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MUD RACING IS PROBABLE ] MOKE RAIN AT NEW ORLEANS PROMISES HEAVY TRACK FOR SATURDAY. Weights for Good Horses in the New Years Handi- cap— Jockey Small Refused a License — New Regulations. ] New Orleans. La.. December 30. — Intermittent tdiowers today ami the possibility of a prolonged drenching tonight are likely to cause a heavy track at the Fair Grounds for Saturdays opening. Interest in the sport, however, is not one whit abated ■ud preparations are being made for the entertain- went of a record breaking crowd. Arrivals today were more numerous than on any former day and were from all sections of the country, including some prominent personages in the turf world. All reiKirt that big delegations are on the way here. Everything is in thorough readiuess at the track and the detail work has been complet cd with the exception of the licensing of a few trainers and jockeys. Few of the application* were held up for further investigation ami only one application has lieen denied. Jockey Small was refused a license because of his suspension in Kentucky. Hie privileges of the course will likewise lie denied him. according to an order issued by Judge Murphy. Small applied for a trainers license and later made application as agent for the J. V. Fuller stable. Another important ruling made by manager Murphy today is the discontinuation of the telegraph offices at the course for commercial pur-jioses. The newspaper men here will not lie dis-conioded by the order, as they were given permission to have the telegraph companies striug wires into the press room for service to the newspapers they represent. Messrs. McLennan. Campliell and Murphy, comprising the board of haudicapper*. have lied the I weights for the Xew Years Handicap to Ite run on the opening day. The race is at one mile and 1 the weight assignments are as follows: Horse. A.Wt. Horse. A.Wt. Celesta «...• US Dr. Larrick 4 102 i " Hanovia 4 114 Marstion li Kfi Dorothy Dean 7 110 Marion Goosby 4 101 f Brynliinah 6 10" J. J. Lillis 5 101 Lagle 4 100 Star Shooter 4 101 Indolence 5 HHi Keulah S 0 101 j l.indenthal 4 lOO Grumpy 4 !W ,, Cliff Field 5 1 4 Volant 4 US Goldcrest Boy 4 104 Gloaming 4 97 .. - t Katier Uiloy .". 104 Herbert Temple ..4 ".Hi W Ahara 4 103 Daddys Choice ...3 95 - Ambrose 0 103