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FIFTH RACE— 3-4 Mile. 2-year-olds. Selling. 12990— 1 :09"-f.— 0—115. T HELM A MARIE, b. f. 2 105 By Migraine— Blakeslee S. M. Henderson. 24243 Juarez 3-4 1:1 12 93 2 3 3 3- 2" C Hunt 8 Cdle. Classy Curl. Tactless 21 3M Juarez 3 4 1 :12%fast i 1H 5 « f : - o" C Hunt I BriM.ks. Holina, Savino 24134 Jnmresj 7 S 1:26 fast 6 loo 4 3 4 I ; - til T Henry 8 IHdina. Brooks. Leah Cochran 21 HO Juarez 51 f 1 :07 fast 2 107 4 5 6 6 6i K Martin 7 Bank. Dolina, Brooks 24061 Juarez 5-8 l:04%slow 2 MS 4 1 1 1» 1* B Iool 8 Lola, Brooks, Zolzo 24049 Juarez 6-8 l:00%fast 7-10 108 3 5 3 4l 3* J McCabe 7 Prepaid, Laugh. Water. Lola 24025 Jaurez 5-8 l:00%fast 4 109 5 2 3 4*1 4= J McCabe 11 Dolina, Shell Do. Bank 23158 Douglas 61 f l:08%good 25 103 3. Fell. C Jones 13 Paymaster. H. Gardner. Savlno 22910 Lexgton GJ f 1:08 fast 31-5 107 2 2 2 in 2" C Jones 9 Bnchita, L.Vdergrift, Trappoid 20163 Lexgton 41 t 66%hvy 231 109 9 8 71 V* R Carter 11 MarylL, Thornwood, Innovation 20065 Lexgton 1-2 48%good 24 104 6 5 6» 6« R Carter 12 Intention. LouiseStone, Tob.Box 19804 Juarez 1-2 48%fast 4 108 4 3 4« 4* J Howard 6 F. Patterson, Lit. Blues. Lola 19760 Juarez 1-2 48%fast 2 107 5 2 2* 2*1 J Howard 8 Savino, Rnblfax, Veldt 1971S Juarez 1-2 48andfast 3-2 105 7 3 2* l°k J Metcalf 8 LaughingWater. Medea. AnttiR. CABIRIA, b. f, 2 105 By Sempronius — Ameeras C. W. Gasser. 24109 Juarez 51 f 1 :08 good 2 112 1 12 2*11* E Haynes il Rapid Mav, Eng.Sues, E.Welles 239SC Juarez 5-8 l:01%fast 3 108 I 4 Fell. 1 Morvs S Staraniso. Zudora. Itapid May 22548 Latonia 51 f l:0SM;fast 15 95 9 10 10 101 7C1 T Henry 12 Lady Mildred. Trout Fly. Laohis 20699 Douglas 5-S l:00%fast 16 110 7 9 8 9 8» A Pease 11 MoinenStar. GypsyBlair, B. Joe 20400 Douglas 41 f 66%mud 3 112 2 4 3* 3=1B Ott C Br.Kate. R.Strickd. M.Georgia 20341 Churchill 41 f 55Vfcfast fid 112 4 1 11 4* A Pease 12 Beauty Shop. G. Blair, S.Leagne 20313 Churchill 41 t 64%fast 17-5 110 9 9 9 9" B Ott 9 Jerry, Franklin, Boneros First SAVINO. b. o. 2 113 By Voorhees— Corinna O. Barnes. 24206 Juarez 3-4 l:12%fast 5 113 2 2 3 3* 3J J Loftus 6 Brooks, Dolina, Water Warbler 24134 Juarez 7-8 1:26 fast 3 108 7 7 7 6 6« 5:1H Shilling 8 Dolina. Brooks, Leah Cochran 24097 Juarez 5-S l:O0%fast 8 108 2 7 4 2°* 11 H Shilling 12 Ethel Welles. Lit. Blues, Lola 23751 Latonia 3-4 l:13%fast 21 108 8 9 8 8 8 L Gentry 11 Blue Cap. Cardome, LouiseStone 23670 Latonia 3-4 1:17 hvy 63-10 110 8 7 6 9 9° L Gentry 9 Lindly, Dolina, Lady Mildred 23584 Latonia 61 f l:09%hvy 101 114 10 10 10 71 5« H Cavanhlu Lindly. Infidel IL. Rifle Shooter 23426 Churchl 1 1:45 mud 51 106 8 7 