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ie h ■ ie « r J 1!? 1 "n k, NEW ORLEANS -- LOUISIANA I FAIR GROUNDS THE SARATOGA OF THE SOUTH _____ _____________— ___ January 1 to March 7, Inclusive 57 Days of Racing No Purse Less Than 00 THE ONLY RACE TRACK IN THE UNITED STATES OPEN AT THE TIME. FREE LIST ABSOLUTELY SUSPENDED: . THOMAS C. CAMPBELL Steward JOSEPH A. MURPHY . Presiding .Tudee JOSEPH McLENNAN Associate Judge J. B. CAMPBELL Associate Judge A. B. DADE Starter HERMAN P. CONKLING Patrol Judg2 Committee of Appeals: JAMES H. REES Chairman ALLEN MEHLE ALBERT GODCHAUX J. E. PEARCE JEAN BUSH I ___ Four Daily Trains to | jfjjjSj CALIFORNIA j W THE ONLY LIME TO SAN DIEGO, WHICH IS THE NEAREST CITY TO TIA JUANA 1 SANTA FE CITY OFFICE: 78 E- Jackson Blvd., Chicago I to II. J * rd IS ft by is Breeders Futurity KENTUCKY ASSOCIATION 1916-17 SECOND and THIRD PAYMENTS DUE JANUARY 1, 1916 PLEASE REMIT TO G. D. WILSON, Secretary, Lexington, Ky. in SKIRTS made of your own material. WILSON, 1418 Stevens Building, Chicago Telephone: RANDOLPH 3219. ;! m 2 TELEPHONES: Automatic 62-756. Harrison 1314, 1315, 1316. All Departments. OWEN H. f AY LIVERY CO. AUTOMOBILE LIVERY AND GARAGE 435 Plymouth Court, Chicago, 111. on :„° 1,1 ay dt " ise SUNNYSSDE HOTEL Magnolia Springs, Baldwin County :: Alabama W. H. H. HARDING. Proprietor. In the heart of the Ponce de Leon country, between Mobile Bay and the Gulf of Mexico. Open all the year round. Fine fishing. The Spring* fur-m nish a certain cure for kidney diseases. RATES: 5 PER WEEK. " n Boy " ir " " • "" Di,k k on The finest Resort Hotel in the World HAS BEEN BUILT AT SUNSET MOUNTAIN. ASHEVILLE; N. C. ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF. OPEN ALL THE YEAR. An old-fashioned Inn: walls five feet thick of pratiltn boulders. Wttt6r from slopes of high*bt nioaiitain bi«t M tb» Ruckie*. Finest P- ll lluka 1i the South. Writs lor rat.s and literature. GROVE PARK INN. Sunset Mountain :: Aalieville. North Carolina. THE Monthly Form Book containing charts of all races run on recognized tracks in North America during the month » BMGBQIBER, will be on sale next Mouday iinun. January o. PRICE .00 Single copies by mail will POSITIVELY only bo sent as registered mail, with an extra charge of ten cents for registration. Not responsible for books sent as regular mail. DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO.. 441 Plymouth Court :: :: Chicago, Illinois, 74 Exchange Street :: Buffalo, N. Y. NEW ORLEANS OPENS SATURDAY. Start off right. Get Lallys Direct Track Information. Six Days for , including Big Opening Day Special. Saturdays Special wired anywhere telegram prepaid for . LALLY COLLYER 201 First National Bank Bldg. :: Covington, Ky. THE TURF REPORTER Boom 509. 22 West Quincy Street. Chicago. Illinois. TODAYS FORM SPECIAL: No. 667. NATIONAL RACING REVIEW TODAYS SPECIAL: Texas, Mate. Monologue, Ro~i .;i. Yesterdays SM-cinl. Flitaway, 9-2, seconit Room 446. 321 South La Salle Street. Chicago. 111. THE STANDARD TURF GUIDE, CHICAGO. THE NEW BOOK NOW ON SALE at all v . stamls for *J."i ceiils | er copy. Yesterdays Form Special won. TODAYS FORM SPECIAL: October 11-42-47-12. — Banana — CHOCTAW. BALGEE. Btaiaaiat, won TaeaBajr. Baa Work* an. I CtaamlMtai Herfce*, Be k -j:;:. CM No. :..:» i"..r Ravaa*, . ».. Juarez, live ones. •_.", cents, or seal .iirecl. .1 lllonttl. TODAYS BEST: YOU 70. Book 233. American Thoroughbred, Baltimore Bldg.. Chicago.