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GENERAL NEWS NOTES OF THE DAY. iawnlns exports increased seventy per cent in lftl.7 .-Hid reached a total ol ,553,000,000, break ing all previous records. Figures yesteraaj bj the Departmenl of Commerce show that heavy exports and declining Imports together set a new American trade balance record at Imports Were llle smallest since 1S12. The eollll- trs total foreign trade —exports and passed the ,000,000,000 mark during the year. each month showing heavier exports until Decembers reached 3350, OOO.OOO. the trade balance of dose t.. ,000,000,000 was live times greater than in 1914, when it stopped at 24,000,000. Exports have grown steadil] ami rapidly for the last roar years, the Eoropeaa war checkinc oatgoing shipmeiils only for a brief time. The errand dukes rieterj near Krzoruiu proved to be even greater than early reports showed. According! to Beaters Tetegrani eompanj , mm» Tarks were captured bj the Russians, while the number killed. wounded and forced into scattered flifht was euor-nious. Though Brserum, the stronghold of Turkish Armenia, is strong!; fortified, its chances for bold-lag oe.i against the Russians are decreased by the tact that m..n- than 100,000 refugees have sought shelter there. The dispatch adds that the Russians look scores f machine gaaa and a groat quantity ••! monil i as. Qeisaaay is continuing her efforts to conclude a separate peace with Serbia, according to tin- Athens eorr pondeut of the London Dally Mail. Germany, be says, has .Her. .1 to extend the Serbian boundaries IB the direction of Bosnia and 1 [em -ovina and re- establlsb the kingdom under, Aaatro-tierman suaer-ntaty with Prince Bite] Kriedrlch, Emperor Will lams sec. mi son, on the Serbian ihrone. A Lloyd*, report says the steamship Norseman, which was reported to bare been sunk, has been beached and that no lives were lost. The Norse-nian. »f 10,730 tons, j owned by the nonunion eompanj ami. according i. the agents of the International Mercantile Marine company, has been under charter to the British admiraltj since Decemher .7 last The Serbian towns of Monastir and Gievegeli bare again been attacked by a squadron of sixteen French aeroplanes, the Athens correspondent of the 1aris Haras agency telegraphs. It is estimated loo persons were killed or wounded at Gievegeli. All the French aeroplanes returned in safety. In some cases they covered a distance of 106 miles. Accordhag to the Loud.ii Standard, the govern-lnent is preparing to make sweeping reeonimenda- I lolls to the house of commons for restriction of importations in order to relieve the strain on shipping. The first list of articles t.. be excluded will la. b .1.- ant. mobiles, building materials and fruit. At Frankfort, Ky.. the statewide prohibition bin was defeated in the state senate by a vote ..f 29 to 14.