6 5 21 2* L Gentry 9 L.Wington. R.Soter, Infidel II. 23347 Churchl 3-4 l:14%good 18 107 11 11 7 6» 5*1 L Gentr- 11 Taka. Paymaster, Rifle Shooter 2315S Douglas 51 f l:08%good 17 106 7 4 3 3* 3« D Stirling 13 Paymaster. H.Gardner. B. Shop 23023 Lexgton 51 f l:08andfast 31 107 7 7 5 6-1 2i D Stirling 10 Cardome. H. Garner, B. Velvet 22877 Lexgton 61 f 1:07 fast 46 108 3 5 5 5» 6* D Stirling 10 Poppee, Cardome. H Gardner 21403 Latonia 5 t 1:10 hvy 28-5 106 4 7 5 61 5»1 W J OBnll Mary H.. TheCarmet. Llt.Bigger CIRCULATE, ch. g. 2 105 By Hanbridge— Helma S. OMeara Bros.. 24128 Juarez 5-S 1:01 fast 7 112 7 6 4 3* 3* L Gentry 10 Shell Do, Staranise. Industry 24079 Juarez 5-S l:00%fast 4 107 6 6 3 3« 3* L Gentry 12 Bank. Shell Do. Veldt 24067 Juarez 5-S 1:04 slow 5 112 5 5 3 2*1 1* L Gentry 10 Rapid May. Bank, Ball Band 24025 Juarez 6-8 l:00%fast 6 106 4 5 5 CM 7" L Gentry 11 Dolina. Shell Do Bank 23762 Latonia 3-4 1:14 fast 12 100 11 11 7 8» 5" T Henry 31 Mike Mullen, Busy Joe, Cossack 25535 Latonia 3-4 l:14%fast 10 101 6 9 4 3* 361 F Robinsnll Tnksgiving, Asp Sam J Reeves 23472 Churchl 3 l:14%fast 22-6 104 3 3 " 3 4 4JK Robinsn r Huffaker. Jack ODowd Jasper 23358 Churchl 61 f l:10%mud 13-5 98 7 6 4 4* 47 K Lapaille 8 M.B.Trman, M.Mullen Cossack 23105 Douglas 6-8 l:01%fast 37-5 93 5 4 i z* 1* K Lapaillell L.Wingtn, M.B Tman Indtry 21301 Latonia 5-8 l:03%slop 16 102 8 8 6 9 9" 1F Robinsnll Disturber, Savino, Illuminator 21120 Latonia 5-8 l:02%fast . 71 109 6 6 3 2* 35 F RobinsnlC C.F.Hornberger. Elkton. L. Cove ZUDORA. b. f , 2 102 By Waterboy— Star J. C. Ferris. 24223 Juarez 51 f l:07%fast 6 105 3 6 6 0* 4*J G Molesth 7 Staranise, Rapids, Meal Ticket 24128 Juarez 5-S 1:01 fast 30 104 8 7 8 8 6-lG MolesthlC Shell Do, Staranise Circulate 24067 Juarez 5-8 1:04 slow 10 112 9 10 8 6 6*i G MolesthlO Circulate, Rapid May Bank 24058 Juarez 5-8 l:00%fast 20 103 5 6 7 4*1 4* G Molesth 7 Brooks, Babv Cal. Shell Do 24025 Juarez 5-8 l:00%fast 10 104 3 7 6 5* 5* G Molesthll Dolina. Shell Do Bank 23986 Juarez 5-8 l:01%fast 6 108 2 5 4 3* 2« G Molesth 8 Staranise. RapIdMav. L. Cochran 23782 Latonia 1 l:40%fast Fid 102 5 3 2 10 10* 10* K Lapaille 12 B. Velvet. Taka Thanksgivin" 23751 Latonia 3-4 l:18%fast 90 102 11 11 11 9* 7*J C Hunt 11 Bine Cap. Cardome, LouiseStone 23622 Latonia 3-4 1:17 mud 64 109 10 10 10 10 10* » E Pool 11 AlexGetz. Sansyming. StephenR. MEAL TICKET, br. c. 2 105 By The Sharper— Lilypad W. E. Moody. 