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1 • • ; ■ ! J ; j « ; ! • : ; ; SEVENTH RACE— 1 Mile and 20 Yards, 3-year-olds and upward. Selling Handicap. 17601—1:44— b —100. BORGO. ch. e, 3 106 By Ogtlen— May Florence E. J. McGraw. 2599S Bowie lm70v l:46%fast SI 100 5 4 2 2 2* 2» M Mount n 7 Republican, LNearer, Nephllivs 2::930 Bowie ll:42V5tast 32 mo 5 5 5 5 6 67 M Mountn 6 Wood. Shoes, Venetla, tliffFicId 23944 Bowie 7-8 l:27%fast 41-5 112 4 7 7 7 ol 45j T Hayes 7 Ahara, Between Us. B. Coffee 23905 Bowie 1 l:43%mud 13 106 1 1 1 1 3l 4* A Schugr 6 Celto, Naushon, Venetia 23D60 Laurel lmTOy l:4S%slop 29-10 102 1 4 4 5 5*» 5»4L Mink 6 Spearhead, Pardner, Cliff Field 23515 Laurel lm20y l:43%good33-10 105 2 4 3 3 3» 44 E Forehnd 8 Noureddin, Day Day. Pardner 23445 Laurel 1 1-16 1:55 mud 2J 100 3 4 4 3 3« 2* J Callahan 6 Runes, Pardner, Cliff Field 23377 Laurel 1 1-16 l:53%hvy 2 105 1 2 2 2 2=» 24 F Cooper 4 Republican, H.Lauder. Gloaming ELLA BRYSON. ch. m. 7. 105 By Juvenal — Graziosa R. F. Carman. 23993 Bowie lin20y l:45%fast 7-10 10S 111 1 1» 2 M Buxton ! L. Travers. Eailymorn. Tactless 23965 Bowie lm70y 1:48 fast 45 109 2 11 1 1*2" M Garner 11 Polly IL. Pharaoh. H. Lauder 23862 Pimlico 3-4 l:13%fast 4 113 14 13 11 13«« 12l* T McTagt 17 Lohengrin, Aldebaran. Kopje 22721 BlueBon. 1 l:39%fast 3 106 1 3 4 5 45 54 E Forehnd 6 Corsican. Redland. St. Lazerian 22678 BlueBon. 1 l:39%fast 11-10 113 4 3 2 4 4s 44 P Goldstn 8 Buzz Around, Corsican. Videt 22362 Saratoga 1 l:42%good 6 111 3 1 1 1 l1 1J E Martin 12 Mars Cassidy, Borgo. Corsican 21842 Aqueduct 1 1:40 fast 9-20 111 1 1 1 1 1* Is J Butwell 6 Dartworth, Cmauretta, B.Boru GLOAMING, ch. c, 3 103 By Star Shoot— Autnmn Leaves Berwick Stable. 2396!t Bowie 3-4 l:13Sf,fast 19-5 100 5 5 4 P 34 T Iargton S W. Lily. Pontetract. Aldebaran 23916 Bowie 3-4 l:13%fast 67-10 111 6 9 9 7l 44 T Hayes it Encore, Prairie. Pontefract 23533 Laurel lm20y 1:42 good31-20 113 4 1 1 3 32 54 F Cooper 11 Eagle. Seorpii. Volant 23377 Laurel 1 1-16 l:53%hvy 29-5 103 2 3 3 3 32 422 L Mink 4 Republican. Borgo, H. Lauder 23312 H.deGce lm70yl :44%fast 18-5 104 3 2 2 2 1 1 L Mink 15 Guy Fisher, Volant, DanigerflVld 23089 H.deGce 3-4 l:144fast 9-5 107 7 2 2 2* 2J M Buxton 11 Prairie, Seorpii, Chesterton 22999 H.deGce 3-4 l:13%fast 6 108 2 6 7 91 10 * J McCahevll Sqtieeler. Marjorie A., Dinah Do ALDEBARAN, b. g, 6 105 By Plat rides— Passan J. W. Pangle. 2399S Bowie lmTOy l:4MCaat 28 103 4 6 6 5 61 711 T Hayes 7 Republican. Baraw, Lit. Koarcf 23969 Bowie 3-4 l:13%fast 11 108 3 2 2 24 44 J Putweli S M*. Lily. Pontefract. Gkwmiug 23946 Bowie lmTOy l:47%fast 12 106 8 7 7 6 72 74 C TVatson 10 Jem, Stonehenge. Buzz Around 23916 Bowie 3-4 l:13%fast 65 113 9 8 8 84 9« C "Watson 11 Encore, Prairie. Pontefract 23897 Bowie 3-4 1:13 fast 16 105 8 5 5 31 23 C "Watson 10 Sqtieeler, Prairie. Briar Path 23S67 Pimlico 3-4 l:14%fast 3-2 107 2 2 3 2« l«k J aVcTagrtl4 Lady London. Hiker, Striker 23862 Pimlico 3-4 LlSandfast 18-5 109 10 6 3 15 2and J U cTagrtl7 Lohengrin, Kople. Marjorie A. 23S40 Pimlico 3-4 1:14 fast 23-10 111 14 9 4 2h 52J J McCaheyl4 Lohengrin, Luther, Patience STONEHENGE, b. g, 4 107 By Huttings— Linda Stone W. Vale. 23946 Bowie lm70y l:*Tffcfaat 47-10 106 2 1 1 1 24 2 S "V.Volsfm