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TWO FACTIONS SEEK DORVAL CONTROL. Montreal Q"e.. Noveinlier 29.— It has developed days Ilia, there are now two few nit in the past ,, Vc ions aniiou- to secure -.Urol of the Dorval li -kev Club tract. One syndicate is headed by Fred |i-lei"id ind includes in its nuuilier Victor Lomay. ,-. « I rm.i ? Bastion, and one or two other well-known n W,Y horsemen. The other syndi.iite is headed by y ■ nesi K Dearie ami iucludi* Major John Me Itride is well as a number of the frieods of I.. P. J. 1 ire and n5 »" •«««« president. J. T. K. J- ., o.le» Finest l»e.arie has already made an £ TV, , Ti".l.t. of the dub. while the others have * .lot TVlieii bid. Which faction will secure ■ lonirol remains with those who have HM of the MsLv-vnl of last seasons directors are on iKmds for in. Vlnlis indebtedness, and whichever syndicate :•• ikes vcr he club will have lo assume these -c u,?x.,Z Batfe :ir- willing to do -... and it is is 1","lt. thai ui, lik l.i hat n. the tamrte will Ik- straiul.l-3 t- w k ,ni i ,- e|,ed OUt of »• the «; ««" „ f ,„ h,1|j,W of the :e -tirutlin a,K.-bruarv. and it is hardly iXlv tl " new lrd of directors will be chose, ■ ]evi Rfcliartland Victor l*ina.v were the organ ft- * A -ti Montreal I riving Club, and for a num-T. I- e "operated the plant at Delorimier Park. l V of .. vears f s.-Hsons ago passed into other bands. s. VVr Illmav and Fred Uidnird selling out their In-V, II- V Tic purses will be paid off as s,..„ Bs ,,„. e- imss.ssi.Hi of the club Hales will II ,. .1 lake l;:.,. be !sked on the Canadian circuit from the Canadian Racing Ass.Kial.ons.