24223 Juarez 51 f l:07%fast 5 108 1 2 1 2h 3*1 E Hawkins 7 Staranise. Rapids. Zudora 24217 Juarez 51 f LOSfast 20 113 5 4 4 2 2i E HawkinslO Industry, Kap.May. Whis Hope 19589 Juarez 1-2 47%fast 30 106 6 7 7 7»«1R Feeney 7 F.Patterson, Schulenbg. Recluse 194S8 Juarez 1-2 47Vsfast 30 96 9 9 9 9*1J Acton 10 Sangallo. Megaphone L. Bi"*-r 19421 Juarez 31 t 40%fast 20 111 9 10 10*1 J Howard 10 T.Box. F.Patterson. Illuminator 19229 Juarez 31 f 40Xfast 15 109 6 7 7" T Rice 7 Sangallo. Brooks, Whispg Hope RAPID MAY. ch. f . 2 00 By Rapid Water— Mae Irwin Allen and Hensley. 24217 Juarez 51 f l:08y6fast 4 95 6 7 7 4and 2* H Phillips 10 Industrv. M. Ticket Wh Hope 24187 Juarez 5-8 1:00 fast 5 112 11 13 13 13 13* G Garner 13 Eth. Welles, Violet, Eug Siies 24109 Juarez 54 f 1:08 good 5 112 4 4 3 3* 2* L Gentry 11 Cabiria, Eugene Sues E.Welles 21079 Juarez 5-8 l:00%fast 8 103 10 11 10 8 9=« M Mthewsl2 Bank, Shell Do. Circulate 240C7 Juarez 6-S 1:04 slow 12 112 3 2 1 1* 2* A Pickens 10 Circulate, Bank. Ball Band 24025 Juarez 5-8 l:00%fast 10 102 7 10 9 8 8" H Stearns 11 Dolina. Shell Do Bank 23986 Juarez 5-8 l:01%fast 10 109 4 2 2 2* 3«J L Gentry 8 Staranise. Zudora. Leah Cochran 236S9 Latonia 3-4 l:16%hvy 60 95 8 9 10 10 10 » K LapalllelO Red Cross. Tony Fashion Violet 23580 Latonia 61 f l:10%hvy fid 102 12 12 12 12 11*» B Marco 12 Laohis. Busy Joe Trout Fly nlP £enver 1-2 47%fast 44 112 6 6 6 6" W Ormes 6 Ed Cudihee. Washoe Belle Bank 21072 Denver 1-2 48%fast 15 109 6 6 6* 6" W Ormes 7 C.Roberts. J.D.Sugg. EdCudlh" DASH, b. i, 2 97 By Factor — Dance Spirit G. Freese. 2412S Juarez 5-8 1:01 fast 30 107 4 5 7 9 9 «»Q ITeeee 10 Shell Do, Staranise Circulate 23442 Rumson Ab3-S slow 8-5 162 2 3 3* Mr T Wht 0 Culvert, Overyonda II Ribl.on 23437 Rumson Ab3-4 slow 4 99 3 I 1* 1* R Hoffman S Culvert. Billie Hibbs Jose EUGENE SUES, b. g, 2 95 By Gotobed— Viona F. DeBeque. 24217 Juarez 01 f l:08%fast 12 95 8 8 8 7s 7* T Buckles 10 Industrv. Rap. Mav Meal Ticket 241S7 Juarez 5-8 1:00 fast 12 112 6 3 3 3*1 3" 1R Feeney IS Ethel Welles Violet Mikifuli 24109 Juarez 61 f 1:08 good 10 106 9 6 5 4" 3 E Pool 11 Cabiria, Rapid May, E. Welles QUIZ. b. f . 2 97 By The Picket— Query F. Wallhauser. 24.43 Juarez 3-4 l:12%fast 20 94 5 0 5 5i 68*T Hayes S Coll,-. Thelma Marie C Curl 24049 Juarez 6-8 l:00%fast 10 105 7 7 7 7 7*= M Mthews 7 Prepaid, L. Water Th AlVrle 24025 Juarez 5-S l:00*4fast 15 10S 10 9 10 10 10*= 1 Stirling 11 Dolina. Shell Do Bank 2i974 Juarez 5-8 l:01%fast 10 104 8 7 5 7 8=* D Stirling 9 Babv Cal Prepaid Veldt 19696 Juarez 1-2 49 fast 4 108 7 6 4* 5«J T Rice 10 B.Blancs. F.Patterson EmllvK * 19673 Juarez 1-2 50%slow 6 107 6 4 4*1 1 T Rice 7 Brooks, LetfetU Veldt 19572 Juarez 1-2 60%slow 21 112 6 7 7* 6* T Rice 9 Little Bigger, Veldt R Marian 19443 Juarez 31 £ 42%slow 3 112 1 41 3«1 T Rice 10 Anita, RSIe Marian. iT WiTchs