h» Jem. B. Around. SirWm. Johnson 23940 Bowie 1 1-16 l:52Vislow 9 110 2 1 2 2 3* 3« F Cooper 7 Republican. Xephthys, Keybomu 23S99 Bowie lm70y l:45%fast 21-5 112 114 9 10™ SJ T Pargtonll Nephtbys, Lit.Nearer, AllSmilos 23879 Pimlico 1 1-8 l:54,£fast 55 108 2 2 2 3 31 21 C Turner 10 Ambrose, Black Broom, Corsican 23837 Pimlico 1 1-8, 1 :54%fast 21-5 109 3 111 Ink 34 G Byrne 6 Black Broom, B.Thistle. Yodeles 23817 Pimlico 1 1-8 l:54 /ifast 9 106 4 1 1 2 24 24 L Mink S Spearhead, B.Thistle, B.Broom £3761 Laurel 11-16 1:46 fast 9J 107 6 2 2 3 33 21 R McDottlO Volant, Ambrose. Br. Cnnarder ARMAMENT, b. g. 4 104 By Armeath II — Hot Bird H. J. Morris. MOM Bowie 1 1-1 2:10%fast 29-5 105 113 4 31 31? J UcCahey « Biilie Baker. Norus, Pollv II. 23965 Bowie lm70y 1:48 fast 17-5 115 4 4 5 4 6 7 J McCaheyll Polly H.. Ella Bryson, Pharaoh 23924 Bowie 1 1-16 l:49%fast 19-5 104 2 6 5 5 55 44 J IlcCahey 8 Norus. Menlo Park, Valas 23834 Pimlico 3-4 1:14 fast 37 115 5 10 11 12 12" G Hyrne 12 Prairie, Kootenay, Aharu 23769 W. Marsh 11:42 fast 3 130 1 1 ll 21 F Crowley 10 Spearhead. Huguenot, Mtchfi.-ld 23720 W. Marsh 3-1 l:15%hvy 1 120 2 2* l1 Crowley 9 Billy Hibbs, Mohonk, Atabov 23629 Lynwd 6J f 1:26 good 3-5 139 1 2 21 2° F Crowley G Biilie Hibbs, Matchfield. Alledo BUZZ AROUND, ch. f. 4 105 By Cunard— Wayward Lass J. Arthur. 23972 Bowie lm70y l:46%fast 23 104 8 7 8 7 4l 44 T Parston S S.W.Jnson. L. Nearer. Retilicatt 23946 Bowie lm70y l:47? 61-10 103 10 10 9 S 64 3s T PargtonlO Jem. Stonehenge. SirW. Johnson 23919 Bowie 1 1-16 l:4B%f*8t 19 104 2 7 8 8 7* 61 T Pargton 9 Republican, L. Nearer. Naushon 23S79 Pimlico 1 1-8 l:54%fast 21 102 8 7 9 8 7* 64 L McAtee 10 Ambrose. Stonehenge. B. Broom 22806 Pimlico 1 1-8 1:55 fast 37-20 103 2 2 3 3 3* l1 L McAtee 10 R. oLight. G.M.Miller. T.Runip 23850 Pimlico 1 3-16 2:01 fast 2 101 6 5 5 5 6s 74 M Garner 8 Yodeles. Dartworth. Bil. Baker 23830 Pimlico 11:42 fast 73-10 103 8 8 10 6 62 5J C Turner 10 Ambrose, Sir W.Johnson. K. Box 23810 Laurel 1 1-16 l:47%fast 71 101 6 6 6 5 4»k 2J R McDott »i Lahore. Day Day. Volant BEN QUINCE, cb. g. 4 106 By Peter Quince— Benita Brush J. W. Hedrick. Jr. 23946 Bowie lr.i70y l:47%fast 14 111 1 4 4 4 51 6= C Turner 10 Jem. Stonehenge. Buzz Around 23940 Bowie 1 1-16 l:52%slow 13 112 1 3 3 4 4l 512 W Hinphy 7 Republican. Nephthvs. Stonehsje 23872 Pimlico 1 1:42 fast 19 107 6 2 2 1 24 2J W Hinphy 8 S.W.Jnson, Sprisiug, Cannonade 23851 Pimlico 1 3-lfi 2:01%fast 83-10 103 7 2 2 2 22 22 M Mthews 8 Yodeling. Hedge. Perth Rock 23842 Pimlico lm70y l:46%fast 65 108 2 2 2 2 3» 34 M Mthewsl Alhena, Gallop. Jawbone 23761 Laurel 11-16 1:46 fast 23 109 1 4 4 4 l tj JI Mthews 10 Volant, Stonehenge. Ambrose VIDET. b. g, 3 98 By The Picket — La Grecque S. Louis. 23969Bowie 3-4 l:13%fast S? 101 7 S S 8 84,l Ptr. If, Lilv. Pontefract. Gloaming 23876 Pimlico 3-4 1:14 fast 12 96 3 4 4 4 4« R McDott 5 Wan. Pitzer, BriarPath, J.Blair 23848 Pimlico 3-4 l:13%fast 26 110 5 6 7 6 44 R McDottll Benevolent. Tie Pin. T.Masq i 23793 Laurel lm70y l:47%hvy 34 99 1 2 4 7 9" 9»4R McDottiO All Smiles. Burwood. Marshon 23387 Laurel lm70y l:49%hvy 61-10 102 6 3 2 2 2* 2s W Lilley O Luther. Robinetta, Dicks Pel 23493 Laurel 3-4 l:21%hvy 24-5 103 5 5 4 C5 34 R McDott S Ben Quince, Lilv Onne. A!h"t ,»