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GOSSIPY NOTES FROM BLUE GRASS LAND. Lexington. Ky.. December 2. — Starter Harry Mor-rissey today received a telegram from President - J V. Coffroth of tlie Lower California Joe-key Club, ; accepting his terms for service at tlie barrier during the Tia Juau-i meetiug. which is to open January [ 1. Morrissw will leave I-*-xiiigton for Tia J nana December 20. Will Perkins ship| ed seventeen horses to New Orleans this morning. Perkins bought Bell Boy . from Whitnev Moore and put liini iu his car with Murion Gooaby, Clubs. Talebearer and others. Information from Iari today is to the effect that I vice-chairman Thomas Hart Tallx.t is ill with gripi e , ai bis home in BouHmi:i Count v and may not Ik- able to go to Louisville tomorrow for the Kentucky State j lta i!iR Commissions meeting. .1. C. Milam today took up Morristown to prepare , him for spriug racing.