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TIJUANA MAY RESUME NEXT MONTH. Although it was given out after the flood had 1 wipi d out the Tijuana track that racing would not 1 take place there again until July 4. there is an 1 expectation on the coast that it will be resumed at 1 a HMdl earlier date. At any rate, the San Fran-eisco J Chronicle of February 18 says: "Several lior-einen who returned from San Diego yesterday bring word that the work of reconstructing the Tijuana race track commenced on Wednesday. President James W. Coffroth of the Jockey Club lo-t little time, they -ay. in getting things started for an earlv reopening. The fifteen miles of rand-waj from San Diego to Tijuana have been repaired, until automobiles and vehicles can now make the trip. The railroad i« also beiug rapidly restored and indications are that the meeting will be re--uineil bv the latter part of next month, as Cof-froth had hoped. There are still 277 horses on the ground, and practically all of the turfmen will remain over until the races get started again. A few stables save moved to Los Angeles to continue training operation-. Al present the thoroughbreds at Tijuana have no track on which to train, hut the Jockey club officials plan to have a new mile course completely built in ido of two weeks. Constructing a bulkhead and repairing the buildings will require more time, but if the railroad ami transportation facilities are repaired within a month, Tijuana will reopen on March 25. "Juarez i- stated to complete il- UK day meeting tin- early part of nexl month, and it is likely that maiiv of the horses. Jockeys and race followers l here will go to Tijuana. There is quite a delegation in San Francisco ready to go down again."