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GENERAL NEWS NOTES OF THE DAY. The United States and Germany are sabetaatially in accord in their negotiations on the Lusitania eas. a high administration oflteial authorised "is statement at Washington yesterday after Secretary Lansing had conferred with President Wilson mora than an hour, and toe case had been discussed at length at the cabinet me ting. The whole situation u:: described by administration officials as very , bopefuL" Another high administration official said that the qaae could not be considered anally settled, : i in thai it was hoped a settlement might be reached during the conference between Secretary Lansing and the German ambassador, although that was not absotutelj certain. It was understood t!...i the exact wording of the cooamnnieatioo rabmttted bj Count n Bernstorff was not In entire accord with the views of the president and the cabinet. Private arm«.i- plate manufacturers notified the senate naval committee yesterday they would raise the price of armor plate 1200 ■ ton If • tigress de cides to ireet or purchase armor plate factories toe c the Government. Senatoi Penrose rep. of Penn-syhania notified the committee : the stand of arose* plate manufacturers, those chiefly concerne 1 I being the Bethlehem and Uldvale Steel companies. The imittee voted nevertheless, 9 to 3. to report t favorably Senator Tillmans bill to sutnorhte the secretary of the navy to provide either by erection ■ or purchase an armor plate factory, with capacity of not less than 20,400 tons of armor a year. The bill would appropriate 111,000,000. Active fighting on the Preach front south of the Pixel s nime was annouueed yesterday bj Gern in 1 ; rail headquarters In the course of the engagement the Germans b ~; a small section of one f [ [he trenches they had conquered, but afterward retook the noslrl ■ bj ■ counter attack. The main attack by the French, which had been prepared tot r by beavy artillery lire, was repulsed, the announcement stated Mrs. William Hale Thompson, wife Of the mayor. ia -eriously ill with bronchitis at the Thompson 1 home. .200 Sheridan road Yesterday Dr. Henry B. Favill was called in consultation, she passed 1 a listless night and, although she had suffered 1 seere pain Monday, being scarcely aide to swallow. she »i, mncb worse yesterday, and the mayor r hastily called In Dr. Favill. Tin- fir.-t constitutional congress under the1 Car-ranaa . government In Mexico will be ■ — emhled in 1 Queretaro on September 18, according to Information 1 reaching the MstIts" consulate at Galveston, lev Bnaatea torpedo boats sank forty Turkish sailing vessels in t lie Black sea and bombarded three- nival 1 I anal I II I Hull yards along the Anatolian eeiast. according - to dispatches received in Paris yesterday.