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* STILL HAS FAITH IN BEACH COMBER. lie dd adage, "blood will tell. is to get a thorough test. Last week at the bile Hour Pans the first foal by Beach Comber arrived. Beach Comber is the now ive-vear-oW maiden in the F. B. Bradley stable for which he paid 4, as a yearling. Beach Comber has started, hat has been unable to conned with the winning end of a parse. Despiie bis inability to win Braejfey is still sweet on the son of Rock Sand and intends to give him a :.kmI chance in Ihe -tud. Last winter he was mated with four mare-, and la-t week the first arrived. Trainer CHIT Hauimon remarked at the time it was the handsomest foal lie had ever seen. Beach Comber is by Bock Sand— Fairy Slipper aud is one of the most fashionably bred colls in the world. Bock Sand i- tin- great English stallion imported by August Belmont, and I iary Slipper was one of those wonderful James B. Keene mares. Wheu put up ut .hi" lion Jimmy Bowe hid Slo.OOo for Beach Comber, which would "prove that he was highly thought of by such a food judge of horse th -h. Richard Cro-ker, the former Tammany chieftain and one of the best breeders in the world, last winter told Bradley that even though Beach Comber never won a race, e would give .*J,r .bU for him if sent to Ireland. The war came on and the English and Irish thoroughbred market was demoralized and Bradley re fused to take advantage of Creker*» generous offer. As a sjre around the breeding farms in the vicinity of Lexington the services of F.each Comber can lr.tnlly be given away, but Bradley stoutly maiu- taius" that the fact that he i* u maiden does not alter his blood lines. As a consequence Bradley will have to breed him to his own mares, and he is perfectly willing to take a chance. Beach ..nib-els foals will not be seen on the turf until next year. Cincinnati hmaalrer.