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CURRENT NOTES OF THE TURF. Jeffcrs..n Livingston plans to visit Juarez during Hie winter to see souk- of his horses race. An iiuiiorted yearling by Koval Realm in the W. It. Coe string at Belmont Park is attracting much attention. Stephen Lawler is wintering the greater part of the guiucy Stables string at dravesend. In the lot are Trojan, winner of tlie 1014 Futurity, and Double Eagle. A strong military tone was imparled to the opening or the Juarez racing season on Thursday by the presence of many of the officers of the Villa garrison of the town. Trainer Thomas J. Healey. who has charge of the K. T. Wilson horses, has returned to Belm-ml Park. He has a big band of yearlings t.i develop, including nlniiii a dozen bred in Kentucky and live or 1111 re ini|M ited yearlings. N. B. Davis is in Havana and in a letter to a Cincinnati friend says the place and the climate are amazing, and that the racing plant astonished him. He says the meeting will surely he a s-iccess. and that the management is making the horsemen comfortable and that horses are arriving at the course daily. Foxhall Daingerlield. a son of Algernon Daingerlield. assistant secretary of the Jockey Club, is a member of Robert Milliards company, which opened a three days engagement in The Pride of Race, at the Star. Buffalos foremost theater. Thanksgiving Bay. Mr. Daingerlield possesses no little ability as an actor. Trainer Edward W. Heffner has returned to New ork from Maryland. II. C. Hallenl.ecks horses have lieen sent t . Shrewsbury. X. J., and trainer Heffner is at his home at Sheepshead Bay. His stay on Island will lie only teniixirary. hiwever. as it is his intention to make his home on the Ilal-leulieck farm this winter. Lmis 1. Lagarde. secretary of the City Park ra -e track, when racing was in its prime at New Orleans, and partner and close associate of Sain Heaslip. one of the citys leading race track men. died in that city early Friday morning after a short illness. Mr. Ijigarde was prominent in politics, having been twice a member of the Legislature. He was a mcinlier of several carnival societies and the big clubs, and was a leading figure in everything pertaining to the citys good. It is stated from San Biego that the position of presiding judge at the new Tia Juana track has ha- l.eeii offered to C. II. Petting!!!, that of starter lo Harry Morrissey and that the office of racing secretary has l een tendered Kichard Dwyer. Tliey are all efficient men. J. J. Holtuiau is general manager and. according to him. the first horses to Im- shippeil to the track will In- those owned by Jacob Mm and A. Neal. which will Ik- started from Reno. Xev.. in time to arrive Decern Iter 4. Toward the close of the metro|Mlitan racing season it was decided to train the erratic K« ck View for a steeplechaser. He took kindly to the jumps, and his earlier lessons proclaimed him a jumper of rare promise, but just as he appeared to begin to have an understanding of doeplechasing. he hit himself in taking a jump, and for the first lime in his career Itowed a tend-in. I pan this. .Mr. Bel 111-. nt immediately decided to retire him. and sent him to the Nursery Stud, where he will Itegin service a- a aw* early iu Ml