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RACING BILLS IN MARYLAND SENATE. laHlaaai Md.. February 10. — Senator Williams - of Cecil offered, today at Annapolis, a lull de - *gl!"d to put all the race track* out Of business. It is a copy of the New Xotk law and a similar r iaia isjh! to the one offered by him two years ago. . applying •|!-v " ,llf Havre °* "race track. This * Mil was defeated. The proposed law imposes a 1 tiiie ..f 00 f..r accepting a bet. Conviction a 1 eecead time earries with it a sentence of not less * thaa sis month* in the h.piise of correction. Senator Campbell Is preparing a bill, the main 1 purpose ef which i* to get revenue, it is understood that Sot. at-1 Johnson is having a draft prepared - ef a bill alone the same line. These latter r bills, it i* anderatond. will provide for a statewide - racing commission. in any event, race track* prosatoa ta he a live ■ subject in the general assembly, occupying a place s second only in Importance to the prohibition bill. . Hills are promised in the house of delegates, but t o far none have appeared there.