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I . 1 | KING COBALTS VARIED CAREER. The veteran Ceaarloa sprinter. King Cobalt, will e represented hj two or atore two-year-oaaa in the Bros nleigli Park atring dariag the racing seas,, n of 1848. They are doin- well thus far. and the proprietor of the stable has a certain waHaKatal interest in them. He baa awaed their :ir, l..n rer I baa any thorooghbred in his possession and nothing would please him better than lo see the get of King Cobalt carry his colors lo victory. Two seasons or more was King Cobalt in service for the Canadian Rreeiling Hureau. and it is reported that as a result he has left some particularl" tine half-breds in Canada. Then he was brought back to this country, and train, r McDaniel was sue. cis-lul in getting him to the races again and seeing; him returned a winner at Mount Royal last faIL Then he secur, d a ribbon at the New York Horse Show, and now be is in service again at I.rown-leigh Park Stock iarui.