j inanv improvements to the plant have long been oe.inplelted. with the exception of the painting, and j this work is so far advanced that next week will j witness its finish. The grandstand is done in white with green trimmings. Tlie walks and approaches to the stables have been repaired and horsemen are t enthusiastic over the splendid facilities for their charges. j The close of racing at Bowie will result 111 a big influx of turfmen here. Two special trains from the Mary hi nd course are in contemplation and will 1 j bring here the cream of the eastern horses that are intended for winter racing. Resevations have been made for :!00 horses from the east and the ; total that will be 011 hand for the meeting will exceed 700. Fully half us many more could be ; added, were accommodations for them available. Oeneral Manager Joseph A. Murphy, who will Tie in supreme charge of the racing, will arrive here ; Thursday next to Iwgin active work. Secretary Jiseph McLennan will arrive at the same time. Poth will find 011 arrival that the preliminary work J lias lM*en well looked after. This feature has lieeu 1 in charge of W. Blooh and his assistants, super- vized by steward T. C. Campbell and the executive committee. The city is already taking on a racing . air, for each train brings additions to the turf colony. Among the latest arrivals is Harry Frisco Cardner. a former well-known bookmaker and owner r of Floral King, which showed high form on the t local racks, when racing was in its heyday. .lack Brewster, son of Alexander Brewster, who , . figured prominently in the Fair Grounds management under the Bush-Rcneaud regime, died here C recently. __________

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